Here is how it all seems to begin with the creation of everything and the cosmos, including the Deities Apsu and Tiamat. When They mingled their waters of Chaos: Apsu poured the fresh waters of the Abyssal Chaos, Tiamat poured the salty ones. All of this is told to us, or more precisely, this is where the Sumerian-Akkadian creation story begins, which was later rewritten as the Babylonian poem of the creation of the world "Enuma Elish." In the same poem, or even in the same treatise, the myth of the creation of the Universe is further developed: as if Tiamat and Apsu also birthed certain Gods: Lahmu, Lahamu, and Mummu. And they later gave birth to certain "elder gods," who began to trouble and worry Their Parents and Ancestors with their restless behavior. This all turned into a conspiracy against their own "offspring" with the aim of their destruction. The "offspring," led by a certain "Anu," learned of the conspiracy and mysteriously put Apsu to sleep and supposedly killed him as the main instigator of the "conspiracy." Meanwhile, other offspring of their own, that is, the "elder gods," were born and other descendants appeared. And there came to be the so-called "Marduk," supposedly surpassing all in strength and agility. The elder gods began to rely on his protection against the Chaos Gods: Tiamat, Lahmu, Lahamu, and others. Tiamat, in the meantime, decided to avenge the Death of her husband Apsu, and created a whole "army of Monsters":
Giant Lion
Fierce Dog
And to her - Tiamat, and her "army of Chaos Monsters," also joined the Initial Deities of Chaos:
And they all moved into battle against their offspring. But the battle was lost by Them - Marduk allegedly emerged victorious over all of them, and dismembered Tiamat's body, creating from it the earth and the sky. Kingu was allegedly taken captive alive, and later killed to obtain his blood, in order to create humans and animate them with the help of it (Kingu's blood). This is a brief fairy tale tract described by the ancient Sumerian-Akkadian people. From which it follows that man carries within himself a particle of Chaos and is partially "Chaotic" in his structure, but created to serve the elder gods (gods of order).
If one were to analyze and superficially consider it, there is indeed a grain of truth in all this. This truth primarily lies in the context that, at its core, the human subconscious strives for freedom. And in a profound sense, it gravitates towards the Primal Chaos, constantly drawn to Esoteric Knowledge and self-development closely linked to them. By observing nature and everything that occurs: Humanity evolves, goes through stages of development, and makes endless new discoveries. It turns away from mainstream religions (I mean the civilized world). In other words, they "break free from the bondage of Marduk and a number of elder gods of order." Some groups of humanity are far from this, while others are on the verge of such a transition. It varies for everyone, but the path to Infinite Knowledge is still laid out. Those who do not embark on this Path will face degradation, descending to the level of semi-animal intellect. This is a very generalized view when considering the matter.
Delving into the specifics, the end result will not differ much from the foundational indicators. The tractate "Enuma Elish" directly points out that humans were created from the blood of Chaos Deities to serve the "gods of order, elder gods." By observing humanity and mainly analyzing events in the stories of the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the Modern Era, and up to the Late Renaissance, one can conclude, reading between the lines, that this was indeed the case. On the surface. People created idols for themselves, attributing natural phenomena to them. They worshipped them, performed mystical services for them, relied on their invented mercy, and destroyed dissenters who did not want to serve them. In some corners of the planet, this is still happening to some extent in the slow process of development. So, "the power and bondage of Marduk with his band of elder gods still thrives to some extent among those peoples lagging behind the progressive ones." Yet again, this is only a matter of time. Decades, centuries, and even millennia will pass, and all of humanity will cast off the chains of the "elder gods" and progress, following the examples of those more successful in this endeavor. This is the portion of truth embedded in the creation tractate "Enuma Elish," if it is read correctly - between the lines, and reasonable conclusions are drawn. This pertains to ordinary people.
Regarding Practitioners (Priests) evolving in the realm "Beyond the Unknown, Beyond the human Mind and reality," it can be said that They - having regular contact with the Higher Forces of Chaos, the Abyss, and the Worlds of Death - have always been and will be liberated from the bondage of egregores (fabricated elder gods) from the beginning. Although, of course, in all eras there have been, are, and unfortunately will be "practitioners" who draw their strength and sustenance precisely from these egregores. Some from unintentional errors, and others from intentional reluctance to use logic and observation. For if the situation is analyzed and compared - a Practitioner drawing Power from the Higher Entities of Chaos and Their Progeny, TRUE SUPERNATURAL Inhabitants of the Abyss and Chaos, and a Practitioner drawing power from practically unconscious energetic "substances" created specifically by humans and maintained by them - on which side does the balance of superiority lie? The conclusion unequivocally favors the former. Much also depends on the Practitioner - how much they commit to self-development and work persistently on themselves. All this is to say that a Practitioner, beyond the physical material world, is capable of living in the Otherworldly Realm, observing it, and developing their abilities. And after the physical body's death - merely shedding the "muscle-bone shell" - Their soul will represent itself as an Essence of Strength and Intelligence far superior to that of an ordinary mortal. In other words, it will already stand on a certain level on the Path of Development towards the Level of the Higher Entities of the Abyss and Chaos.
Continuing to analyze the creation tractate "Enuma Elish" with the logic and reasoning of the Practitioner, based on Practical Observations, a clear and direct conclusion emerges: There was no actual battle and clash of gods. Indeed, this is precisely the case if one reads between the lines of this poem correctly. The real Gods "have nothing to divide in Truth and Essence." No one destroyed Apsu, Tiamat, Kingu, Lahmu and Lahamu, Hydra, Bull, and Other Deities of Chaos mentioned in this tractate. Yes, and these Forces of Chaos are far from all that reside within it. Chaos is LIMITLESS. Therefore, the number of Its Inhabitants unequivocally does not fit within the bounds of possibility by listing them through earthly arithmetic. It is also LIMITLESS. Apsu, Tiamat, Kingu, and ALL Inhabitants of the Primal Chaos existed, exist, and will always exist. To say that they are simply SUPERNATURAL to establish contact with everyone at the "early stages of the Practitioner" is equivalent to saying nothing at all. They are MEGA-SUPERIOR in intelligence, greatness, strength, power, and skill for that purpose. And this is just a SMALL FRACTION of the understanding of their Essence by earthly reason. For Them and the like to take notice of an emerging Practitioner, it takes YEARS of dedicated self-improvement. There is also Their Progeny - Other Demons of Chaos, Chthonic Deities, Necromancer. Such as Nergal, Ereshkigal, Anzud, Kingaludda (also known as Hastur), Asag, Namtar, Humbaba, Ningizzida, Pazuzu, Lamashtu, and others. In a generalized sense, the Ancients and Their Progeny. The Ancients are precisely the Original Gods of Chaos.
All the elder gods - Marduk, Enki, Shamash, Ishtar, Enlil, Ninurta, and so on - are nothing more than egregores. As mentioned earlier, these were created by humans, desperately believing in their own myths, when they tried to seek refuge from natural phenomena and calamities, attributing these misfortunes to the "Wrath of the Ancient Gods of Chaos." Or even when they truly encountered the manifestations of their (Ancient) Power and Influence on Earth. In their fantasies of that time, people, and even priests of the "gods of order - elder," instructed sculptors and artists of that time how they supposedly saw "monstrous images of the Ancients." Based on their descriptions, these artists reproduced these "images." For example, Tiamat was always depicted either as a "mixture of a dragon and a lioness with elements of amphibians," or as a gigantic serpent. Although there are versions in Sumerology that depict Apsu as a gigantic serpent. There is even another version that Apsu and Tiamat were portrayed as "two giant dragons." Marduk, on the other hand, was depicted as human-like but a more developed warrior, who in the pictures that have survived to our time supposedly "kills Tiamat." And also in the company of the "elder gods supposedly destroys Apsu" (Or Tiamat again - but in a different representation). There is no point in discussing the "credibility" of these images, as it was mentioned earlier in the preceding paragraph. However, images of Tiamat and Apsu only exist in these copies from the original Sumerian tablets that have reached our days. They do not look like this in reality, as They - the Ancients - are FORMLESS, and comprehensively understanding and perceiving their Images with earthly reason is EXTREMELY IMPOSSIBLE. I am simply explaining that all other depictions of Tiamat, Apsu, and the rest of the Ancients are nothing but fabrications and fantasies of modern artists. Paintings with images of Tiamat and either Apsu or Her second form, as represented by people of those times, are presented in this article.
Throughout all times, different subsequent peoples and other ancient ethnic groups also had Knowledge of the Ancients and Their Progeny, just under different names and different forms. People also had their own unique interpretations. Some envisioned them as serpents, dragons, other monsters, some as giant birds or winged reptiles, others even as giant human-like beings. For example, Apsu - in Greek mythology, He is Tartarus, Tiamat - She is Gaia. In Norse mythology, Apsu is Ymir. Among the Slavs, Apsu bears a striking resemblance to Veles (if we look at the actual evidence of Slavic beliefs). Ereshkigal among the Slavs is Mara, Morana. She is Hecate among the Greeks. She is Kali among the Indians. Namtar among the Slavs is Nyan, also known as Kosht. Among the Greeks, He is Thanatos. Among the Slavs, Ningishzida is the Black God, while among the Greeks, He is Hades. Among the Egyptians, Nergal is Set, among the Slavs, he is Viy. Asag among the Slavs is Zmiulan. Kingu among the Norse is the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr. Among the Greeks, He is Ouroboros. Among the Slavs, Anzud is Dy, Div. There are many similarities and the Essence of the True Gods that have been defining humanity throughout history. However, from the viewpoint of Practitioners and based on Their centuries-old experience, one thing needs to be emphasized: Gods always remain true to themselves, as they are by Essence. It doesn't matter how they are called in different languages. Furthermore, in Chaos, the Abyss, and the Necromir, names do not exist at all as such. The Gods of Practice will never "drag Practitioners by the ears" if the Practitioner does not show a desire to work on themselves and constantly raise their Level. Everything remains solely on the Practitioner. They can only "collaborate with Practitioners," and they do so completely differently, perfectly seeing and feeling who represents what, and on what level they are at. In Practice: saving the drowning is the business of the drowning themselves. Common norms of dogmatic morality, ethics, concepts of "good and evil," etc., are completely absent in Practice. Firstly, when embarking on the Path of Darkness, the Abyss, and Chaos, one should discard all values and norms of morality imposed by society. Because this is a barrier, the very first on the path, which needs not just to be crossed but "shattered to pieces." For there are Fundamental Truths for those on the Path of Darkness:
There is no good, and there is no evil. There is only reality, and all its consequences.
For every action, there is a reaction.
For every tough hide, there is its sharp needle.
It doesn't matter who is 'good' or 'bad' - what matters is who has the gun.
There is nothing eternal in this world because it itself is not eternal from the beginning.
It is essential to always remember these fundamental principles!
Here is how it all seems to begin with the creation of everything and the cosmos, including the Deities Apsu and Tiamat. When They mingled their waters of Chaos: Apsu poured the fresh waters of the Abyssal Chaos, Tiamat poured the salty ones. All of this is told to us, or more precisely, this is where the Sumerian-Akkadian creation story begins, which was later rewritten as the Babylonian poem of the creation of the world "Enuma Elish." In the same poem, or even in the same treatise, the myth of the creation of the Universe is further developed: as if Tiamat and Apsu also birthed certain Gods: Lahmu, Lahamu, and Mummu. And they later gave birth to certain "elder gods," who began to trouble and worry Their Parents and Ancestors with their restless behavior. This all turned into a conspiracy against their own "offspring" with the aim of their destruction. The "offspring," led by a certain "Anu," learned of the conspiracy and mysteriously put Apsu to sleep and supposedly killed him as the main instigator of the "conspiracy." Meanwhile, other offspring of their own, that is, the "elder gods," were born and other descendants appeared. And there came to be the so-called "Marduk," supposedly surpassing all in strength and agility. The elder gods began to rely on his protection against the Chaos Gods: Tiamat, Lahmu, Lahamu, and others. Tiamat, in the meantime, decided to avenge the Death of her husband Apsu, and created a whole "army of Monsters":
Giant Lion
Fierce Dog
And to her - Tiamat, and her "army of Chaos Monsters," also joined the Initial Deities of Chaos:
And they all moved into battle against their offspring. But the battle was lost by Them - Marduk allegedly emerged victorious over all of them, and dismembered Tiamat's body, creating from it the earth and the sky. Kingu was allegedly taken captive alive, and later killed to obtain his blood, in order to create humans and animate them with the help of it (Kingu's blood). This is a brief fairy tale tract described by the ancient Sumerian-Akkadian people. From which it follows that man carries within himself a particle of Chaos and is partially "Chaotic" in his structure, but created to serve the elder gods (gods of order).
If one were to analyze and superficially consider it, there is indeed a grain of truth in all this. This truth primarily lies in the context that, at its core, the human subconscious strives for freedom. And in a profound sense, it gravitates towards the Primal Chaos, constantly drawn to Esoteric Knowledge and self-development closely linked to them. By observing nature and everything that occurs: Humanity evolves, goes through stages of development, and makes endless new discoveries. It turns away from mainstream religions (I mean the civilized world). In other words, they "break free from the bondage of Marduk and a number of elder gods of order." Some groups of humanity are far from this, while others are on the verge of such a transition. It varies for everyone, but the path to Infinite Knowledge is still laid out. Those who do not embark on this Path will face degradation, descending to the level of semi-animal intellect. This is a very generalized view when considering the matter.
Delving into the specifics, the end result will not differ much from the foundational indicators. The tractate "Enuma Elish" directly points out that humans were created from the blood of Chaos Deities to serve the "gods of order, elder gods." By observing humanity and mainly analyzing events in the stories of the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the Modern Era, and up to the Late Renaissance, one can conclude, reading between the lines, that this was indeed the case. On the surface. People created idols for themselves, attributing natural phenomena to them. They worshipped them, performed mystical services for them, relied on their invented mercy, and destroyed dissenters who did not want to serve them. In some corners of the planet, this is still happening to some extent in the slow process of development. So, "the power and bondage of Marduk with his band of elder gods still thrives to some extent among those peoples lagging behind the progressive ones." Yet again, this is only a matter of time. Decades, centuries, and even millennia will pass, and all of humanity will cast off the chains of the "elder gods" and progress, following the examples of those more successful in this endeavor. This is the portion of truth embedded in the creation tractate "Enuma Elish," if it is read correctly - between the lines, and reasonable conclusions are drawn. This pertains to ordinary people.
Regarding Practitioners (Priests) evolving in the realm "Beyond the Unknown, Beyond the human Mind and reality," it can be said that They - having regular contact with the Higher Forces of Chaos, the Abyss, and the Worlds of Death - have always been and will be liberated from the bondage of egregores (fabricated elder gods) from the beginning. Although, of course, in all eras there have been, are, and unfortunately will be "practitioners" who draw their strength and sustenance precisely from these egregores. Some from unintentional errors, and others from intentional reluctance to use logic and observation. For if the situation is analyzed and compared - a Practitioner drawing Power from the Higher Entities of Chaos and Their Progeny, TRUE SUPERNATURAL Inhabitants of the Abyss and Chaos, and a Practitioner drawing power from practically unconscious energetic "substances" created specifically by humans and maintained by them - on which side does the balance of superiority lie? The conclusion unequivocally favors the former. Much also depends on the Practitioner - how much they commit to self-development and work persistently on themselves. All this is to say that a Practitioner, beyond the physical material world, is capable of living in the Otherworldly Realm, observing it, and developing their abilities. And after the physical body's death - merely shedding the "muscle-bone shell" - Their soul will represent itself as an Essence of Strength and Intelligence far superior to that of an ordinary mortal. In other words, it will already stand on a certain level on the Path of Development towards the Level of the Higher Entities of the Abyss and Chaos.
Continuing to analyze the creation tractate "Enuma Elish" with the logic and reasoning of the Practitioner, based on Practical Observations, a clear and direct conclusion emerges: There was no actual battle and clash of gods. Indeed, this is precisely the case if one reads between the lines of this poem correctly. The real Gods "have nothing to divide in Truth and Essence." No one destroyed Apsu, Tiamat, Kingu, Lahmu and Lahamu, Hydra, Bull, and Other Deities of Chaos mentioned in this tractate. Yes, and these Forces of Chaos are far from all that reside within it. Chaos is LIMITLESS. Therefore, the number of Its Inhabitants unequivocally does not fit within the bounds of possibility by listing them through earthly arithmetic. It is also LIMITLESS. Apsu, Tiamat, Kingu, and ALL Inhabitants of the Primal Chaos existed, exist, and will always exist. To say that they are simply SUPERNATURAL to establish contact with everyone at the "early stages of the Practitioner" is equivalent to saying nothing at all. They are MEGA-SUPERIOR in intelligence, greatness, strength, power, and skill for that purpose. And this is just a SMALL FRACTION of the understanding of their Essence by earthly reason. For Them and the like to take notice of an emerging Practitioner, it takes YEARS of dedicated self-improvement. There is also Their Progeny - Other Demons of Chaos, Chthonic Deities, Necromancer. Such as Nergal, Ereshkigal, Anzud, Kingaludda (also known as Hastur), Asag, Namtar, Humbaba, Ningizzida, Pazuzu, Lamashtu, and others. In a generalized sense, the Ancients and Their Progeny. The Ancients are precisely the Original Gods of Chaos.
All the elder gods - Marduk, Enki, Shamash, Ishtar, Enlil, Ninurta, and so on - are nothing more than egregores. As mentioned earlier, these were created by humans, desperately believing in their own myths, when they tried to seek refuge from natural phenomena and calamities, attributing these misfortunes to the "Wrath of the Ancient Gods of Chaos." Or even when they truly encountered the manifestations of their (Ancient) Power and Influence on Earth. In their fantasies of that time, people, and even priests of the "gods of order - elder," instructed sculptors and artists of that time how they supposedly saw "monstrous images of the Ancients." Based on their descriptions, these artists reproduced these "images." For example, Tiamat was always depicted either as a "mixture of a dragon and a lioness with elements of amphibians," or as a gigantic serpent. Although there are versions in Sumerology that depict Apsu as a gigantic serpent. There is even another version that Apsu and Tiamat were portrayed as "two giant dragons." Marduk, on the other hand, was depicted as human-like but a more developed warrior, who in the pictures that have survived to our time supposedly "kills Tiamat." And also in the company of the "elder gods supposedly destroys Apsu" (Or Tiamat again - but in a different representation). There is no point in discussing the "credibility" of these images, as it was mentioned earlier in the preceding paragraph. However, images of Tiamat and Apsu only exist in these copies from the original Sumerian tablets that have reached our days. They do not look like this in reality, as They - the Ancients - are FORMLESS, and comprehensively understanding and perceiving their Images with earthly reason is EXTREMELY IMPOSSIBLE. I am simply explaining that all other depictions of Tiamat, Apsu, and the rest of the Ancients are nothing but fabrications and fantasies of modern artists. Paintings with images of Tiamat and either Apsu or Her second form, as represented by people of those times, are presented in this article.
Throughout all times, different subsequent peoples and other ancient ethnic groups also had Knowledge of the Ancients and Their Progeny, just under different names and different forms. People also had their own unique interpretations. Some envisioned them as serpents, dragons, other monsters, some as giant birds or winged reptiles, others even as giant human-like beings. For example, Apsu - in Greek mythology, He is Tartarus, Tiamat - She is Gaia. In Norse mythology, Apsu is Ymir. Among the Slavs, Apsu bears a striking resemblance to Veles (if we look at the actual evidence of Slavic beliefs). Ereshkigal among the Slavs is Mara, Morana. She is Hecate among the Greeks. She is Kali among the Indians. Namtar among the Slavs is Nyan, also known as Kosht. Among the Greeks, He is Thanatos. Among the Slavs, Ningishzida is the Black God, while among the Greeks, He is Hades. Among the Egyptians, Nergal is Set, among the Slavs, he is Viy. Asag among the Slavs is Zmiulan. Kingu among the Norse is the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr. Among the Greeks, He is Ouroboros. Among the Slavs, Anzud is Dy, Div. There are many similarities and the Essence of the True Gods that have been defining humanity throughout history. However, from the viewpoint of Practitioners and based on Their centuries-old experience, one thing needs to be emphasized: Gods always remain true to themselves, as they are by Essence. It doesn't matter how they are called in different languages. Furthermore, in Chaos, the Abyss, and the Necromir, names do not exist at all as such. The Gods of Practice will never "drag Practitioners by the ears" if the Practitioner does not show a desire to work on themselves and constantly raise their Level. Everything remains solely on the Practitioner. They can only "collaborate with Practitioners," and they do so completely differently, perfectly seeing and feeling who represents what, and on what level they are at. In Practice: saving the drowning is the business of the drowning themselves. Common norms of dogmatic morality, ethics, concepts of "good and evil," etc., are completely absent in Practice. Firstly, when embarking on the Path of Darkness, the Abyss, and Chaos, one should discard all values and norms of morality imposed by society. Because this is a barrier, the very first on the path, which needs not just to be crossed but "shattered to pieces." For there are Fundamental Truths for those on the Path of Darkness:
There is no good, and there is no evil. There is only reality, and all its consequences.
For every action, there is a reaction.
For every tough hide, there is its sharp needle.
It doesn't matter who is 'good' or 'bad' - what matters is who has the gun.
There is nothing eternal in this world because it itself is not eternal from the beginning.
It is essential to always remember these fundamental principles!