Mother of Raw Earth, Goddess of fertility, and consequently of the harvest in Ancient Slavic beliefs. There is also a presumption that She is the Mother of all living beings in general. But who is She? What does She represent and what are the main functions She embodies? Unlike Celtic, Germanic-Scandinavian, Ancient Greek, Semitic, Sumerian-Akkadian, Assyrian, Ancient Egyptian, and other Pagan religions, the Russo-Slavic Paganism has left very little information behind. The debate among scholars continues on whether the Slavs - Rusichi had writing before. Mikhail Lomonosov repeatedly refuted the claims of the absence of writing among the Slavs, as did Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov and a number of other scholars mentioned in his book. Nonetheless, there is still much missing information, and modern Science has not yet arrived at a single undisputed conclusion. Of course, information about the ancient Slavic religion, and especially about the deities, is much more vague and entangled. The reason for this is well known - the intense struggle against Paganism during the total and extremely harsh Christianization of Rus, during which even the slightest traces of early pre-Christian Paganism were destroyed. The Knowledge presented on any written carriers of information was actively destroyed through burning. It is clear why we have so little information today about the deities, whose names have survived in history and have reached our days. Specifically about the Great Goddess - Mother of Raw Earth, according to scholars' assumptions, revered by the Slavs as the Goddess-Mother of all living beings - humans, animals, plants, and all living creatures. And even fertility. It is easy to intuitively guess that the Nature Deity, about which there is even less information and is more vague, is most likely one of Her manifestations. Everything is closely interconnected: Living soil - living flora - living microorganisms - living various classes, orders, genera, and so on - living beings more or less developed - humans. According to believers (of any denomination), humans are also a Deity "breathing life" into all the mentioned life forms. The Earth "producing" life and Nature "giving life - breathing life" in this vivid process are inseparable, and existence and meaning to it are automatically lost without each other. Therefore, both the living Earth and the Nature governing climate cycles, periods, and processes, giving and supporting this original life of the Earth - BOTH are components of a certain unified "Supreme Organism." In essence, Nature and the Mother of Raw Earth are one and the same Deity. Let us consider the evidence of scholars who have studied the information about Slavic religion and what they assume about this Goddess - Mother of Raw Earth.
Mother - Sira? Earth? (Ukrainian: Earth - holy mother; Serbian: Majka zemlja) - the personified image of the earth in Slavic mythology. The Earth was considered the mother of all living beings and plants, the epitome of fertility. It was opposed to the personified Sky (or the Thunderer god) and considered his spouse. The Sky or Thunderer god fertilized the Earth with rain, after which she would yield (give birth to) the harvest.
Image of Mother Earth
The image of Mother Earth dates back to ancient times - at least to the Proto-Indo-European era. This is evidenced by numerous parallels to this character in the mythologies of Indo-European peoples: Demeter (linguistically a direct analog of Old Russian Zem-Mater) in Greek mythology, Anahita in Iranian, Zemyna (direct linguistic analog of Russian "Zemlya") in Lithuanian, and others.
From the Earth (clay, dust), according to apocryphal texts and folk legends, the human body was created: his soul, after death, ascends to the upper world, while the body returns to the Earth (compare with the belief in Belarus that the soul finally separates from the body when the first handful of Earth falls on the coffin).
According to Slavic tradition, Earth symbolizes motherhood and the feminine principle. By receiving seeds, Earth becomes pregnant and gives a new harvest; she is the universal Mother and nurturer: feeding the living and accepting the dead. In Russian riddles, Earth is associated with the image of "a mother common to all." The well-known expression "Mother - Sira Earth" in Russian folklore primarily signifies land fertilized by heavenly moisture. Accordingly, the dried-up, infertile Earth is compared in Russian spiritual verses to a widow. Before sowing, peasants would turn to the saints with a request to "quench the thirst of Mother - Sira Earth with cold dew, so that she may bring grain, stir it up, make it grow into big ears" (Orlovsky).
MAKOSH ("Mother of the Harvest" Mokosh). An ancient goddess of the earth ("Mother-Sira-Earth") and fertility. Complemented by "vily" - rusalki, who provide irrigation for fields with dew. In archaic Russian ritual embroidery, she is depicted between two birth-givers - Lada and Lela. She can be equated with the Greek Demeter ("Mother Earth"). Depicted in the main face of the Zbruch idol with a symbol of the "horn of plenty."
Also, the image of this Goddess exists in folklore. For example: "NO ONE WILL SEPARATE US - ONLY MOTHER SIRA EARTH" and many similar examples exist. And what do Occult Practices know and believe on this matter? Here we can boldly give a bright and vivid example from the charms of the Village Black Book. I will provide an excerpt from one of the incantations: "MOTHER SIRA EARTH, YOU HAVE SEEN ALL SORROWS, YOU HAVE SEEN ALL THE DEAD." Here it is directly indicated that this Deity has a very close relationship with the Afterlife. Therefore, it is also an inspiration for Necromancy. But this is FAR FROM all of Her functions, and not quite the main ones. Also, if we draw parallels with other Ancient religions, particularly with the Paganism of Ancient peoples, then personally as a Practitioner who has been devoted to it for a very long time, I can firmly and confidently point out the manifestations of this same Goddess in other Ancient religions. She is Gaia among the Hellenes, she is Yemaya in the Voodoo tradition, she is Tiamat in the Sumerian-Akkadian epic. This Deity unequivocally represents one of the Great and Mighty Forces of Primordial Chaos, having the most direct and immediate connection to it. She is also the Dominant Force and Representative of the Nekrosphere, that is, the Afterlife. And at the same time, as the Greatest Force of Chaos, fully capable of destroying and creating, as well as preserving and halting all life and any processes in the physical world, she also gives life to all living beings. Taking into account all the information provided, my Occult research, experience, feelings during contacts with Her during Ritual work, my own composed incantations, and diagrams of Ritual processes - repeatedly used and tested in Practice, I can confidently and openly declare: Her full name in modern Russian should sound like: NATURE - MOTHER OF RAW EARTH. I have been using this full name in my Practice for a very long time. And the "correctness of the full name" has been repeatedly confirmed by the fruits of all the Ritual processes related to this Deity and established by me with this name. To all Practitioners who have a connection to this Goddess, I strongly advise using her full name: NATURE - MOTHER OF RAW EARTH. And the results of your contacts and occult work will have a better chance of changing for the better.
Mother of Raw Earth, Goddess of fertility, and consequently of the harvest in Ancient Slavic beliefs. There is also a presumption that She is the Mother of all living beings in general. But who is She? What does She represent and what are the main functions She embodies? Unlike Celtic, Germanic-Scandinavian, Ancient Greek, Semitic, Sumerian-Akkadian, Assyrian, Ancient Egyptian, and other Pagan religions, the Russo-Slavic Paganism has left very little information behind. The debate among scholars continues on whether the Slavs - Rusichi had writing before. Mikhail Lomonosov repeatedly refuted the claims of the absence of writing among the Slavs, as did Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov and a number of other scholars mentioned in his book. Nonetheless, there is still much missing information, and modern Science has not yet arrived at a single undisputed conclusion. Of course, information about the ancient Slavic religion, and especially about the deities, is much more vague and entangled. The reason for this is well known - the intense struggle against Paganism during the total and extremely harsh Christianization of Rus, during which even the slightest traces of early pre-Christian Paganism were destroyed. The Knowledge presented on any written carriers of information was actively destroyed through burning. It is clear why we have so little information today about the deities, whose names have survived in history and have reached our days. Specifically about the Great Goddess - Mother of Raw Earth, according to scholars' assumptions, revered by the Slavs as the Goddess-Mother of all living beings - humans, animals, plants, and all living creatures. And even fertility. It is easy to intuitively guess that the Nature Deity, about which there is even less information and is more vague, is most likely one of Her manifestations. Everything is closely interconnected: Living soil - living flora - living microorganisms - living various classes, orders, genera, and so on - living beings more or less developed - humans. According to believers (of any denomination), humans are also a Deity "breathing life" into all the mentioned life forms. The Earth "producing" life and Nature "giving life - breathing life" in this vivid process are inseparable, and existence and meaning to it are automatically lost without each other. Therefore, both the living Earth and the Nature governing climate cycles, periods, and processes, giving and supporting this original life of the Earth - BOTH are components of a certain unified "Supreme Organism." In essence, Nature and the Mother of Raw Earth are one and the same Deity. Let us consider the evidence of scholars who have studied the information about Slavic religion and what they assume about this Goddess - Mother of Raw Earth..
Mother - Sira? Earth? (Ukrainian: Earth - holy mother; Serbian: Majka zemlja) - the personified image of the earth in Slavic mythology. The Earth was considered the mother of all living beings and plants, the epitome of fertility. It was opposed to the personified Sky (or the Thunderer god) and considered his spouse. The Sky or Thunderer god fertilized the Earth with rain, after which she would yield (give birth to) the harvest.
Image of Mother Earth
The image of Mother Earth dates back to ancient times - at least to the Proto-Indo-European era. This is evidenced by numerous parallels to this character in the mythologies of Indo-European peoples: Demeter (linguistically a direct analog of Old Russian Zem-Mater) in Greek mythology, Anahita in Iranian, Zemyna (direct linguistic analog of Russian "Zemlya") in Lithuanian, and others.
From the Earth (clay, dust), according to apocryphal texts and folk legends, the human body was created: his soul, after death, ascends to the upper world, while the body returns to the Earth (compare with the belief in Belarus that the soul finally separates from the body when the first handful of Earth falls on the coffin).
According to Slavic tradition, Earth symbolizes motherhood and the feminine principle. By receiving seeds, Earth becomes pregnant and gives a new harvest; she is the universal Mother and nurturer: feeding the living and accepting the dead. In Russian riddles, Earth is associated with the image of "a mother common to all." The well-known expression "Mother - Sira Earth" in Russian folklore primarily signifies land fertilized by heavenly moisture. Accordingly, the dried-up, infertile Earth is compared in Russian spiritual verses to a widow. Before sowing, peasants would turn to the saints with a request to "quench the thirst of Mother - Sira Earth with cold dew, so that she may bring grain, stir it up, make it grow into big ears" (Orlovsky).
MAKOSH ("Mother of the Harvest" Mokosh). An ancient goddess of the earth ("Mother-Sira-Earth") and fertility. Complemented by "vily" - rusalki, who provide irrigation for fields with dew. In archaic Russian ritual embroidery, she is depicted between two birth-givers - Lada and Lela. She can be equated with the Greek Demeter ("Mother Earth"). Depicted in the main face of the Zbruch idol with a symbol of the "horn of plenty."
Also, the image of this Goddess exists in folklore. For example: "NO ONE WILL SEPARATE US - ONLY MOTHER SIRA EARTH" and many similar examples exist. And what do Occult Practices know and believe on this matter? Here we can boldly give a bright and vivid example from the charms of the Village Black Book. I will provide an excerpt from one of the incantations: "MOTHER SIRA EARTH, YOU HAVE SEEN ALL SORROWS, YOU HAVE SEEN ALL THE DEAD." Here it is directly indicated that this Deity has a very close relationship with the Afterlife. Therefore, it is also an inspiration for Necromancy. But this is FAR FROM all of Her functions, and not quite the main ones. Also, if we draw parallels with other Ancient religions, particularly with the Paganism of Ancient peoples, then personally as a Practitioner who has been devoted to it for a very long time, I can firmly and confidently point out the manifestations of this same Goddess in other Ancient religions. She is Gaia among the Hellenes, she is Yemaya in the Voodoo tradition, she is Tiamat in the Sumerian-Akkadian epic. This Deity unequivocally represents one of the Great and Mighty Forces of Primordial Chaos, having the most direct and immediate connection to it. She is also the Dominant Force and Representative of the Nekrosphere, that is, the Afterlife. And at the same time, as the Greatest Force of Chaos, fully capable of destroying and creating, as well as preserving and halting all life and any processes in the physical world, she also gives life to all living beings. Taking into account all the information provided, my Occult research, experience, feelings during contacts with Her during Ritual work, my own composed incantations, and diagrams of Ritual processes - repeatedly used and tested in Practice, I can confidently and openly declare: Her full name in modern Russian should sound like: NATURE - MOTHER OF RAW EARTH. I have been using this full name in my Practice for a very long time. And the "correctness of the full name" has been repeatedly confirmed by the fruits of all the Ritual processes related to this Deity and established by me with this name. To all Practitioners who have a connection to this Goddess, I strongly advise using her full name: NATURE - MOTHER OF RAW EARTH. And the results of your contacts and occult work will have a better chance of changing for the better.