Mag Thanatos. Charlatanism in selling souls to the Devil. My reviews and advice. 

To start with, here are a few quotes from folklore:
"No matter how much have you talk about, it won't sweeten your mouth." ""No matter how much a crow flies, it's still far from a falcon." "What's meant for the butt is not meant for the deacon." "If you like the honey, you'll have to put up with the cold." "The devil is not as scary as he's portrayed." "You can't jump higher than your head." "You can't run away from yourself." "No matter how high you fly in the clouds, you'll still come back down to earth." 

Such popular aphorisms together indicate that no matter what illusions a person may be filled with, they will remain illusions. And all these mirages are just a temporary phenomenon, which eventually gives way to harsh reality. Returning to it after passing illusions "rose-colored glasses" is also a process no less harsh. Even more terrible disappointments are such illusions, which concern much more serious and extremely intolerant of irresponsibility and recklessness: Unidentified, Magic, Occultism, let alone Gods, Demons, Dark Forces. This article will focus on the "Selling of the soul to the Devil" to all interested (and not interested).
For some, this may seem like complete nonsense (and it's right that it seems so), for some, it somehow is not needed at all (why bother when everything is already good and nothing bothers), some show a healthy interest in this (it's interesting what really hides under this mask), as well as an unhealthy interest - expressed in an increased desire, like "Selling your soul to the Devil for a carefree life and satisfaction of all your various desires." The last option of interest from the entire population of the planet "Earth" unfortunately constitutes a very large percentage. The predominant age is mainly from teenage years, and ends at around 25. Less often 28-30. Even less common 30-35. But even rarely, those in the age group of 40-45. What makes people believe or perceive such a phenomenon, or rather the action called "Selling one's soul to the Devil", improperly? The answers are visible to the naked eye: Yellow press of all times and peoples, tales-myths with legends on this topic, medieval notes with fantasies of inquisitors about "Witches flying to the Sabbath on broomsticks, and copulating with Beelzebub", various kinds of fiction and various films like "The Devil's Advocate", "House of Wax 1st part", "The Omen", "Master and Margarita", finally fantasies and deceit of charlatans to make their life carefree in exchange for a soul, supposedly given to the Devil.
Many people are most attracted to the above-mentioned film, "The Devil's Advocate." You have to be very naive to believe that by "signing a contract with the Devil", a person will be lying on a couch, chewing on cotton candy, snapping their fingers to fulfill any wish, moving their hands through the air and using these movements to move heavy objects with people and throwing them over long distances. It makes you want to ask these naive "Harry Potters" - have they ever seen such things in real life, besides on TV screens and monitors? And especially for just a seemingly insignificant "Contract with the Devil" - that's just the beginning. Have they ever seen Real Voodoo Sorcerers, Warlocks, Necromancers, Clairvoyants, those with Telekinesis in real life, not those who pretend to be them on TV, in yellow press, and the internet? If they had ever met even one, and actually saw how Magic and Paranormal abilities work, all the fantasy would fly out of their heads. The misconceptions would automatically separate from reality in their minds. But not everyone is so lucky, unfortunately.
Continuing the topic of "Selling Souls to the Devil," I will first give a small excerpt from Wikipedia as an example:
"These acts were often presented as evidence of a contract with the Devil, although critics argue that there is no evidence as to whether they are genuine, written by insane individuals who believed they were dealing with a Demon, or simply fake acts presented to the courts of the Inquisition. Typically, the acts included strange symbols which were considered signatures of the Demon, and each had its own signature or seal. Books such as 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' (also known as Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis), provide a detailed list of these signs, known as 'Devil Signs.'"
This is what Wikipedia tells us. As we can see: There are inventions of the Inquisition, pressured fictional testimonies - where at the end of the fantasies presented, individuals were required to simply say "yes" to the subject of investigation, and there are also signs from Goetia (The Lesser Key of Solomon). Even Wikipedia and critics cannot give an exact and exhaustive answer.
What was it after all - unhealthy inventions of the Inquisition, or real "Sales of Souls to the Devil," or something else that some defendants did not disclose under horrific torture? In reality, it was nothing but symbols used in various types of Magical operations. What could illiterate representatives of inquisitorial investigations know about them? Exactly the same as the present-day commoners know about the Witches of the Voodoo tradition and their Magical Ceremonies. Based on the widespread illiteracy that reigned in the Middle Ages, various inventions, speculations, and fantasies were built, to the extent of zombifying the population by the churches. It becomes clear that simple magical actions, whether it be "Gaining some advantage through Higher Powers," a banal love spell, or the same curses and hexes using Magical signs, were almost entirely attributed to fictional "Contracts with the Devil for selling one's soul." It's laughter through tears in a word.
So, let's put all the dots over the "i" in continuation of the topic. People of different ethnicities have always called the same Higher Powers by different names. For example, Veles - the Ancient Slavic God of fields and forests - was known as Baal among the Ancient Carthaginians, and as Cernunnos among the Celts, the descriptions of Enlil align with Him among the Sumerians. Viy – the Ancient Slavic God of Hell, was also known as Set among the Egyptians, and as Nergal among the Sumerians. The Babylonian deified egregore Marduk, portrayed as the supreme supreme deity among the Egyptians, was called Aton, which is also presented as Yahweh among the Jews, and in Christianity represented as the same "supreme," and the triune deity also in the guise of the character Yeshua Moshiach (Jesus Christ). As we can see, people have always worshipped the same Gods, Spirits, and Egregores throughout all times. The era changed, and the names of Higher Powers changed as well. But they did not become "different" from this in any way, but remained always true to themselves. When the "monotheization" of Europe, as well as the Middle and Near East happened - the acceptance of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, then the egregore Marduk-Aton-Sabaoth was raised to cult status, but already under the names: Yahweh, Jehovah, Christ, Allah. What happened to the names of Higher Powers that were worshipped in Pagan times? They were "demonized" by the "writers" of the Bible, the Quran, the Torah. They were artificially named "Demons - Monsters" and according to the "new scriptures" were "repainted" as Entities - opponents of the purported "supreme." In the Kabbalah, it's a bit simpler, in terms of the theory related to the "Ein Sof." New generations of people, raised by society in the spirit of monotheism, and those who became Occult Practitioners, "worked and continue to work" with the same Higher Powers, only under different names as a result. This is how it looks in a broader view of the situation. Concepts such as "God" and "Satan" immediately fall away in this wide view, also discarding any notion of a "conflict between the god Yahweh and Satan." And a sound conclusion immediately arises: There are Higher Powers, and there are only egregores. What is an "egregore":
From the perspective of bioenergy informatics, an "egregore" is an energy-informational structure that originates from the confluence of emotions and thoughts of a group of people bound together by a common idea. Various egregores are postulated to exist: religious, tribal, clan, magical orders, certain philosophical doctrines, creative schools, dedicated working collectives, social movements, and so forth. Here is a prominent example of an egregore: Jesus Christ - a deified fictional character, Buddha - a deified human, Allah - Jehovah - Marduk - fictional and deified beings. 
Returning to the topic of "Sales of Souls to the Devil," superficially viewed, it turns out to be just an illusion, much like the fictional deified egregores. If we dig deeper, it appears to be an attempt to connect with a Higher Power for a transaction of one's soul into servitude or "consumption" after physical death in exchange for various benefits while the body is alive. One might ask such individuals: Do the Higher Dark Forces truly need their worthless souls? Do they believe that if their soul is "consumed" by the Higher Power, that Higher Power would be greatly interested in it? If they bring their soul into servitude to the Higher Power, why should that Higher Power also be interested in it? And the simplest question that enthusiasts of these illusions should ask themselves first and foremost: What value and worth does their souls represent in the world of Darkness, Abyss, and Chaos? What have they achieved of such great value in their arduous self-improvement work? Are they accomplished Occult Practitioners? 
An Occult Practitioner, a Ceremonial Magician, a Voodoo or Slavic Black Magic Witch, a Medium, a Priest, a Necromancer, and so forth, without any thought of material gain voluntarily dedicates their life to Collaboration with Higher Powers. This service - "collaboration" is nothing but the entire earthly life of a Practitioner, developing their knowledge of all things Secret and Unknowable, gaining Strength from Higher Entities, transcending the boundaries of "humanity," and of course, lifelong dedicated work on themselves. The Practitioner achieves the necessary and material things on their own, and not by receiving "millions of dollars from Dark Forces." With each stage, equivalent to several years of Self-Development, the Practitioner undergoes new initiations - "Closeness with Higher Powers," acquiring "New Knowledge from Them" as a result. These rites are conducted both by a Clan-Coven and individually. It is precisely in these initiation ceremonies that Magical Signs are used. Therefore, traces of such rituals were misunderstood by ignorant individuals as a "Contract to sell one's soul to the Devil." Logically speaking, would an Occult Practitioner, even in theory, with knowledge of all the schemes of interaction with Higher Powers, remotely consider or promise to surrender their soul into servitude or consumption by them? Especially when they already know that there is no benefit or gain to be had from Postmortem servitude or "self-liquidation" of their soul.
With his proper "work on oneself," he is already guaranteed an "upward step" in Development, becoming something greater than just a Soul. Will he really go to such madness from a logical and sane point of view? The answer is clear.
In order for Higher Powers to accept a soul into servitude or "for meat," so to speak, ritual sacrifices are made. And during these sacrifices, the subject being "offered" is not asked at all what they want in return during earthly life. Human sacrifices were practiced in slave-owning societies and in the Middle Ages when human life was worth nothing. Also notorious for this was the Satanic Order of the Nine Angles, which was arrested, condemned, and then recreated, but this time with all the laws observed. Closer to the topic - the soul of the "victim" is handed over to the Higher Powers HERE AND NOW, and not as a debt or for the benefit of the victim. The fate of both "ritually slain" and "ritually suicidal" is the same: "Long live postmortem servitude!" or "You are no longer among the living nor the Dead!" In addition, simple victims (not ritualistically) often face a rather unpleasant fate: they are forced to wander between the world of the living and the Dead. For various reasons, they cannot enter the Realms of Death and find peace. Achieving this for the souls of the slain requires a lot of time and effort. This is the case in the overwhelming majority of cases. There are exceptions, of course, but the fate of suicides is much worse. They are not accepted into the Realms of the Dead at all. They are forced to wander unrested for much longer than the slain. This fate befalls the slain and the suicidal. And the fate is several times worse for those who commit actions of this nature alone or with others, but only for the ritual purpose of handing over the soul to Higher Powers.
As we can see, there is no benefit from this for simple mortals seeking "patties and gingerbread" for their souls from Dark Entities, let alone for Serious Strong Practitioners. No one gives, and will not give, "heavenly manna" or millions of dollars from the Abyss to those seeking adrenaline and romantic adventures in life. The soul will have to be given right at the moment if a miracle happens and "contact is established with a Higher Power" to achieve this goal. The question is whether the souls of such light-minded romantics are needed by Higher Powers, and whether they will make contact with them - which is highly doubtful. Moreover, there are no "easy gains of souls with subsequent resales" among the traditions of Voodoo Practitioners, Masters of Ceremonies, Necromancers, Shamans, Magicians of various traditions, and other Occult Practitioners, contrary to all myths, legends, and fabrications. They can only establish contact with the soul during an Occult or Spiritual ceremony and obtain the necessary information. It is simply impossible to imagine: How can a person, even if they are a seasoned Practitioner, being "confined in the physical fleshly shell," capture and "escort" a Beyond-entity, no matter what "rank."
In conclusion of this article, I can only advise enthusiasts of such fantasies as "Selling and reselling souls to the Devil" to lower their enthusiasm for reading yellow press, fantasy, and to engage logic and common sense. And the chances of falling for a charlatan who simply takes money from such simple people for empty promises, to put it mildly, "for nothing" will drastically decrease. Good luck to you, Common Sense, and All Good!
The article was posted by me: Mag Thanatos. Charlatanism in the sale of souls to the Devil. My reviews and advice.
 To start with, here are a few quotes from folklore:
"No matter how much have you talk about, it won't sweeten your mouth." ""No matter how much a crow flies, it's still far from a falcon." "What's meant for the butt is not meant for the deacon." "If you like the honey, you'll have to put up with the cold." "The devil is not as scary as he's portrayed." "You can't jump higher than your head." "You can't run away from yourself." "No matter how high you fly in the clouds, you'll still come back down to earth."  

Such popular aphorisms together indicate that no matter what illusions a person may be filled with, they will remain illusions. And all these mirages are just a temporary phenomenon, which eventually gives way to harsh reality. Returning to it after passing illusions "rose-colored glasses" is also a process no less harsh. Even more terrible disappointments are such illusions, which concern much more serious and extremely intolerant of irresponsibility and recklessness: Unidentified, Magic, Occultism, let alone Gods, Demons, Dark Forces. This article will focus on the "Selling of the soul to the Devil" to all interested (and not interested).
For some, this may seem like complete nonsense (and it's right that it seems so), for some, it somehow is not needed at all (why bother when everything is already good and nothing bothers), some show a healthy interest in this (it's interesting what really hides under this mask), as well as an unhealthy interest - expressed in an increased desire, like "Selling your soul to the Devil for a carefree life and satisfaction of all your various desires." The last option of interest from the entire population of the planet "Earth" unfortunately constitutes a very large percentage. The predominant age is mainly from teenage years, and ends at around 25. Less often 28-30. Even less common 30-35. But even rarely, those in the age group of 40-45. What makes people believe or perceive such a phenomenon, or rather the action called "Selling one's soul to the Devil", improperly? The answers are visible to the naked eye: Yellow press of all times and peoples, tales-myths with legends on this topic, medieval notes with fantasies of inquisitors about "Witches flying to the Sabbath on broomsticks, and copulating with Beelzebub", various kinds of fiction and various films like "The Devil's Advocate", "House of Wax 1st part", "The Omen", "Master and Margarita", finally fantasies and deceit of charlatans to make their life carefree in exchange for a soul, supposedly given to the Devil.
Many people are most attracted to the above-mentioned film, "The Devil's Advocate." You have to be very naive to believe that by "signing a contract with the Devil", a person will be lying on a couch, chewing on cotton candy, snapping their fingers to fulfill any wish, moving their hands through the air and using these movements to move heavy objects with people and throwing them over long distances. It makes you want to ask these naive "Harry Potters" - have they ever seen such things in real life, besides on TV screens and monitors? And especially for just a seemingly insignificant "Contract with the Devil" - that's just the beginning. Have they ever seen Real Voodoo Sorcerers, Warlocks, Necromancers, Clairvoyants, those with Telekinesis in real life, not those who pretend to be them on TV, in yellow press, and the internet? If they had ever met even one, and actually saw how Magic and Paranormal abilities work, all the fantasy would fly out of their heads. The misconceptions would automatically separate from reality in their minds. But not everyone is so lucky, unfortunately.
Continuing the topic of "Selling Souls to the Devil," I will first give a small excerpt from Wikipedia as an example:
"These acts were often presented as evidence of a contract with the Devil, although critics argue that there is no evidence as to whether they are genuine, written by insane individuals who believed they were dealing with a Demon, or simply fake acts presented to the courts of the Inquisition. Typically, the acts included strange symbols which were considered signatures of the Demon, and each had its own signature or seal. Books such as 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' (also known as Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis), provide a detailed list of these signs, known as 'Devil Signs.'"
This is what Wikipedia tells us. As we can see: There are inventions of the Inquisition, pressured fictional testimonies - where at the end of the fantasies presented, individuals were required to simply say "yes" to the subject of investigation, and there are also signs from Goetia (The Lesser Key of Solomon). Even Wikipedia and critics cannot give an exact and exhaustive answer.
What was it after all - unhealthy inventions of the Inquisition, or real "Sales of Souls to the Devil," or something else that some defendants did not disclose under horrific torture? In reality, it was nothing but symbols used in various types of Magical operations. What could illiterate representatives of inquisitorial investigations know about them? Exactly the same as the present-day commoners know about the Witches of the Voodoo tradition and their Magical Ceremonies. Based on the widespread illiteracy that reigned in the Middle Ages, various inventions, speculations, and fantasies were built, to the extent of zombifying the population by the churches. It becomes clear that simple magical actions, whether it be "Gaining some advantage through Higher Powers," a banal love spell, or the same curses and hexes using Magical signs, were almost entirely attributed to fictional "Contracts with the Devil for selling one's soul." It's laughter through tears in a word.
So, let's put all the dots over the "i" in continuation of the topic. People of different ethnicities have always called the same Higher Powers by different names. For example, Veles - the Ancient Slavic God of fields and forests - was known as Baal among the Ancient Carthaginians, and as Cernunnos among the Celts, the descriptions of Enlil align with Him among the Sumerians. Viy – the Ancient Slavic God of Hell, was also known as Set among the Egyptians, and as Nergal among the Sumerians. The Babylonian deified egregore Marduk, portrayed as the supreme supreme deity among the Egyptians, was called Aton, which is also presented as Yahweh among the Jews, and in Christianity represented as the same "supreme," and the triune deity also in the guise of the character Yeshua Moshiach (Jesus Christ). As we can see, people have always worshipped the same Gods, Spirits, and Egregores throughout all times. The era changed, and the names of Higher Powers changed as well. But they did not become "different" from this in any way, but remained always true to themselves. When the "monotheization" of Europe, as well as the Middle and Near East happened - the acceptance of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, then the egregore Marduk-Aton-Sabaoth was raised to cult status, but already under the names: Yahweh, Jehovah, Christ, Allah. What happened to the names of Higher Powers that were worshipped in Pagan times? They were "demonized" by the "writers" of the Bible, the Quran, the Torah. They were artificially named "Demons - Monsters" and according to the "new scriptures" were "repainted" as Entities - opponents of the purported "supreme." In the Kabbalah, it's a bit simpler, in terms of the theory related to the "Ein Sof." New generations of people, raised by society in the spirit of monotheism, and those who became Occult Practitioners, "worked and continue to work" with the same Higher Powers, only under different names as a result. This is how it looks in a broader view of the situation. Concepts such as "God" and "Satan" immediately fall away in this wide view, also discarding any notion of a "conflict between the god Yahweh and Satan." And a sound conclusion immediately arises: There are Higher Powers, and there are only egregores. What is an "egregore":
From the perspective of bioenergy informatics, an "egregore" is an energy-informational structure that originates from the confluence of emotions and thoughts of a group of people bound together by a common idea. Various egregores are postulated to exist: religious, tribal, clan, magical orders, certain philosophical doctrines, creative schools, dedicated working collectives, social movements, and so forth. Here is a prominent example of an egregore: Jesus Christ - a deified fictional character, Buddha - a deified human, Allah - Jehovah - Marduk - fictional and deified beings. 
Returning to the topic of "Sales of Souls to the Devil," superficially viewed, it turns out to be just an illusion, much like the fictional deified egregores. If we dig deeper, it appears to be an attempt to connect with a Higher Power for a transaction of one's soul into servitude or "consumption" after physical death in exchange for various benefits while the body is alive. One might ask such individuals: Do the Higher Dark Forces truly need their worthless souls? Do they believe that if their soul is "consumed" by the Higher Power, that Higher Power would be greatly interested in it? If they bring their soul into servitude to the Higher Power, why should that Higher Power also be interested in it? And the simplest question that enthusiasts of these illusions should ask themselves first and foremost: What value and worth does their souls represent in the world of Darkness, Abyss, and Chaos? What have they achieved of such great value in their arduous self-improvement work? Are they accomplished Occult Practitioners? 
An Occult Practitioner, a Ceremonial Magician, a Voodoo or Slavic Black Magic Witch, a Medium, a Priest, a Necromancer, and so forth, without any thought of material gain voluntarily dedicates their life to Collaboration with Higher Powers. This service - "collaboration" is nothing but the entire earthly life of a Practitioner, developing their knowledge of all things Secret and Unknowable, gaining Strength from Higher Entities, transcending the boundaries of "humanity," and of course, lifelong dedicated work on themselves. The Practitioner achieves the necessary and material things on their own, and not by receiving "millions of dollars from Dark Forces." With each stage, equivalent to several years of Self-Development, the Practitioner undergoes new initiations - "Closeness with Higher Powers," acquiring "New Knowledge from Them" as a result. These rites are conducted both by a Clan-Coven and individually. It is precisely in these initiation ceremonies that Magical Signs are used. Therefore, traces of such rituals were misunderstood by ignorant individuals as a "Contract to sell one's soul to the Devil." Logically speaking, would an Occult Practitioner, even in theory, with knowledge of all the schemes of interaction with Higher Powers, remotely consider or promise to surrender their soul into servitude or consumption by them? Especially when they already know that there is no benefit or gain to be had from Postmortem servitude or "self-liquidation" of their soul.
With his proper "work on oneself," he is already guaranteed an "upward step" in Development, becoming something greater than just a Soul. Will he really go to such madness from a logical and sane point of view? The answer is clear.
In order for Higher Powers to accept a soul into servitude or "for meat," so to speak, ritual sacrifices are made. And during these sacrifices, the subject being "offered" is not asked at all what they want in return during earthly life. Human sacrifices were practiced in slave-owning societies and in the Middle Ages when human life was worth nothing. Also notorious for this was the Satanic Order of the Nine Angles, which was arrested, condemned, and then recreated, but this time with all the laws observed. Closer to the topic - the soul of the "victim" is handed over to the Higher Powers HERE AND NOW, and not as a debt or for the benefit of the victim. The fate of both "ritually slain" and "ritually suicidal" is the same: "Long live postmortem servitude!" or "You are no longer among the living nor the Dead!" In addition, simple victims (not ritualistically) often face a rather unpleasant fate: they are forced to wander between the world of the living and the Dead. For various reasons, they cannot enter the Realms of Death and find peace. Achieving this for the souls of the slain requires a lot of time and effort. This is the case in the overwhelming majority of cases. There are exceptions, of course, but the fate of suicides is much worse. They are not accepted into the Realms of the Dead at all. They are forced to wander unrested for much longer than the slain. This fate befalls the slain and the suicidal. And the fate is several times worse for those who commit actions of this nature alone or with others, but only for the ritual purpose of handing over the soul to Higher Powers.
As we can see, there is no benefit from this for simple mortals seeking "patties and gingerbread" for their souls from Dark Entities, let alone for Serious Strong Practitioners. No one gives, and will not give, "heavenly manna" or millions of dollars from the Abyss to those seeking adrenaline and romantic adventures in life. The soul will have to be given right at the moment if a miracle happens and "contact is established with a Higher Power" to achieve this goal. The question is whether the souls of such light-minded romantics are needed by Higher Powers, and whether they will make contact with them - which is highly doubtful. Moreover, there are no "easy gains of souls with subsequent resales" among the traditions of Voodoo Practitioners, Masters of Ceremonies, Necromancers, Shamans, Magicians of various traditions, and other Occult Practitioners, contrary to all myths, legends, and fabrications. They can only establish contact with the soul during an Occult or Spiritual ceremony and obtain the necessary information. It is simply impossible to imagine: How can a person, even if they are a seasoned Practitioner, being "confined in the physical fleshly shell," capture and "escort" a Beyond-entity, no matter what "rank."
In conclusion of this article, I can only advise enthusiasts of such fantasies as "Selling and reselling souls to the Devil" to lower their enthusiasm for reading yellow press, fantasy, and to engage logic and common sense. And the chances of falling for a charlatan who simply takes money from such simple people for empty promises, to put it mildly, "for nothing" will drastically decrease. Good luck to you, Common Sense, and All Good!



The article was posted by me: Mag Thanatos. Charlatanism in the sale of souls to the Devil. My reviews and advice.