Opening the Crossroads, working with Eshu Elegba

This article is directly related not just to Voodoo Magic, but specifically to its practical application for various purposes. In this work, we will discuss how and where to start any Witchcraft ceremony in the Voodoo tradition. All of them always begin with the opening of the crossroads - that is, with the invocation of the main Spirit of the Crossroads "Worlds" - Eshu Elegba, presenting requests to Him, and accordingly making necessary offerings to Him. More details on this below.

Eshu Elegba is the Spirit of the Crossroads between humans, spirits, and gods, as traditionally believed in Voodoo. In all rituals and ceremonies, it is necessary to invoke Him as an Assistant or as a kind of intermediary in contact with Higher Powers. His main task in Magical rituals is to "open roads, boundaries between worlds," and with His help, summon the deities and spirits you need. Therefore, it is not merely for verbal gratitude. Typically, offerings to Him include cigars, liquor, and sweets. However, in some cases, bloody sacrifices are also made, traditionally including a white dove, a young red rooster, or a young rat. The choice of offerings is determined through divination hints or one's own intuition, weighing and considering the complexity of the planned ritual. All offerings are usually buried at the crossroads of two or more paths in forests, clearings, meadows, or natural areas outside city limits. They may also be offered in large wooded parks. Offerings to Eshu Elegba are presented to the earth at night or at dusk. The reason for working in the Dark hours is twofold: Firstly, as the Dark hours approach, spirits and energy fields become several times stronger and more intense than during the day. Secondly, there are far fewer chances of encountering random passersby who might disrupt your magical work. The surest way to fail your ritual is to tell someone about it or, even "better," show them partially or completely the entire process. Let's move on to a more specific and essential part of the material.

The opening of the crossroads is performed at the very beginning of the Witchcraft Work, after lighting the Altar candles and activating - creating the Magic circle or perimeter.

After tuning in and focusing entirely on the goals directed towards the Ritual, mentally preparing yourself and clearing your mind, with a clear and distinct voice, turn clockwise to each of the four directions, and say the following five times:

Ibaraku molumba Eshu ibako moyumba ibako moyumba.

Omote koniku ibako omote ako,

Molumba Eshu kulona.

Ibaraku molumba omole ko ibaraku molumba omole ko.

Ibaraku molumba ako Eshu kulona ibaraku molumba.

Ache Eshu kulona ubaraku molumba omole koako ache.

Arong laro akong larole Eshu kulona,

A Eshu koma komio ache.

Akonka lar akonka lar,

Ako ache, iba la guana Eshu.

Larole akonko laro larole e larole akonko,

Akonko larole akonka larole akonka.

La guana e larole.


We invoke Eshu Elegba -

Invoke reading in all four directions, turning clockwise to each. Five times:

Elegua laroye akiloe aguro tente onu apagura Akama sese areletuse abamula Omubata okoloof ofo okolonini
toni kan Ofo omoro agun oyona alayiki ago.

You will feel his energy, make sure to greet him:

Make offerings, stating for example:

"May you be present and accept this sacrifice, etc."

Present your request to open the roads to a specific Deity or Spirit. Then proceed to invoke the Higher Power or other "rank" entities you need and continue your "Magical Work" with them.

Good luck to you, Strength, new Knowledge and Abilities!
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This article is directly related not just to Voodoo Magic, but specifically to its practical application for various purposes. In this work, we will discuss how and where to start any Witchcraft ceremony in the Voodoo tradition. All of them always begin with the opening of the crossroads - that is, with the invocation of the main Spirit of the Crossroads "Worlds" - Eshu Elegba, presenting requests to Him, and accordingly making necessary offerings to Him. More details on this below.

Eshu Elegba is the Spirit of the Crossroads between humans, spirits, and gods, as traditionally believed in Voodoo. In all rituals and ceremonies, it is necessary to invoke Him as an Assistant or as a kind of intermediary in contact with Higher Powers. His main task in Magical rituals is to "open roads, boundaries between worlds," and with His help, summon the deities and spirits you need. Therefore, it is not merely for verbal gratitude. Typically, offerings to Him include cigars, liquor, and sweets. However, in some cases, bloody sacrifices are also made, traditionally including a white dove, a young red rooster, or a young rat. The choice of offerings is determined through divination hints or one's own intuition, weighing and considering the complexity of the planned ritual. All offerings are usually buried at the crossroads of two or more paths in forests, clearings, meadows, or natural areas outside city limits. They may also be offered in large wooded parks. Offerings to Eshu Elegba are presented to the earth at night or at dusk. The reason for working in the Dark hours is twofold: Firstly, as the Dark hours approach, spirits and energy fields become several times stronger and more intense than during the day. Secondly, there are far fewer chances of encountering random passersby who might disrupt your magical work. The surest way to fail your ritual is to tell someone about it or, even "better," show them partially or completely the entire process. Let's move on to a more specific and essential part of the material.

The opening of the crossroads is performed at the very beginning of the Witchcraft Work, after lighting the Altar candles and activating - creating the Magic circle or perimeter.

After tuning in and focusing entirely on the goals directed towards the Ritual, mentally preparing yourself and clearing your mind, with a clear and distinct voice, turn clockwise to each of the four directions, and say the following five times:

Ibaraku molumba Eshu ibako moyumba ibako moyumba.

Omote koniku ibako omote ako,

Molumba Eshu kulona.

Ibaraku molumba omole ko ibaraku molumba omole ko.

Ibaraku molumba ako Eshu kulona ibaraku molumba.

Ache Eshu kulona ubaraku molumba omole koako ache.

Arong laro akong larole Eshu kulona,

A Eshu koma komio ache.

Akonka lar akonka lar,

Ako ache, iba la guana Eshu.

Larole akonko laro larole e larole akonko,

Akonko larole akonka larole akonka.

La guana e larole.


We invoke Eshu Elegba -

Invoke reading in all four directions, turning clockwise to each. Five times:

Elegua laroye akiloe aguro tente onu apagura Akama sese areletuse abamula Omubata okoloof ofo okolonini
toni kan Ofo omoro agun oyona alayiki ago.

You will feel his energy, make sure to greet him:

Make offerings, stating for example:

"May you be present and accept this sacrifice, etc."

Present your request to open the roads to a specific Deity or Spirit. Then proceed to invoke the Higher Power or other "rank" entities you need and continue your "Magical Work" with them.

Good luck to you, Strength, new Knowledge and Abilities!
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