My reviews and recommendations
A more complex method
To begin with, I would like to point out the name itself: "voodoo doll", which is not entirely accurate and is very commonly used in discussions about "involvement." In reality, it is called "involvement" - the influence on a person through their wax or clay doll, representing them.
These practical recommendations, suitable for conducting rituals independently without resorting to Sorcerers for services, are intended for casting a curse on your opponent, enemy. To work with them, you need: thorough preparation, certain accumulations of Witchcraft Power, and, of course, very strong protection for the practitioner. These "instructions for conducting Rituals to defeat opponents" are not my own invention. They are merely "templates for beginners." Unfortunately, the author is unknown to me, but I have long studied and analyzed them, and some erroneous points in the texts have been corrected by me. And so I present to you:
This ritual in Voodoo (Hoodoo) traditions is specifically designed for a serious defeat of an opponent. Blood work is involved. To perform it, in addition to very strong protection, one must have very good experience in this field.
Ritual from the tradition of Ancient Slavic Navie Magic. This ritual, in ordinary Russian colloquial language, sounds like "Voodoo in Russian". It involves cursing practices and working with cemeteries. I recommend performing this action to those who have a good deal of experience and significant expertise in magical practices, practitioners with a strong bioenergy field, and very strong protection. I strongly advise against this for beginners who do not possess all of the above.
This article is dedicated to Voodoo Magic, specifically its practical application for various purposes. It will discuss the essential starting point of ANY Magical ceremony or Magical rituals in Voodoo. They always begin with the opening of the crossroads - that is, with the invocation of the main Spirit of the Crossroads "Worlds" - Eshu Elegba, presenting requests to Him, and accordingly making necessary offerings to Him.
This video provides a detailed demonstration of a part of a love spell according to Black Magic traditions. From the series: "Voodoo in Russian." The spell involves using wax figures called "voltas".
This article provides a detailed description of a Voodoo love spell using blood. I strongly advise against novices and those not initiated into this tradition attempting this ritual. Good protection beyond initiation is necessary for conducting this ritual.
Rituals for Luck and Prosperity in Financial Well-Being. An original compilation of techniques for conducting them.
The energy of bird singing, the sounds of the forest.
My reviews and recommendations.
A more complex method
To begin with, I would like to point out the name itself: "voodoo doll", which is not entirely accurate and is very commonly used in discussions about "involvement." In reality, it is called "involvement" - the influence on a person through their wax or clay doll, representing them.
These practical recommendations, suitable for conducting rituals independently without resorting to Sorcerers for services, are intended for casting a curse on your opponent, enemy. To work with them, you need: thorough preparation, certain accumulations of Witchcraft Power, and, of course, very strong protection for the practitioner. These "instructions for conducting Rituals to defeat opponents" are not my own invention. They are merely "templates for beginners." Unfortunately, the author is unknown to me, but I have long studied and analyzed them, and some erroneous points in the texts have been corrected by me. And so I present to you:
This ritual in Voodoo (Hoodoo) traditions is specifically designed for a serious defeat of an opponent. Blood work is involved. To perform it, in addition to very strong protection, one must have very good experience in this field.
Ritual from the tradition of Ancient Slavic Navie Magic. This ritual, in ordinary Russian colloquial language, sounds like "Voodoo in Russian". It involves cursing practices and working with cemeteries. I recommend performing this action to those who have a good deal of experience and significant expertise in magical practices, practitioners with a strong bioenergy field, and very strong protection. I strongly advise against this for beginners who do not possess all of the above.
This article is dedicated to Voodoo Magic, specifically its practical application for various purposes. It will discuss the essential starting point of ANY Magical ceremony or Magical rituals in Voodoo. They always begin with the opening of the crossroads - that is, with the invocation of the main Spirit of the Crossroads "Worlds" - Eshu Elegba, presenting requests to Him, and accordingly making necessary offerings to Him.
This video provides a detailed demonstration of a part of a love spell according to Black Magic traditions. From the series: "Voodoo in Russian." The spell involves using wax figures called "voltas".
This article provides a detailed description of a Voodoo love spell using blood. I strongly advise against novices and those not initiated into this tradition attempting this ritual. Good protection beyond initiation is necessary for conducting this ritual.
Rituals for Luck and Prosperity in Financial Well-Being. An original compilation of techniques for conducting them.
Sounds of Nature
The energy of bird singing, the sounds of the forest.
I would like to draw your attention, dear readers and visitors of my resources, that some articles were originally written in Russian. The rituals described in them were initially intended for a Russian-speaking audience. Consequently, the spells as well. Therefore, in English speech, they may sound and read without rhyme, in prose. Also, my criticism of certain rites is specifically aimed at those that are popular and widely publicized in the Russian-speaking environment, particularly in Russia. Please understand this.
I would like to draw your attention, dear readers and visitors of my resources, that some articles were originally written in Russian. The rituals described in them were initially intended for a Russian-speaking audience. Consequently, the spells as well. Therefore, in English speech, they may sound and read without rhyme, in prose. Also, my criticism of certain rites is specifically aimed at those that are popular and widely publicized in the Russian-speaking environment, particularly in Russia. Please understand this.