These practical recommendations, suitable for performing rituals independently without seeking the services of Sorcerers, are intended for casting a curse on your opponent, enemy. To work with them, you need: thorough preparation, some accumulation of Witchcraft Power, and, of course, very strong protection for the practitioner. These "instructions for conducting Rituals to defeat opponents" are not my own invention. They are simply "templates for beginners." Unfortunately, the author is unknown to me, but I have long studied and analyzed them, and some erroneous points in the texts have been corrected by me. And so I present to you:
Voodoo Curse 1. In the traditions of the Serpent Cult, a Voodoo curse is called bilongo.
Bilongo requires:
- several grains of mac,
- a bottle of vodka or alcohol,
- Turpentine, but not too much,
- bindings of your target - opponent (whom you want to eliminate) - hair, clipped nails, paper with his handwriting, photo. Something from this alternative list of bindings is sufficient.
The ritual is performed at the start of the battle clock, when midnight arrives. After 24:00, light the altar candles counterclockwise, open the crossroads, invoke your Eshu and set the task before him - the death of the enemy. Formulate the task clearly and clearly without excess. Next, place a metal dish in the center of the altar, write your enemy's name on paper, and feel hatred towards him as you write. Place the paper at the bottom of the dish, sprinkle all the maca on the paper, pour spikenard over it, and then throw the bindings on top. Open the vodka, take a mouthful, spit it out onto the dish. Then say clearly:
Are Zaka, oh Diablo (3 times)
Se Muerte fue,
bakuli asercando a su lecho
bakuli bakuli bakuli
ni siguiera me miru bakuli
Are Zaka, oh Diablo (2 times)
bakuli bakuli bakuli
con unos dedos muy finos,
Are zaka oh Diablo (3 times)
bakuli algo muy,
bakuli tenue rompiu!
Read the incantation five times without stopping for a moment. Each time you say it louder and clearer. Light a thick wax candle, place it on the dish, and step back until it burns out. Early in the morning, take the contents of the dish to the cemetery to the oldest grave.
Voodoo Curse 2. For the ritual you will need: three small wax candles, a knife with a black handle, a piece of beef. The ritual is performed in front of the enemy's house at night. Stand facing east, open the crossroads, and call upon your Eshu. Ask him to help you in the intended deed. Squat down and plunge the knife into the ground, saying the following:
"E era Da Kapa Preto la Muerte, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! Al hombre la cuchilla Are Zaka O, Diablo! El paso largo Are Zaka O Diablo. Zaka, Zaka, Zaka! Zaka, Zaka, Zaka! Tal cuando Zaka, Zaka yo era Zaka, Zakando la sosaba!"
Place the candles next to the knife and light them. Place the meat nearby and leave without looking back.
Voodoo Curse 3. For the ritual you will need: salted water, sunflower oil, lemon, parsley root, pig fat. Light the candles on the altar counterclockwise.
Open the crossroads and call upon your Eshu. Also call upon Eshu Da Kapa Preto and Zaka.
The ritual is aimed at depriving the enemy of strength, so ask the summoned Eshu for this. Then, place a metal dish in the center of the altar and pour melted pig fat into it. Cut the lemon, squeeze the juice into the fat. Place salted water to the right of the mixture and draw the image of your enemy on a clean sheet of paper. Place the parsley root on the dish and pour vegetable oil over it. Place a candle in the center of the dish. Light it. Moisten the paper with the drawing in salted water, then place it on the dish. Close your eyes and say:
"One night vititi sambidilango, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! De verano Are Zaka, O Diablo kiniendga bakuli. Estaba el balsin Da Kapa Preto Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! Muerte, Muerte, Muerte!"
Wait for the candle to burn completely and thank all the spirits who participated in the ritual. Repeat the ritual within three days.
Voodoo Curse 4. For the ritual you will need: eggshells, salt, dust from a grave. The ritual is performed in the morning at the intersection of two roads. Open the crossroads, call upon your Eshu, and ask him to strip your enemy of all blessings. Crush everything you brought with you on a metal tray. Say the following words:
"Silenciosa bakuli e sin mirarme bakuli la muerte! Bakuli otra bakuli vez pasu bakuli!"
Let the tray stand at the crossroads for one day. Afterwards, you can sprinkle the mixture on the enemy's doorstep.
Voodoo Curse 5. For the ritual you will need: corn grains, red wine, plantain leaf. All items must be consecrated on the altar in advance. The ritual is conducted at midnight. Light the candles counterclockwise and call upon your Eshu, as well as Eshu Da Kapa Preto. Ask them for help in the planned task. Place a photograph of your foe, the corn grains, and the plantain leaf on a metal tray. Pour wine over everything. Say the incantation:
"Mas pasado Muerte Muerte el primer Muerte Zaka simo prehunto Zaka pardos o negros, Zaka sus ojos, vititi sambidilango! Kumo eran Santo Dios! Zaka que no recuerdo Are Zaka, O Diablo, Are Zaka, O Diablo, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte!"
Sacrifice a piece of beef to the spirits.
Voodoo Curse 6. For the ritual you will need: pig fat, almond oil, vodka, cemetery dust, corn grains. All items must be consecrated on the altar beforehand. The ritual is conducted at night at the intersection of two roads. Open the crossroads and call upon your Eshu. Ask for his help in accomplishing the intended task. Place pig fat on the metal tray. Pour almond oil onto it. Open the vodka and place it to the right of the tray. Place cemetery dust in your palm and say the following three times:
"Are Zaka, O Diablo, Are Zaka, O Diablo, Are Zaka, O Diablo! Ponna un, Muerte, largo suspirar Muerte, de oro Da Kapa Preto Are Zaka, O Diablo! Are Zaka, O Diablo! Are Zaka, O Diablo! Que se trosaba Zaka, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! En surtidor, Terra de estrellas Muerte!"
Blow away the dust from your palm. Pour vodka on the tray and ignite it. Throw the grains over your shoulder. Turn around and walk away.
In all cases, it is necessary to leave without looking back. To enhance the effects, you can add bindings of your enemies. Also, remember to "cleanse" yourself - clear negative residues from yourself on a mental level. By regularly energizing energy, conduct self-purification and strengthen your Spirit. This is in your best interest.
These practical recommendations, suitable for performing rituals independently without seeking the services of Sorcerers, are intended for casting a curse on your opponent, enemy. To work with them, you need: thorough preparation, some accumulation of Witchcraft Power, and, of course, very strong protection for the practitioner. These "instructions for conducting Rituals to defeat opponents" are not my own invention. They are simply "templates for beginners." Unfortunately, the author is unknown to me, but I have long studied and analyzed them, and some erroneous points in the texts have been corrected by me. And so I present to you:
Voodoo Curse 1. In the traditions of the Serpent Cult, a Voodoo curse is called bilongo.
Bilongo requires:
- several grains of mac,
- a bottle of vodka or alcohol,
- Turpentine, but not too much,
- bindings of your target - opponent (whom you want to eliminate) - hair, clipped nails, paper with his handwriting, photo. Something from this alternative list of bindings is sufficient.
The ritual is performed at the start of the battle clock, when midnight arrives. After 24:00, light the altar candles counterclockwise, open the crossroads, invoke your Eshu and set the task before him - the death of the enemy. Formulate the task clearly and clearly without excess. Next, place a metal dish in the center of the altar, write your enemy's name on paper, and feel hatred towards him as you write. Place the paper at the bottom of the dish, sprinkle all the maca on the paper, pour spikenard over it, and then throw the bindings on top. Open the vodka, take a mouthful, spit it out onto the dish. Then say clearly:
Are Zaka, oh Diablo (3 times)
Se Muerte fue,
bakuli asercando a su lecho
bakuli bakuli bakuli
ni siguiera me miru bakuli
Are Zaka, oh Diablo (2 times)
bakuli bakuli bakuli
con unos dedos muy finos,
Are zaka oh Diablo (3 times)
bakuli algo muy,
bakuli tenue rompiu!
Read the incantation five times without stopping for a moment. Each time you say it louder and clearer. Light a thick wax candle, place it on the dish, and step back until it burns out. Early in the morning, take the contents of the dish to the cemetery to the oldest grave.
Voodoo Curse 2. For the ritual you will need: three small wax candles, a knife with a black handle, a piece of beef. The ritual is performed in front of the enemy's house at night. Stand facing east, open the crossroads, and call upon your Eshu. Ask him to help you in the intended deed. Squat down and plunge the knife into the ground, saying the following:
"E era Da Kapa Preto la Muerte, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! Al hombre la cuchilla Are Zaka O, Diablo! El paso largo Are Zaka O Diablo. Zaka, Zaka, Zaka! Zaka, Zaka, Zaka! Tal cuando Zaka, Zaka yo era Zaka, Zakando la sosaba!"
Place the candles next to the knife and light them. Place the meat nearby and leave without looking back.
Voodoo Curse 3. For the ritual you will need: salted water, sunflower oil, lemon, parsley root, pig fat. Light the candles on the altar counterclockwise.
Open the crossroads and call upon your Eshu. Also call upon Eshu Da Kapa Preto and Zaka.
The ritual is aimed at depriving the enemy of strength, so ask the summoned Eshu for this. Then, place a metal dish in the center of the altar and pour melted pig fat into it. Cut the lemon, squeeze the juice into the fat. Place salted water to the right of the mixture and draw the image of your enemy on a clean sheet of paper. Place the parsley root on the dish and pour vegetable oil over it. Place a candle in the center of the dish. Light it. Moisten the paper with the drawing in salted water, then place it on the dish. Close your eyes and say:
"One night vititi sambidilango, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! De verano Are Zaka, O Diablo kiniendga bakuli. Estaba el balsin Da Kapa Preto Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! Muerte, Muerte, Muerte!"
Wait for the candle to burn completely and thank all the spirits who participated in the ritual. Repeat the ritual within three days.
Voodoo Curse 4. For the ritual you will need: eggshells, salt, dust from a grave. The ritual is performed in the morning at the intersection of two roads. Open the crossroads, call upon your Eshu, and ask him to strip your enemy of all blessings. Crush everything you brought with you on a metal tray. Say the following words:
"Silenciosa bakuli e sin mirarme bakuli la muerte! Bakuli otra bakuli vez pasu bakuli!"
Let the tray stand at the crossroads for one day. Afterwards, you can sprinkle the mixture on the enemy's doorstep.
Voodoo Curse 5. For the ritual you will need: corn grains, red wine, plantain leaf. All items must be consecrated on the altar in advance. The ritual is conducted at midnight. Light the candles counterclockwise and call upon your Eshu, as well as Eshu Da Kapa Preto. Ask them for help in the planned task. Place a photograph of your foe, the corn grains, and the plantain leaf on a metal tray. Pour wine over everything. Say the incantation:
"Mas pasado Muerte Muerte el primer Muerte Zaka simo prehunto Zaka pardos o negros, Zaka sus ojos, vititi sambidilango! Kumo eran Santo Dios! Zaka que no recuerdo Are Zaka, O Diablo, Are Zaka, O Diablo, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte!"
Sacrifice a piece of beef to the spirits.
Voodoo Curse 6. For the ritual you will need: pig fat, almond oil, vodka, cemetery dust, corn grains. All items must be consecrated on the altar beforehand. The ritual is conducted at night at the intersection of two roads. Open the crossroads and call upon your Eshu. Ask for his help in accomplishing the intended task. Place pig fat on the metal tray. Pour almond oil onto it. Open the vodka and place it to the right of the tray. Place cemetery dust in your palm and say the following three times:
"Are Zaka, O Diablo, Are Zaka, O Diablo, Are Zaka, O Diablo! Ponna un, Muerte, largo suspirar Muerte, de oro Da Kapa Preto Are Zaka, O Diablo! Are Zaka, O Diablo! Are Zaka, O Diablo! Que se trosaba Zaka, Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! En surtidor, Terra de estrellas Muerte!"
Blow away the dust from your palm. Pour vodka on the tray and ignite it. Throw the grains over your shoulder. Turn around and walk away.
In all cases, it is necessary to leave without looking back. To enhance the effects, you can add bindings of your enemies. Also, remember to "cleanse" yourself - clear negative residues from yourself on a mental level. By regularly energizing energy, conduct self-purification and strengthen your Spirit. This is in your best interest.