The magical power of Nature.

Connecting with Nature. For many practitioners, a convenient and accessible place to do this is the Forest - one of the main sanctuaries of Nature. Through it, you can receive practically any information, the necessary type of energy, find help and support. Another alternative choice is the shore of a natural reservoir, mountains, and practically any Natural zones that have survived from human attention. It also depends on which element is closer to you, as well as on your mood, needs, and capabilities. The further away from people and society, the better - the energy is purer, and there is less unnecessary external attention. During the process, you will have to perform some "incomprehensible" actions from the generally accepted point of view. And the possibility of being noticed by many interferes with focusing and concentrating.

The action itself:

Relax, feel everything that surrounds you - tune in to the place you wish to connect with. Allow inner silence to fill you - let it in, detach from thoughts and problems, let in the whispers of the wind in the forest trees, the singing of birds, or - if you are by the sea - the rustling of the waves. Slowly try to stop the inner dialogue. Take your time, observe the place you are in, and allow it and the beings inhabiting it to observe you. It is quite possible that you may feel the desire to seek another environment. This means it will be better that way. Obviously, at this stage, you will already feel changes within yourself. There is an explanation for this: Nature generously shares its energy with those who are ready to receive it. Many do not know this or do not attach any importance to it. State your issue - in the form that is most convenient for you: mentally, verbally, in the form of a certain mental image or self-awareness. You can also specify what kind of assistance you are expecting: in the form of an energy charge, replenishment of missing qualities, or advice from the World of Subtle Matter on how to behave in your current situation. You can turn directly to the Forest (Sea), or to the Spirits inhabiting and guarding the area you have chosen. Now tune in to perception (the main thing is not to strain and not to block the channels through which information, energy, etc. are received). The response may suddenly come in the form of enlightenment, an image (mental or real), an unusual sound, or a flow of energy. Sometimes the answer comes clear and straightforward, and sometimes it requires contemplation, deciphering, and interpretation - especially if it is a symbolic hint. You can also ask for an explanation of what you do not understand. Sometimes, in response to a request, Nature may send a Helper, in which case you will feel the desire to make contact with a tree, bush, or stone. Approach, mentally or aloud, greet it, ask how it could be helpful to you. This, again, can be a hint or energy, a Gift of Subtle Matter, and much more. At the end, ALWAYS thank those who helped you. And remember: this is important and necessary! Make an offering (sacrifice). If you feel that an offering needs to be made at the very beginning - act as you deem right in this situation. Because you are already being guided by your inner voice towards the right actions. In general, you can communicate in Nature with anyone. For example, you can talk to the Wind - for this, you need to listen to it, merge with it. The Wind is omnipresent, it knows much, so it can become a source of necessary information for you. Similarly with Fire - by feeling Its energy. However, it is essential to observe all safety measures and norms of etiquette while in Nature.

Healing and relaxation:

Similarly, in the section on Nature Magic, there are many varieties of influencing one's own health. Primarily, this includes Herbal Magic - Herbalism, Shamanism, and the like. But equally important and effective part of Natural Magic is Sound Healing of the Forest. Birdsong Magic is also an essential and integral part of it. The trills of singing birds can influence mood, one's own bioenergy field, the absorption of Natural Energy in colossal amounts, improvement of health, enhancement of nervous calmness, spiritual growth, and overall self-development in all practical directions. And even at the biological level later on. 

For you, my dear and highly respected visitors of my websites, I have prepared a collection of videos containing long, poignant, and pleasant trills of singing birds, accompanied in places by the sounds of the Forest. By listening, enjoying the birdsong, receiving maximum positive Natural Charge, amazing relaxation, finding inner peace, feeling the energy of the Forest, and replenishing your own bioenergy reserves, you can click on the link here.

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The magical power of Nature.

Connecting with Nature. For many practitioners, a convenient and accessible place to do this is the Forest - one of the main sanctuaries of Nature. Through it, you can receive practically any information, the necessary type of energy, find help and support. Another alternative choice is the shore of a natural reservoir, mountains, and practically any Natural zones that have survived from human attention. It also depends on which element is closer to you, as well as on your mood, needs, and capabilities. The further away from people and society, the better - the energy is purer, and there is less unnecessary external attention. During the process, you will have to perform some "incomprehensible" actions from the generally accepted point of view. And the possibility of being noticed by many interferes with focusing and concentrating.

The action itself:

Relax, feel everything that surrounds you - tune in to the place you wish to connect with. Allow inner silence to fill you - let it in, detach from thoughts and problems, let in the whispers of the wind in the forest trees, the singing of birds, or - if you are by the sea - the rustling of the waves. Slowly try to stop the inner dialogue. Take your time, observe the place you are in, and allow it and the beings inhabiting it to observe you. It is quite possible that you may feel the desire to seek another environment. This means it will be better that way. Obviously, at this stage, you will already feel changes within yourself. There is an explanation for this: Nature generously shares its energy with those who are ready to receive it. Many do not know this or do not attach any importance to it. State your issue - in the form that is most convenient for you: mentally, verbally, in the form of a certain mental image or self-awareness. You can also specify what kind of assistance you are expecting: in the form of an energy charge, replenishment of missing qualities, or advice from the World of Subtle Matter on how to behave in your current situation. You can turn directly to the Forest (Sea), or to the Spirits inhabiting and guarding the area you have chosen. Now tune in to perception (the main thing is not to strain and not to block the channels through which information, energy, etc. are received). The response may suddenly come in the form of enlightenment, an image (mental or real), an unusual sound, or a flow of energy. Sometimes the answer comes clear and straightforward, and sometimes it requires contemplation, deciphering, and interpretation - especially if it is a symbolic hint. You can also ask for an explanation of what you do not understand. Sometimes, in response to a request, Nature may send a Helper, in which case you will feel the desire to make contact with a tree, bush, or stone. Approach, mentally or aloud, greet it, ask how it could be helpful to you. This, again, can be a hint or energy, a Gift of Subtle Matter, and much more. At the end, ALWAYS thank those who helped you. And remember: this is important and necessary! Make an offering (sacrifice). If you feel that an offering needs to be made at the very beginning - act as you deem right in this situation. Because you are already being guided by your inner voice towards the right actions. In general, you can communicate in Nature with anyone. For example, you can talk to the Wind - for this, you need to listen to it, merge with it. The Wind is omnipresent, it knows much, so it can become a source of necessary information for you. Similarly with Fire - by feeling Its energy. However, it is essential to observe all safety measures and norms of etiquette while in Nature.

Healing and relaxation:

Similarly, in the section on Nature Magic, there are many varieties of influencing one's own health. Primarily, this includes Herbal Magic - Herbalism, Shamanism, and the like. But equally important and effective part of Natural Magic is Sound Healing of the Forest. Birdsong Magic is also an essential and integral part of it. The trills of singing birds can influence mood, one's own bioenergy field, the absorption of Natural Energy in colossal amounts, improvement of health, enhancement of nervous calmness, spiritual growth, and overall self-development in all practical directions. And even at the biological level later on. 

For you, my dear and highly respected visitors of my websites, I have prepared a collection of videos containing long, poignant, and pleasant trills of singing birds, accompanied in places by the sounds of the Forest. By listening, enjoying the birdsong, receiving maximum positive Natural Charge, amazing relaxation, finding inner peace, feeling the energy of the Forest, and replenishing your own bioenergy reserves, you can click on the link here.

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