Saturn in Magic, Astrology, and Astronomy





The dimensions of this giant are such that if the Earth is imagined as a grain of wheat, then Saturn would resemble a large mandarin. Its diameter at the equator is 119,700 km, and at the poles it is 107,200 km. Saturn is even further from the Sun than Jupiter (its temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius), receiving 91 times less solar energy than Earth.
The planet completes a full orbit around the Sun in 29.5 Earth years and does not come closer to Earth than a billion kilometers. The rotation around the axis is quite fast for all giant planets, and their density is low, resulting in significant compression. All giant planets are surrounded by a powerful extended atmosphere with a large amount of hydrogen.
In good telescopes, it is possible to observe several rings around Saturn, separated by gaps. The rings consist of a huge number of boulders of various sizes. Overall, their system is very wide but thin enough (when they are edge-on, they are not visible from Earth). The width of the rings is such that if it were solid, the Earth could roll along it.
Various hypotheses suggest that Saturn's ring system either formed during the destruction of a once-existing moon of the planet, or it represents the remnants of the substance from which Saturn's moons formed in the distant past but could not "gather" into separate moons. It can be said that the rings are a multitude of small moons of Saturn. However, this planet also has many large moons, no less than Jupiter. Interestingly, among Saturn's moons are icy spheres with visible craters. For example, the moon Titan is larger than Mercury but, unlike it, has a more powerful atmosphere than Earth's atmosphere.
Saturn is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Titan Kronos, the son of Uranus and Gaia. At the request of his mother, Kronos used a sickle to castrate his father to stop his endless fertility. After reigning in place of his father, Kronos took his sister Rhea as his wife. Mother Gaia prophesied to him that his own son would eventually dethrone him, so Kronos swallowed all the children born to Rhea. However, Rhea deceived him by substituting a swaddled rock for the youngest Zeus, which was swallowed by Kronos. Zeus, secretly raised on Crete, under the advice of his wife Metis, tricked Kronos into drinking a magical potion that caused his father to regurgitate the siblings of Zeus.
The children of Kronos, led by Zeus, declared war on the Titans. The defeated Titans were cast into Tartarus and were held prisoner there by the Hecatoncheires, whom Zeus brought out of Tartarus.
Among the children of Kronos, his son by the nymph Philyra, the wise centaur Chiron, stands out. According to Orphic tradition, Kronos reconciled with Zeus and ruled in the Isles of the Blessed, giving rise to the concept of Kronos ruling as a happy and bountiful time. Popular etymology associated the name of Kronos with the concept of time, Chronos.
Saturn is one of the oldest Roman gods. The origin of his name in popular etymology is connected with the root "sat," meaning "to sow," which makes him the god of sowing and seeds. By the beginning of the 3rd century BC, Saturn became identified with Kronos (who devoured his children), giving rise to the idea of him as relentless time that devours what it has spawned, or as a seed returning to the earth that gave birth to it. Under the influence of the ideas of Kronos, Saturn, regardless of his original functions, came to be revered as the god of the Golden Age, one of the first kings of Latium, where, according to myth, he fled, overthrown by his son Jupiter, and was received by the ruler there, Janus, with whom he shared power. Saturn taught his subjects agriculture, viticulture, and civilized life, and the whole country became known as the "land of Saturn."
Saturalia (17 December) were holidays dedicated to Saturn. The original nature of the celebration is unknown, but in 217 BC, it was transformed following the pattern of the Greek Cronia. During the festival, masters and slaves switched roles, unrestrained revelry reigned - a carnival where people exchanged gifts such as lamps and clay figurines, and a mock king of the Saturnalia was elected. These holidays were considered as reminiscences of an era of abundance, universal freedom, and equality, enjoying great popularity and lasting for 5-7 days.
The cult of Saturn was mainly widespread in Africa, where it had numerous priests and societies of devotees, primarily from the common people.
In classical astrology, the planet was considered cold, grim, endowing individuals with corresponding qualities.
The astrological principles of Saturn correlated with the human tendency to structure one's life: to understand its meaning, conform to accepted norms, and realize the importance of growth crises.
The bio-physical level principle of Saturn can be characterized by the key word BOUNDARY. Saturn is the last planet that a person can see in the sky with the naked eye, its position seeming to indicate the limit of human capabilities.
The functions of this principle include limitation, restraint, paralysis, slowdown, inhibition, freezing, crystallization, determination, establishment, concentration, focus, control. Their action aims to maintain integrity and stability, save energy, strengthen resilience, and preserve.
Realization of these functions from the outside is initially achieved by parents (while the child is young), later by elders in age, social position, officials, representatives of the law, through rules, accepted norms, codes, constitutions, instructions.
This Saturn principle has its ungrateful biological functions: its action starts from the moment when the baby is severed from the mother through the umbilical cord and ends with the person's liberation from all earthly attachments when they leave this world.
A person's physical capabilities are limited externally by gravity, atmospheric pressure, and internally by body structure and specific organism design. Physical exertion provides individuals with information about the limits of their capabilities, while diseases, hunger, and thirst draw attention to the structure (boundaries) of the internal world. Severe illnesses and hunger often arise in our lives in circumstances of poverty, forced restrictions. A person's existence in conditions of conscious or forced renunciation of earthly goods is governed by the first principle of Saturn. The conscious acceptance of such a lifestyle indicates the strengthening of human autonomy and, over time, may lead individuals to possess many virtues.
Each person has a certain distance they try to maintain in interactions with familiar and unfamiliar people. Reducing this distance, violating necessary boundaries for safety, causes discomfort for the majority of people and anxiety for some, which can manifest in rigidity and tension. Hence, the first principle of Saturn is associated with the human need to live in a protected space shielded from external influences. Thus, Saturn governs territorial boundaries (including government structures that monitor their observance).
All real objects in the world around us have their external boundaries with three-dimensional parameters. When a person starts comparing one object to another, they have to deal with their exact dimensions, knowledge of which is impossible without reference to a specific system of measurements.
The measurement system relies on established standards, benchmarks, samples, which are nothing but a demonstration of the first principle of Saturn at the material level. Here, the connection of the principle with such character traits as precision, clarity, restraint, pedantry, neatness is easily discernible. Saturn governs our need to correct, adjust according to the model, sample, and the need to give and follow instructions.
In mythology, the image of Saturn is associated with the idea of power, which he took from his father and lost from his son. Perhaps that is why the principle of Saturn at the socio-psychological level is called the key word POWER.
The functions of this principle include governance, organization, regulation, control, accountability, verification, coordination, compliance, submission. They are aimed at dividing responsibilities, maintaining and preserving established order, ensuring stability.
The authority over a newborn baby is entirely in the hands of their parents and some other adults. From the child's perspective, the power in the world belongs to the elders. As they grow, they notice that adults also obey rules, and the power of some individuals over others depends on some rule (age? position?). The child unconsciously accepts this hierarchy, which has already formed in society before their birth.
The law by which people enter dependent relationships is linked to cultural and family circumstances of the past. We come into a world where there is a certain order, and as we later learn, this order is aimed at maintaining stability in life. Power structures surrounding a person from childhood restrain the individual's need for free, independent behavior, satisfying their impulsive desires, and, thus, may contribute to the development of the need to have greater power over others or seek greater power over others for the maximum reduction of dependency on others.
Therefore, the second principle of Saturn contributes to the manifestation of authority, restraint, patience, ambition, ambition, careerism, snobbery, respect for rank, arrogance, and also shapes the individual's desire for self-control and self-improvement. Involvement in power circles, one person's desire to control another's behavior and manage their activities, is difficult to reconcile with the softness, tenderness, and sensitivity of character, but easier with rigor, coldness, detachment. It is equally difficult to imagine delicacy in tone in which notations are read, teachings are given, orders are issued, and commands are made. We are more likely to encounter characteristics such as detachment, coldness, categoricity, expectation of unconditional obedience, and a sense of righteousness.
This Saturn principle contributes to the formation of high demands, a tendency to judge and qualify both one's own behavior and the behavior of others, explaining reasons, arguing points. We often hear: "dry, cold, official tone", "cold, bureaucratic atmosphere", "harsh authoritative voice". Saturn dominates in the characters of heavy, strict, serious, and joyless people and situations.
Restrictive Saturn, who devoured his own children, is associated in people's minds with chilling cruelty, gloominess, doom, fatalism, loneliness. A person burdened with family, embracing the joy of life, finds it difficult to fully dedicate themselves to a high goal without sacrificing their loved ones to it.
The hierarchy step determines the circle (boundaries) of social responsibilities and possibilities of a person at a certain societal level. Therefore, the second principle of Saturn also governs hierarchy, established order implying power of some people (desires, events) over others, which is carried out through a system of internal and external punishments and rewards. External punishments and rewards are provided by power structures, while internal ones are fueled by feelings of guilt, tendencies for self-punishment and self-blame.
From early childhood, a person learns the word "cannot," which protects them from dangerous behavior in the surrounding world. Those who say this unpleasant word hold power, and by obeying it, a person finds themselves within permissible limits. In case of disobedience, they are, just like in childhood, punished, meaning they fall under a system of stricter restrictions than a simple prohibition. And if external punishment does not follow, a person may bury deep in their subconscious their sense of guilt towards a real or internal parent who instilled in them the doctrine of good and evil, partly absorbed from their own family and partly from life experience.
Thus, the second principle of Saturn governs the sense of guilt, a person's ability for discipline, obedience, instills in them obligation, responsibility, caution ("may I?"), attentiveness. Through this principle, a person develops criteria for choosing behavior that is approved by others and deemed right. The first "can" and "cannot" a person internalizes at an early age, without understanding "why".
Limitations perceived in childhood form in a child unconscious settings, complexes, blocks upon which they stumble in their subsequent development. These are often fueled by promises, vows, oaths made by the child to themselves or others. Knowing that in the event of a non-standard situation, one can turn to someone higher on the social ladder, someone who knows how to behave, awakens in the individual a need to learn - who knows it all and why? Who established this order first, who controls its adherence, to whom all power belongs? Who in this world is the most senior, who bears the main responsibility, whose life can be an example, a model to emulate?
In childhood, this authority is usually held by a father or grandfather, then a teacher, and so on. By satisfying the need to find the most important figure, a person may come to spiritual development, to the idea of the fundamental moral Law of life, in Christianized culture, to the Bible.
The ideal level of Saturn in astrology can be associated with the keyword TIME. The modern world knows physical, biological, historical, psychological time, whereas in ancient times there was a unified and indivisible time for everyone. Now we can talk about the evolution of the category of Time. Physical time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. Clocks, days, weeks, and months regularly and cyclically repeat. Time as a category of philosophy disappears in space, it is infinite, has two opposite directions: into the past and into the future. These directions are divided by the elusive, ever-changing boundary of the present. In their mental images, people unconsciously cross this boundary, and if they find more definiteness and concreteness in their thoughts, they realize they are in the past. But when their images become less clear and more abstract, they are most likely in the future.
Psychological time is measured by events - changes in our lives, changes in our social roles: child, husband, father, grandfather. The connection of one event to another is the unit of measuring a person's age (birthday), eras (before Common Era and after). The link between the first breath and the last breath is life.
The third principle of Saturn governs the memory of humans and the memory of humanity, preserving chains of events of individual people and whole nations. The functions of time: structuring, regulating, periodizing, planning, development, maturation, aging.
Saturn, governing difficulties, problems in personality development, manages growth crises in humans associated with age-related painful physical or psychological sensations, the transition of a person from one social role to another, the need to lose certain abilities and gain others.
The third principle of Saturn governs cyclicality, regulation, regularity, chronology, archiving, schedules, repetitions, synchronization, coincidences. The principle manifests in our mind's ability to remember some significant events and forget others insignificant to the person, to systematize the past, and predict the future.
Saturn governs a person's need to structure their allotted time (life), setting global and periodic tasks for themselves. As the set milestones are achieved, the individual demonstrates their strategic abilities, inclination to take or not take responsibility for the implementation of these plans. Depending on the subject's need to adhere to a specific plan, they may focus more on the process or the outcome of their activities.
Thus, Saturn governs rigidity, steadfastness in progressing towards the set goal. A person maintains tension until the plan is fully realized or sets new tasks (before completing the first). Therefore, Saturn also governs the effectiveness of a person's activities.
A person's ability to subordinate their life (their time) to achieving results is reflected in character traits such as determination, concentration, focus, ambition, limitation. Striving to achieve a goal, a person may demonstrate despotic and dictatorial character tendencies, finding it difficult to carry out tasks assigned by others.
The principle of Time points to the social task that will be solved on Earth during the time allotted to the specific age group.
Saturn governs the protective mechanism of Repression (suppression) when a person prohibits themselves (represses) traumatic experiences affecting their consciousness.
The AGE of Saturn comes after 60 years.
Saturn's ROLES in the horoscope: father (mother), husband, grandfather, grandmother, eldest son, teacher, director, official, high-ranking official, bureaucrat, boss, elder, old man, person in power, regent, conservative, judge, doctor (often a surgeon), gerontologist, scientist, thinker, wise person, priest, Jesuit, monk, hermit, loner, closed-off individual, careerist, dictator, censor, corrector.
Saturnian STATES: restraint, rigidity, suppression, frustration, arrogance, introversion, oppression, submission, sorrow, illness, vigilance, suspicion, pride, focus, severity, seriousness, concentration, depression.
Saturnian EVENTS: appointment, change in social status, registration, law enforcement, sealing, obtaining permission, sentencing, imprisonment, hospitalization, bone injury, dental treatment, prosthetics, setting a regimen, death (petrification), funeral, monument establishment.
In the BODY, Saturn governs the skin, skeleton, teeth, hair, nails, temperature reduction, manifestations of deafness, sclerosis, chilling, paralysis, atrophy, aging.
The METAL of Saturn - lead.
The COLORS of Saturn - dark, gloomy, brown, black.
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Saturn in Magic, Astrology, and Astronomy
The dimensions of this giant are such that if the Earth is imagined as a grain of wheat, then Saturn would resemble a large mandarin. Its diameter at the equator is 119,700 km, and at the poles it is 107,200 km. Saturn is even further from the Sun than Jupiter (its temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius), receiving 91 times less solar energy than Earth.
The planet completes a full orbit around the Sun in 29.5 Earth years and does not come closer to Earth than a billion kilometers. The rotation around the axis is quite fast for all giant planets, and their density is low, resulting in significant compression. All giant planets are surrounded by a powerful extended atmosphere with a large amount of hydrogen.
In good telescopes, it is possible to observe several rings around Saturn, separated by gaps. The rings consist of a huge number of boulders of various sizes. Overall, their system is very wide but thin enough (when they are edge-on, they are not visible from Earth). The width of the rings is such that if it were solid, the Earth could roll along it.
Various hypotheses suggest that Saturn's ring system either formed during the destruction of a once-existing moon of the planet, or it represents the remnants of the substance from which Saturn's moons formed in the distant past but could not "gather" into separate moons. It can be said that the rings are a multitude of small moons of Saturn. However, this planet also has many large moons, no less than Jupiter. Interestingly, among Saturn's moons are icy spheres with visible craters. For example, the moon Titan is larger than Mercury but, unlike it, has a more powerful atmosphere than Earth's atmosphere.
Saturn is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Titan Kronos, the son of Uranus and Gaia. At the request of his mother, Kronos used a sickle to castrate his father to stop his endless fertility. After reigning in place of his father, Kronos took his sister Rhea as his wife. Mother Gaia prophesied to him that his own son would eventually dethrone him, so Kronos swallowed all the children born to Rhea. However, Rhea deceived him by substituting a swaddled rock for the youngest Zeus, which was swallowed by Kronos. Zeus, secretly raised on Crete, under the advice of his wife Metis, tricked Kronos into drinking a magical potion that caused his father to regurgitate the siblings of Zeus.
The children of Kronos, led by Zeus, declared war on the Titans. The defeated Titans were cast into Tartarus and were held prisoner there by the Hecatoncheires, whom Zeus brought out of Tartarus.
Among the children of Kronos, his son by the nymph Philyra, the wise centaur Chiron, stands out. According to Orphic tradition, Kronos reconciled with Zeus and ruled in the Isles of the Blessed, giving rise to the concept of Kronos ruling as a happy and bountiful time. Popular etymology associated the name of Kronos with the concept of time, Chronos.
Saturn is one of the oldest Roman gods. The origin of his name in popular etymology is connected with the root "sat," meaning "to sow," which makes him the god of sowing and seeds. By the beginning of the 3rd century BC, Saturn became identified with Kronos (who devoured his children), giving rise to the idea of him as relentless time that devours what it has spawned, or as a seed returning to the earth that gave birth to it. Under the influence of the ideas of Kronos, Saturn, regardless of his original functions, came to be revered as the god of the Golden Age, one of the first kings of Latium, where, according to myth, he fled, overthrown by his son Jupiter, and was received by the ruler there, Janus, with whom he shared power. Saturn taught his subjects agriculture, viticulture, and civilized life, and the whole country became known as the "land of Saturn."
Saturalia (17 December) were holidays dedicated to Saturn. The original nature of the celebration is unknown, but in 217 BC, it was transformed following the pattern of the Greek Cronia. During the festival, masters and slaves switched roles, unrestrained revelry reigned - a carnival where people exchanged gifts such as lamps and clay figurines, and a mock king of the Saturnalia was elected. These holidays were considered as reminiscences of an era of abundance, universal freedom, and equality, enjoying great popularity and lasting for 5-7 days.
The cult of Saturn was mainly widespread in Africa, where it had numerous priests and societies of devotees, primarily from the common people.
In classical astrology, the planet was considered cold, grim, endowing individuals with corresponding qualities.
The astrological principles of Saturn correlated with the human tendency to structure one's life: to understand its meaning, conform to accepted norms, and realize the importance of growth crises.
The bio-physical level principle of Saturn can be characterized by the key word BOUNDARY. Saturn is the last planet that a person can see in the sky with the naked eye, its position seeming to indicate the limit of human capabilities.
The functions of this principle include limitation, restraint, paralysis, slowdown, inhibition, freezing, crystallization, determination, establishment, concentration, focus, control. Their action aims to maintain integrity and stability, save energy, strengthen resilience, and preserve.
Realization of these functions from the outside is initially achieved by parents (while the child is young), later by elders in age, social position, officials, representatives of the law, through rules, accepted norms, codes, constitutions, instructions.
This Saturn principle has its ungrateful biological functions: its action starts from the moment when the baby is severed from the mother through the umbilical cord and ends with the person's liberation from all earthly attachments when they leave this world.
A person's physical capabilities are limited externally by gravity, atmospheric pressure, and internally by body structure and specific organism design. Physical exertion provides individuals with information about the limits of their capabilities, while diseases, hunger, and thirst draw attention to the structure (boundaries) of the internal world. Severe illnesses and hunger often arise in our lives in circumstances of poverty, forced restrictions. A person's existence in conditions of conscious or forced renunciation of earthly goods is governed by the first principle of Saturn. The conscious acceptance of such a lifestyle indicates the strengthening of human autonomy and, over time, may lead individuals to possess many virtues.
Each person has a certain distance they try to maintain in interactions with familiar and unfamiliar people. Reducing this distance, violating necessary boundaries for safety, causes discomfort for the majority of people and anxiety for some, which can manifest in rigidity and tension. Hence, the first principle of Saturn is associated with the human need to live in a protected space shielded from external influences. Thus, Saturn governs territorial boundaries (including government structures that monitor their observance).
All real objects in the world around us have their external boundaries with three-dimensional parameters. When a person starts comparing one object to another, they have to deal with their exact dimensions, knowledge of which is impossible without reference to a specific system of measurements.
The measurement system relies on established standards, benchmarks, samples, which are nothing but a demonstration of the first principle of Saturn at the material level. Here, the connection of the principle with such character traits as precision, clarity, restraint, pedantry, neatness is easily discernible. Saturn governs our need to correct, adjust according to the model, sample, and the need to give and follow instructions.
In mythology, the image of Saturn is associated with the idea of power, which he took from his father and lost from his son. Perhaps that is why the principle of Saturn at the socio-psychological level is called the key word POWER.
The functions of this principle include governance, organization, regulation, control, accountability, verification, coordination, compliance, submission. They are aimed at dividing responsibilities, maintaining and preserving established order, ensuring stability.
The authority over a newborn baby is entirely in the hands of their parents and some other adults. From the child's perspective, the power in the world belongs to the elders. As they grow, they notice that adults also obey rules, and the power of some individuals over others depends on some rule (age? position?). The child unconsciously accepts this hierarchy, which has already formed in society before their birth.
The law by which people enter dependent relationships is linked to cultural and family circumstances of the past. We come into a world where there is a certain order, and as we later learn, this order is aimed at maintaining stability in life. Power structures surrounding a person from childhood restrain the individual's need for free, independent behavior, satisfying their impulsive desires, and, thus, may contribute to the development of the need to have greater power over others or seek greater power over others for the maximum reduction of dependency on others.
Therefore, the second principle of Saturn contributes to the manifestation of authority, restraint, patience, ambition, ambition, careerism, snobbery, respect for rank, arrogance, and also shapes the individual's desire for self-control and self-improvement. Involvement in power circles, one person's desire to control another's behavior and manage their activities, is difficult to reconcile with the softness, tenderness, and sensitivity of character, but easier with rigor, coldness, detachment. It is equally difficult to imagine delicacy in tone in which notations are read, teachings are given, orders are issued, and commands are made. We are more likely to encounter characteristics such as detachment, coldness, categoricity, expectation of unconditional obedience, and a sense of righteousness.
This Saturn principle contributes to the formation of high demands, a tendency to judge and qualify both one's own behavior and the behavior of others, explaining reasons, arguing points. We often hear: "dry, cold, official tone", "cold, bureaucratic atmosphere", "harsh authoritative voice". Saturn dominates in the characters of heavy, strict, serious, and joyless people and situations.
Restrictive Saturn, who devoured his own children, is associated in people's minds with chilling cruelty, gloominess, doom, fatalism, loneliness. A person burdened with family, embracing the joy of life, finds it difficult to fully dedicate themselves to a high goal without sacrificing their loved ones to it.
The hierarchy step determines the circle (boundaries) of social responsibilities and possibilities of a person at a certain societal level. Therefore, the second principle of Saturn also governs hierarchy, established order implying power of some people (desires, events) over others, which is carried out through a system of internal and external punishments and rewards. External punishments and rewards are provided by power structures, while internal ones are fueled by feelings of guilt, tendencies for self-punishment and self-blame.
From early childhood, a person learns the word "cannot," which protects them from dangerous behavior in the surrounding world. Those who say this unpleasant word hold power, and by obeying it, a person finds themselves within permissible limits. In case of disobedience, they are, just like in childhood, punished, meaning they fall under a system of stricter restrictions than a simple prohibition. And if external punishment does not follow, a person may bury deep in their subconscious their sense of guilt towards a real or internal parent who instilled in them the doctrine of good and evil, partly absorbed from their own family and partly from life experience.
Thus, the second principle of Saturn governs the sense of guilt, a person's ability for discipline, obedience, instills in them obligation, responsibility, caution ("may I?"), attentiveness. Through this principle, a person develops criteria for choosing behavior that is approved by others and deemed right. The first "can" and "cannot" a person internalizes at an early age, without understanding "why".
Limitations perceived in childhood form in a child unconscious settings, complexes, blocks upon which they stumble in their subsequent development. These are often fueled by promises, vows, oaths made by the child to themselves or others. Knowing that in the event of a non-standard situation, one can turn to someone higher on the social ladder, someone who knows how to behave, awakens in the individual a need to learn - who knows it all and why? Who established this order first, who controls its adherence, to whom all power belongs? Who in this world is the most senior, who bears the main responsibility, whose life can be an example, a model to emulate?
In childhood, this authority is usually held by a father or grandfather, then a teacher, and so on. By satisfying the need to find the most important figure, a person may come to spiritual development, to the idea of the fundamental moral Law of life, in Christianized culture, to the Bible.
The ideal level of Saturn in astrology can be associated with the keyword TIME. The modern world knows physical, biological, historical, psychological time, whereas in ancient times there was a unified and indivisible time for everyone. Now we can talk about the evolution of the category of Time. Physical time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. Clocks, days, weeks, and months regularly and cyclically repeat. Time as a category of philosophy disappears in space, it is infinite, has two opposite directions: into the past and into the future. These directions are divided by the elusive, ever-changing boundary of the present. In their mental images, people unconsciously cross this boundary, and if they find more definiteness and concreteness in their thoughts, they realize they are in the past. But when their images become less clear and more abstract, they are most likely in the future.
Psychological time is measured by events - changes in our lives, changes in our social roles: child, husband, father, grandfather. The connection of one event to another is the unit of measuring a person's age (birthday), eras (before Common Era and after). The link between the first breath and the last breath is life.
The third principle of Saturn governs the memory of humans and the memory of humanity, preserving chains of events of individual people and whole nations. The functions of time: structuring, regulating, periodizing, planning, development, maturation, aging.
Saturn, governing difficulties, problems in personality development, manages growth crises in humans associated with age-related painful physical or psychological sensations, the transition of a person from one social role to another, the need to lose certain abilities and gain others.
The third principle of Saturn governs cyclicality, regulation, regularity, chronology, archiving, schedules, repetitions, synchronization, coincidences. The principle manifests in our mind's ability to remember some significant events and forget others insignificant to the person, to systematize the past, and predict the future.
Saturn governs a person's need to structure their allotted time (life), setting global and periodic tasks for themselves. As the set milestones are achieved, the individual demonstrates their strategic abilities, inclination to take or not take responsibility for the implementation of these plans. Depending on the subject's need to adhere to a specific plan, they may focus more on the process or the outcome of their activities.
Thus, Saturn governs rigidity, steadfastness in progressing towards the set goal. A person maintains tension until the plan is fully realized or sets new tasks (before completing the first). Therefore, Saturn also governs the effectiveness of a person's activities.
A person's ability to subordinate their life (their time) to achieving results is reflected in character traits such as determination, concentration, focus, ambition, limitation. Striving to achieve a goal, a person may demonstrate despotic and dictatorial character tendencies, finding it difficult to carry out tasks assigned by others.
The principle of Time points to the social task that will be solved on Earth during the time allotted to the specific age group.
Saturn governs the protective mechanism of Repression (suppression) when a person prohibits themselves (represses) traumatic experiences affecting their consciousness.
The AGE of Saturn comes after 60 years.
Saturn's ROLES in the horoscope: father (mother), husband, grandfather, grandmother, eldest son, teacher, director, official, high-ranking official, bureaucrat, boss, elder, old man, person in power, regent, conservative, judge, doctor (often a surgeon), gerontologist, scientist, thinker, wise person, priest, Jesuit, monk, hermit, loner, closed-off individual, careerist, dictator, censor, corrector.
Saturnian STATES: restraint, rigidity, suppression, frustration, arrogance, introversion, oppression, submission, sorrow, illness, vigilance, suspicion, pride, focus, severity, seriousness, concentration, depression.
Saturnian EVENTS: appointment, change in social status, registration, law enforcement, sealing, obtaining permission, sentencing, imprisonment, hospitalization, bone injury, dental treatment, prosthetics, setting a regimen, death (petrification), funeral, monument establishment.
In the BODY, Saturn governs the skin, skeleton, teeth, hair, nails, temperature reduction, manifestations of deafness, sclerosis, chilling, paralysis, atrophy, aging.
The METAL of Saturn - lead.
The COLORS of Saturn - dark, gloomy, brown, black.Saturn in Magic, Astrology, and Astronomy


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