The practice of the Dark Path implies renouncing everyday life, or in simpler terms, secular death (the author does not mean the proverbial “introspection” or “withdrawal from the world” as profanes usually think, but rather the necessary alignment of the inner essence towards a specific goal, as well as non-involvement in insignificant and mundane things that disperse Spiritual Power - here and further note by Rodomir), which brings the practitioner enough strength to discover the Navian World in return.

The Threshold of the Navian Hall

Before embarking on the Navian path, it is necessary to find a point of support (your place of power) and allies in this world (trees, animals, stones, people, ...). And the gates of your death to the world (often there is a death of the soul-name, and the inhabitation of a new one, but it always involves a change in the subservience of everyday consciousness and the vedom) - this is usually either a settlement of the dead (cemetery), a powerful place of Power (possibly a mountain, tree), or the tomb of a great sorcerer.

The First Step (step into the gates of Nav)

Having prepared for this action, one should follow the Power to the chosen place.

Upon entering the place, tune into it, gather the attention of this place with humming, and then merge with this attention in both external and internal silence.

Upon leaving, one should completely withdraw their attention from this place or object, including the description of this place in your memory and world description, sever the connection near the solar plexus (although this should be done if you do not need support).

At this place, one stays until the death of the mind is completed, but it is always extremely difficult to convince the mind that it is dying, as humans are accustomed to intellectual assumptions, not the full essence of sensations, as happens in an extreme situation (during a shock).

For the actual process, one needs to lie in a pre-prepared coffin, which should be placed in a pit, secured to a tree, or in another way, depending on established beliefs. (For example, the coffin can be replaced with a boat, the "Boat of the Dead," or with sleds.)

The method itself involves relaxation:
You should feel that Morana has come for you, and with a sickle, she cuts the ancestral threads. You start dying (there must be a need to part with your life, which directly depends on the degree of commitment to the Navian Path, and on the immediate readiness to take it on), your body begins to decay, starting from the tips of your toes, until your eyes glass over. Wave after wave passes through your body, causing a sensation of dying, imagining flesh peeling off, eyes popping out. In the final phase, the vedom will emerge, and the chosen place will provide insights according to its measure. Depending on the strength of the place, staying in the Ancestral space (timeless for the vedom) can take a significant period, up to 3 days (the time of decay of the portable matrix of soul-name perception). When everything is over, lie down, take a deep breath focusing on the inhale, and flex your muscles to affirm yourself in this reality. Focus on everyday reality, engaging in thought processes (internal dialogue).

If the above has not occurred, then one should practice the following circle of development of Navian perception starting from the second step, until the next attempt, as this step is a sorcerous initiation that occurs when the spirits of gods and ancestors desire your mediation between them and their descendants.

Further on, the practice may, and even should, take place in the same location (a place of resolution of situations).

Depending on the goals, the ritual either has a simplified form or a complete one.

A simple ritual for everyday work involves feeling the unity of space of a place or object, a simple spell or humming, gestures of Power.

The complete ritual involves invocations of spirits (or even speeches to gods with the appropriate mindset), sequences of tuning gestures of Power, and outlining the boundary with grain or coal, opening it on the ground using ritual methods (spreading with knives or swords, axes).

In addition, until you have learned "silent knowledge" of the vedom in life through the awareness of dreams, it is recommended to communicate with it through chiromancy, that is, divination (because divination is an appeal to the vedom). 

Second Step (Navian premonition)

1. Practice of intense gazing

Begin by taking one pebble and placing it at a distance of 2-3 meters without tension, silently gaze at it, your attention should be fully absorbed by it. The body should be maximally relaxed. When the result is achieved and attention is effortlessly absorbed by the stone, place two stones, and when the attention is focused on one stone, shift it to the other. The goal is to completely remove attention from the previous stone without delays, without getting attached to the previous object. Practice of simultaneously holding two stones in your field of attention is possible. Then move to three stones, with attention focused on one, then transferred to two simultaneously. Feel the difference in perception. The number of stones can increase, forming patterns from which composite runes can be distinguished, switching attention from one to another, etc.

2. Development of tactile sensations with the layers of the onion of awareness

Start with developing sensitivity of the hands to them, then achieve synchronization of body sensations with the hands.

Starting exercise: place your hands together, and feel for example a sphere between them, making slow oscillating movements. Lastly, guide one hand over the other at a short distance to sense the layers of the onion - this leads to their compression, causing a feeling of heaviness around the hands.

3. Distracting attention from the everyday world

Characterized by avoiding extremes in all manifestations of life spheres, a kind of escape from the world within the world, non-involvement in everyday affective or defective states.

Involvement in sensory perception external or internal leads to avoidance of reality perception, creating a matrix model of the world, a kind of archive of impressions in which our mind continuously delves into. The life force generated by our being takes on a unique form, and we gradually move away from reality.

This method can be assisted by contemplating on certain topics, based on accepting one's death as the epitome of life:

About the loss of luck, wealth, success.
About the transience of existence, manifestations of joy and sorrow.
About the infinite changes in the surrounding world.
About the inevitability of death, and its options for you (such as old age, illness, accident, violence).
The goal of this method is to rid oneself of attachments, as these are truly attachments to this world that prevent perception from slipping beyond its boundaries.

Attachments will not allow you to use your strength as much as they are strong. Therefore, it seems problematic to even perform the simplest sorcery for oneself, personal interest disrupts the alignment.

In practical terms, the wizard gains experience of sensations from disengaged consciousness, i.e. the ability to determine remotely when consulting the vedom using their tricks - whether a person has passed away or is still alive.

Third step (sensing Nav in Yav)

1. Tactile contemplation (spatial vision + touch)

The merging of the bulbs of perception of the observer and the observed through perception tuning, or in silent contemplation tuning with the specific spatial-temporal continuum within the field of perception.

In simpler terms: feeling the surrounding body space within 0.5-1 meter, we shift attention to the vedom. However, the emphasis should be on two particular features: the sensation of space above the head and behind the back, as well as the uniform distribution of visual and tactile parts of attention. Once achieved, we extend the sphere of attention to the object of contemplation.

This type of contemplation develops the vedom of a person, shifting attention to it, and as a result, the life force. As a result, after the death of such a person, their vedom is too complete and saturated to dissolve into natural sources, which creates a problem of its whereabouts. To solve this problem, churovs made from dried dead trees were used (an enclosure from which the spirit departed, asking the spirit of the deceased to enter).

After feeling the vedom, one should tune into these sensations as often as possible to eliminate barriers to perception and knowledge.

2. Saturation of vedom

The live sensations in the hands obtained in the second step are now directed towards feeling the entire bulb of perception and the surrounding forces.

3. Working with natural statas.

Becoming the Earth

It is best to practice this technique in a field in order to fully feel the salt of the earth (its heaviness, drawing you towards it).

Standing in the middle of the field, relax all the muscles in your body. This process is not quick, so you can sync it with rhythmic breathing. Once you achieve relaxation, feel the heaviness of your body, the force that pulls you towards the earth. When the heaviness overcomes you and you collapse to the ground, your vedom separates from your body, of course, if your attention is fully absorbed by this practice, and everyday consciousness does not dominate during the fall. If the vedom still does not separate, it is not a problem, not everything happens at once. You should lie on the ground, feeling the heaviness coming from its core. Through this practice, the fear of falling disappears, even falling backward.

Becoming the Water

The salt of the water for the sorcerer is its fluidity. For the practice, you will need a stream or river, preferably with rapids, flowing rapidly.

Sitting on the shore, silently contemplate the flow of the water. Your vedom easily separates, but there is a danger that your body will fall into the water. Many people have fallen victim to contemplating flowing water (nothing captivates attention like flowing water and a blazing fire).

To acquire the qualities of water, after entering the body of water, try to make some sharp movements with your arms and legs. By trying and practicing, you may come to the conclusion that rotational and spiral movements, as well as their combinations, are most effective for the aquatic environment (this can be seen in marine animals and snakes).

Becoming the Fire

To embody the essence of fire, one should not work with lamps and candles, but with a bonfire, as a small fire cannot fully manifest its essence, and an excessively large fire (a conflagration) is beyond human understanding. A small fire is only used to captivate attention, but it does not involve working with this element. The qualities of fire are intensity and warmth. For practice, walk on hot coals and direct the Power of the flame. Fire gives insight, passion, and lightness of perception, preventing catering to preferences until attention and vitality are exhausted.

Becoming the Air

The variability and gustiness in its various manifestations come from the element of air. Working with this element involves working with trees. If the essence of the human being is strong, their abilities for awareness are immense. Practicing methods allows one to sense the spirits of nature manifesting as whirlwinds from a gentle breeze.

Additionally, these elements are used for burials in sacred ceremonies (in a burrow or pit, underwater with a straw, in the snow, in a circle of fire, on a tree or mountain).

Glory to the Navian Gods!

Yaroslavl Rodnover community "Velesovo Urochische"
 PAGE  :   5

The practice of the Dark Path implies renouncing everyday life, or in simpler terms, secular death (the author does not mean the proverbial “introspection” or “withdrawal from the world” as profanes usually think, but rather the necessary alignment of the inner essence towards a specific goal, as well as non-involvement in insignificant and mundane things that disperse Spiritual Power - here and further note by Rodomir), which brings the practitioner enough strength to discover the Navian World in return.

The Threshold of the Navian Hall

Before embarking on the Navian path, it is necessary to find a point of support (your place of power) and allies in this world (trees, animals, stones, people, ...). And the gates of your death to the world (often there is a death of the soul-name, and the inhabitation of a new one, but it always involves a change in the subservience of everyday consciousness and the vedom) - this is usually either a settlement of the dead (cemetery), a powerful place of Power (possibly a mountain, tree), or the tomb of a great sorcerer.

The First Step (step into the gates of Nav)

Having prepared for this action, one should follow the Power to the chosen place.

Upon entering the place, tune into it, gather the attention of this place with humming, and then merge with this attention in both external and internal silence.

Upon leaving, one should completely withdraw their attention from this place or object, including the description of this place in your memory and world description, sever the connection near the solar plexus (although this should be done if you do not need support).

At this place, one stays until the death of the mind is completed, but it is always extremely difficult to convince the mind that it is dying, as humans are accustomed to intellectual assumptions, not the full essence of sensations, as happens in an extreme situation (during a shock).

For the actual process, one needs to lie in a pre-prepared coffin, which should be placed in a pit, secured to a tree, or in another way, depending on established beliefs. (For example, the coffin can be replaced with a boat, the "Boat of the Dead," or with sleds.)

The method itself involves relaxation:
You should feel that Morana has come for you, and with a sickle, she cuts the ancestral threads. You start dying (there must be a need to part with your life, which directly depends on the degree of commitment to the Navian Path, and on the immediate readiness to take it on), your body begins to decay, starting from the tips of your toes, until your eyes glass over. Wave after wave passes through your body, causing a sensation of dying, imagining flesh peeling off, eyes popping out. In the final phase, the vedom will emerge, and the chosen place will provide insights according to its measure. Depending on the strength of the place, staying in the Ancestral space (timeless for the vedom) can take a significant period, up to 3 days (the time of decay of the portable matrix of soul-name perception). When everything is over, lie down, take a deep breath focusing on the inhale, and flex your muscles to affirm yourself in this reality. Focus on everyday reality, engaging in thought processes (internal dialogue).

If the above has not occurred, then one should practice the following circle of development of Navian perception starting from the second step, until the next attempt, as this step is a sorcerous initiation that occurs when the spirits of gods and ancestors desire your mediation between them and their descendants.

Further on, the practice may, and even should, take place in the same location (a place of resolution of situations).

Depending on the goals, the ritual either has a simplified form or a complete one.

A simple ritual for everyday work involves feeling the unity of space of a place or object, a simple spell or humming, gestures of Power.

The complete ritual involves invocations of spirits (or even speeches to gods with the appropriate mindset), sequences of tuning gestures of Power, and outlining the boundary with grain or coal, opening it on the ground using ritual methods (spreading with knives or swords, axes).

In addition, until you have learned "silent knowledge" of the vedom in life through the awareness of dreams, it is recommended to communicate with it through chiromancy, that is, divination (because divination is an appeal to the vedom). 

Second Step (Navian premonition)

1. Practice of intense gazing

Begin by taking one pebble and placing it at a distance of 2-3 meters without tension, silently gaze at it, your attention should be fully absorbed by it. The body should be maximally relaxed. When the result is achieved and attention is effortlessly absorbed by the stone, place two stones, and when the attention is focused on one stone, shift it to the other. The goal is to completely remove attention from the previous stone without delays, without getting attached to the previous object. Practice of simultaneously holding two stones in your field of attention is possible. Then move to three stones, with attention focused on one, then transferred to two simultaneously. Feel the difference in perception. The number of stones can increase, forming patterns from which composite runes can be distinguished, switching attention from one to another, etc.

2. Development of tactile sensations with the layers of the onion of awareness

Start with developing sensitivity of the hands to them, then achieve synchronization of body sensations with the hands.

Starting exercise: place your hands together, and feel for example a sphere between them, making slow oscillating movements. Lastly, guide one hand over the other at a short distance to sense the layers of the onion - this leads to their compression, causing a feeling of heaviness around the hands.

3. Distracting attention from the everyday world

Characterized by avoiding extremes in all manifestations of life spheres, a kind of escape from the world within the world, non-involvement in everyday affective or defective states.

Involvement in sensory perception external or internal leads to avoidance of reality perception, creating a matrix model of the world, a kind of archive of impressions in which our mind continuously delves into. The life force generated by our being takes on a unique form, and we gradually move away from reality.

This method can be assisted by contemplating on certain topics, based on accepting one's death as the epitome of life:

About the loss of luck, wealth, success.
About the transience of existence, manifestations of joy and sorrow.
About the infinite changes in the surrounding world.
About the inevitability of death, and its options for you (such as old age, illness, accident, violence).
The goal of this method is to rid oneself of attachments, as these are truly attachments to this world that prevent perception from slipping beyond its boundaries.

Attachments will not allow you to use your strength as much as they are strong. Therefore, it seems problematic to even perform the simplest sorcery for oneself, personal interest disrupts the alignment.

In practical terms, the wizard gains experience of sensations from disengaged consciousness, i.e. the ability to determine remotely when consulting the vedom using their tricks - whether a person has passed away or is still alive.

Third step (sensing Nav in Yav)

1. Tactile contemplation (spatial vision + touch)

The merging of the bulbs of perception of the observer and the observed through perception tuning, or in silent contemplation tuning with the specific spatial-temporal continuum within the field of perception.

In simpler terms: feeling the surrounding body space within 0.5-1 meter, we shift attention to the vedom. However, the emphasis should be on two particular features: the sensation of space above the head and behind the back, as well as the uniform distribution of visual and tactile parts of attention. Once achieved, we extend the sphere of attention to the object of contemplation.

This type of contemplation develops the vedom of a person, shifting attention to it, and as a result, the life force. As a result, after the death of such a person, their vedom is too complete and saturated to dissolve into natural sources, which creates a problem of its whereabouts. To solve this problem, churovs made from dried dead trees were used (an enclosure from which the spirit departed, asking the spirit of the deceased to enter).

After feeling the vedom, one should tune into these sensations as often as possible to eliminate barriers to perception and knowledge.

2. Saturation of vedom

The live sensations in the hands obtained in the second step are now directed towards feeling the entire bulb of perception and the surrounding forces.

3. Working with natural statas.

Becoming the Earth

It is best to practice this technique in a field in order to fully feel the salt of the earth (its heaviness, drawing you towards it).

Standing in the middle of the field, relax all the muscles in your body. This process is not quick, so you can sync it with rhythmic breathing. Once you achieve relaxation, feel the heaviness of your body, the force that pulls you towards the earth. When the heaviness overcomes you and you collapse to the ground, your vedom separates from your body, of course, if your attention is fully absorbed by this practice, and everyday consciousness does not dominate during the fall. If the vedom still does not separate, it is not a problem, not everything happens at once. You should lie on the ground, feeling the heaviness coming from its core. Through this practice, the fear of falling disappears, even falling backward.

Becoming the Water

The salt of the water for the sorcerer is its fluidity. For the practice, you will need a stream or river, preferably with rapids, flowing rapidly.

Sitting on the shore, silently contemplate the flow of the water. Your vedom easily separates, but there is a danger that your body will fall into the water. Many people have fallen victim to contemplating flowing water (nothing captivates attention like flowing water and a blazing fire).

To acquire the qualities of water, after entering the body of water, try to make some sharp movements with your arms and legs. By trying and practicing, you may come to the conclusion that rotational and spiral movements, as well as their combinations, are most effective for the aquatic environment (this can be seen in marine animals and snakes).

Becoming the Fire

To embody the essence of fire, one should not work with lamps and candles, but with a bonfire, as a small fire cannot fully manifest its essence, and an excessively large fire (a conflagration) is beyond human understanding. A small fire is only used to captivate attention, but it does not involve working with this element. The qualities of fire are intensity and warmth. For practice, walk on hot coals and direct the Power of the flame. Fire gives insight, passion, and lightness of perception, preventing catering to preferences until attention and vitality are exhausted.

Becoming the Air

The variability and gustiness in its various manifestations come from the element of air. Working with this element involves working with trees. If the essence of the human being is strong, their abilities for awareness are immense. Practicing methods allows one to sense the spirits of nature manifesting as whirlwinds from a gentle breeze.

Additionally, these elements are used for burials in sacred ceremonies (in a burrow or pit, underwater with a straw, in the snow, in a circle of fire, on a tree or mountain).

Glory to the Navian Gods!

Yaroslavl Rodnover community "Velesovo Urochische"
 PAGE  :   5