Ritual from the tradition of Ancient Slavic Navie Magic. This ritual, in ordinary spoken Russian, is called "Russian Voodoo". The practice of casting curses, working with cemeteries. I recommend performing this action to those who have a fairly good foundation and significant experience in Magical practice, Practitioners with a strong bioenergy field, and very strong protection. I strongly advise against this for beginners who do not possess all of the above. This action is performed during the Waning Moon.
To conduct the ritual, you should prepare in advance:
- Wax doll (voodoo doll)
- 9-13 needles
- 9-13 pins
- Gypsy needle with triple-threaded needle (red, white, black)
- Your personal ritual knife
- Enemy's photo (including their name)
- Black thread
- Fresh pig heart
- Bottle of good brandy
- Bottle of red wine
- Empty bottle
- Old rusty nails
- Live chicken
- Several white coins (preferably 9-13 of the same denomination)
- 3 black candles
First, greet the Cemetery Keeper when you arrive at the graveyard:
- Greetings to you, Bone Elder, I ask you to let me pass and allow me to perform my ritual, help and guide me tonight...
As gifts to the Keeper, bring a bottle of good brandy, pour some on the ground and leave some where the Keeper resides.
After walking among the graves, choose the spot that feels most suitable (a crossing between graves is often recommended).
Once you have chosen the spot, address Mare (The Goddess of Death).
Lay down a piece of black fabric and draw a Mara sign with white chalk on it, setting up your prepared items on it. Place the 3 candles pointing west, light them with a match in a counterclockwise direction.
Summon the Great Black Mother:
"Mara shone like a fire
Shining in this beauty
Which gave us the will of God
Such is the name
The power of Sv
Also put on
Old from the new
Hail Maara-Ma!"
This should be recited from 9 to 13 times, depending on your sensations. Bring a chicken to Mare's ritual place. Take the prepared doll in your left hand and mentally identify it with your enemy, and hold needles in your other hand. Heat each needle in the candle flame and insert them into the doll; the heart, joints, chakras should be targeted, and finally, sever its head with a knife. You can use any arbitrary sentences during this process or conduct this part of the ritual silently.
After decapitating the doll, set it aside (on the black fabric), and take the pig's heart and a spool of rope. Wind the rope around the heart in a cross until the spool is empty, identifying it with your enemy throughout. Once the heart is wrapped, pierce it with the needles, previously heated in the candle flame. You can also use any random phrases during this process, or perform this part of the ritual silently.
Once this part of the ritual is completed, dig a small hole, take a photograph of your enemy and a needle threaded with triple thread. Stitch the photograph with the needle to create Mara's symbol. Use arbitrary sentences during this process, verbalizing your actions. Cut off the needle and tie 9 knots at the ends of the threads while mentally sealing everything you have put into the previous action. Uncap the empty bottle, roll the photograph and place it inside. Additionally, add old rusty nails, graveyard soil, and a bit of wine into the bottle. Pierce the cork with the needle used to sew the photograph.
Next, bury the bottle and pour red wine over the spot. Lastly, sprinkle some soil from where you buried the bottle into a bag, which you will later sprinkle where your enemy lives or frequently passes by. Tie the heart and doll with the severed head tightly in a knot of black fabric and bury or hide the knot on a grave.
Bury the chicken carcass in the cemetery, ideally at the crossroads of two paths. The main part of the ritual is complete, and you can return home. Before leaving the cemetery, don't forget to throw a few white coins over your left shoulder with your right hand and say "paid."
This action, like all rituals, must be kept in ritual silence. Only YOU should know about it.
Ritual from the tradition of Ancient Slavic Navie Magic. This ritual, in ordinary spoken Russian, is called "Russian Voodoo". The practice of casting curses, working with cemeteries. I recommend performing this action to those who have a fairly good foundation and significant experience in Magical practice, Practitioners with a strong bioenergy field, and very strong protection. I strongly advise against this for beginners who do not possess all of the above. This action is performed during the Waning Moon.
To conduct the ritual, you should prepare in advance:
- Wax doll (voodoo doll)
- 9-13 needles
- 9-13 pins
- Gypsy needle with triple-threaded needle (red, white, black)
- Your personal ritual knife
- Enemy's photo (including their name)
- Black thread
- Fresh pig heart
- Bottle of good brandy
- Bottle of red wine
- Empty bottle
- Old rusty nails
- Live chicken
- Several white coins (preferably 9-13 of the same denomination)
- 3 black candles
First, greet the Cemetery Keeper when you arrive at the graveyard:
- Greetings to you, Bone Elder, I ask you to let me pass and allow me to perform my ritual, help and guide me tonight...
As gifts to the Keeper, bring a bottle of good brandy, pour some on the ground and leave some where the Keeper resides.
After walking among the graves, choose the spot that feels most suitable (a crossing between graves is often recommended).
Once you have chosen the spot, address Mare (The Goddess of Death).
Lay down a piece of black fabric and draw a Mara sign with white chalk on it, setting up your prepared items on it. Place the 3 candles pointing west, light them with a match in a counterclockwise direction.
Summon the Great Black Mother:
"Mara shone like a fire
Shining in this beauty
Which gave us the will of God
Such is the name
The power of Sv
Also put on
Old from the new
Hail Maara-Ma!"
This should be recited from 9 to 13 times, depending on your sensations. Bring a chicken to Mare's ritual place. Take the prepared doll in your left hand and mentally identify it with your enemy, and hold needles in your other hand. Heat each needle in the candle flame and insert them into the doll; the heart, joints, chakras should be targeted, and finally, sever its head with a knife. You can use any arbitrary sentences during this process or conduct this part of the ritual silently.
After decapitating the doll, set it aside (on the black fabric), and take the pig's heart and a spool of rope. Wind the rope around the heart in a cross until the spool is empty, identifying it with your enemy throughout. Once the heart is wrapped, pierce it with the needles, previously heated in the candle flame. You can also use any random phrases during this process, or perform this part of the ritual silently.
Once this part of the ritual is completed, dig a small hole, take a photograph of your enemy and a needle threaded with triple thread. Stitch the photograph with the needle to create Mara's symbol. Use arbitrary sentences during this process, verbalizing your actions. Cut off the needle and tie 9 knots at the ends of the threads while mentally sealing everything you have put into the previous action. Uncap the empty bottle, roll the photograph and place it inside. Additionally, add old rusty nails, graveyard soil, and a bit of wine into the bottle. Pierce the cork with the needle used to sew the photograph.
Next, bury the bottle and pour red wine over the spot. Lastly, sprinkle some soil from where you buried the bottle into a bag, which you will later sprinkle where your enemy lives or frequently passes by. Tie the heart and doll with the severed head tightly in a knot of black fabric and bury or hide the knot on a grave.
Bury the chicken carcass in the cemetery, ideally at the crossroads of two paths. The main part of the ritual is complete, and you can return home. Before leaving the cemetery, don't forget to throw a few white coins over your left shoulder with your right hand and say "paid."
This action, like all rituals, must be kept in ritual silence. Only YOU should know about it.