Magic in the Modern World

Humanity has existed for hundreds of thousands of years to this day. The science of this field states: "Humans in the narrow sense as the species Homo sapiens emerged from 400,000 to 250,000 years ago. Humans in the broader sense, as the genus Homo, which includes not only modern humans but also Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and so on, all of which can be called human, appeared about 2 million years ago."
Almost from the moment when humans in the form of "Homo sapiens" learned to walk on two legs, articulate "understandable" sounds similar to speech, make fire, and hold tools and hunting implements in their hands - using them for their intended purposes, and acquired many similarities with the semblance of a "modern human" as understood today, "religion and the urge to explore the unknown" began to take root.
We have known about Magic as the Art of creating changes according to one's will, using the "Subtle World" that defies scientific explanations, since ancient times. We are well-informed about love spells, bindings, curses, rituals for luck and prosperity, healing practices, as well as folk medicine. And from ancient times, we have also been familiar with Astrology, Horoscopes, Zodiac signs, and the like.

Magic and Occultism also involve actions such as entering a trance, out-of-body experiences, communication with Spirits, Deities, the Dead (with their souls), gathering information, and more. Negative influences can be imposed as well as removed. Protection against such actions is also practiced in Occultism in general. All these examples of Magical effects are relevant in all times. During witchcraft rituals, it is very common to invoke Forces from Outside - in other words, "calling upon Deities, Demons." These Entities, directing their Streams towards the Practitioners during the rituals, provide them with Strength, offer some "Assistance" in achieving their goals. To conduct such ceremonies, one must use places of Power (locations in Nature where it is practically deserted), their "Temples" (spaces designated for such purposes). Generally, places known only to the Practitioner or a specific group of Practitioners. Except, of course, cemeteries. As observed in the modern world, all of this is fully present and firmly entrenched to this day. Forces from Outside have existed, exist, and will always exist. Let us remember the Ancient Sumerian Epic "Enuma Elish" (When on High), and the clear interpretation brought to light in a similar Occult treatise, like the "Babylonian Scripture," a thesis confirming this phenomenon: "The Ancients Were, and Will always be!"
This means that Deities, Demons, and the Denizens of the Beyond are absolutely indifferent to how much time has passed and will pass in our earthly world, how much time has passed for them. They will exist always, regardless of the belief of the living inhabitants of this world in them. Moreover, beyond the physical reality, phenomena such as "time, speed, distance, space," and so on do not exist. Understanding the ENTIRE NATURE of the Afterlife Reality is practically impossible. This has been the case for many centuries and millennia past and remains so today.
For magical effects, it absolutely doesn't matter whether the "guinea pig" believes in Magic or not. Magic works in any case. To say, for example, "Oh, I don't believe in this - it doesn't affect me, it won't work on me! What kind of fairy tales are you telling me! Hahahahaha!" - is the same, from the perspective of Practitioners and the knowledgeable, as standing on the tracks with a moving train approaching and saying, "It doesn't exist! I don't believe in it! Nothing will happen to me!" This is how a skeptical view of Occultism in general looks. To tell skeptics about Magic, Occult Practices, Witchcraft Practices is like telling people from the times of the pharaohs or the Middle Ages about television, cell phones, satellite communication, spaceports, spacecraft, the internet, etc. They would also mock you and label you as insane. And worse yet, they might even consider you something worse - "possessed" and order for you to be "punished". As we can see, Homo sapiens has always "reacted fiercely" to new Knowledge. And Occult practices continue to be "flagellated" to this day.

In the history of the ancient world and in the Middle Ages, those individuals who sought and possessed such Knowledge were cruelly persecuted by representatives of the ruling authorities. In the modern world, where we witness new and new Scientific Discoveries, the benefits of Civilization, Nanotechnology, Modernization, etc., Occultism is also present and has reached our days. In accordance with the epochs, it underwent its own changes, corresponding to all the changes in Civilization. In the present time, unlike in ancient times, society tends to view Magic with skepticism, harsh criticism, ridicule, and does not take these Knowledge seriously. Is this right? How do these developments and breakthroughs in the Civilized world affect modern Followers of Occult Knowledge? Let's consider this in more detail.

It is almost universally acknowledged that Magic is the Art of influencing oneself and the surrounding world, using resources from the Subtle Level. As a result, the necessary changes occur on the physical plane. Moreover, these changes defy explanation from the perspective of modern Science, despite all its breakthroughs and achievements. Present-day "recording devices" sometimes capture various manifestations belonging to the Otherworld on their "information holders": Images of Spirits, auras, unusual shadows, and sometimes more Advanced Beings, voices and sounds from the Parallel world, and so on. At the same time, Modern Science CANNOT explain or interpret any of this, let alone the "Outcomes" of such activities.

What is the status of Occultism in the Civilized World today, as it was not so long ago in the 20th century AD? The facts are clear: it has been and continues to be subjected to skepticism and critical mockery. Let's leave aside the topic of states living within the framework of the "laws of the Middle Ages" and focus on the Civilized West and the Slavic countries, including Russia and the former Soviet Union. Yet, Followers of Magic still exist even in our time. Surprisingly, the percentage of Occultism Practitioners is constantly increasing. And this, mind you, in such "skeptical" conditions. And in step with modern Discoveries, new innovations also emerge in Occult practices derived from Modern Technologies. Let me provide some of the most noticeable examples.

The figure-volt, or "voodoo doll" in simpler terms. In a few words, what it is: a figure representing a specific person, molded from wax or clay, and also from dough, or tied or sewn from fabrics, bundles of straw or cloth, or carved from wood. With additions to it, such as "corresponding to body parts" attachments (hair, nails, paper with handwriting, part of unwashed clothes). This is what the figure-volt is in its original and traditional form. And if it was not possible to obtain attachments, the Witch worked solely by "mentally attaching the enemy's image to the figure". All of this originated in ancient times, thousands of years before Our Era. Back then, photography did not exist. And drawing an accurate likeness of the subject on paper, with maximum similarities, was not something everyone could do. So what is done next with the volt-figure? It is pierced with needles heated in fire, along with corresponding spells. The Practitioner enters the necessary mental state for this. This is usually done in curses, inflicting negativity on the victims. The work is very delicate, meticulous, and requires certain precautions, while also involving the "outpouring of anger, rage, strength" onto the "figure of influence". The voodoo doll must remain in the "proper state" either until the end of the Ritual, or until a certain stage of the Ritual. The work is very responsible and requires maximum dedication from the Practitioner.
What we see now: Nowadays, a photograph can easily be "embedded in the right place" in the voodoo doll, which definitely simplifies the "holding of the subject's image in mind" for Occult Practice.
Another innovation, in the 21st century: When a person writes something on a keyboard on the internet, expressing their thoughts or emotions. But the MAIN thing: for it to be a complete expression of their thoughts and emotions as they are, without any editing afterwards. Along with all their grammatical errors, if any are present. Thus, using this opportunity, a "screenshot" of the person's post is taken, the size of the post is adjusted to the dimensions of the "limbs (arms) of the voodoo doll". It is printed out, cut in continuous sentences in one line, and attached to the "arms of the voodoo doll". This serves as a very good "psychological attachment", relevant for many years to come. In this simple way, based on nanotechnologies, new "discoveries-additions" to Occult Practice are created in our time.

Another example - Let's go back to the photo and compare this use with "vulturing". Vulturing in its classical form, without the "involvement of modern innovations", was invented millennia before Our Era. But what did the nanotechnologies of the 20th and 21st centuries of Our Era give us: they gave us the ability to capture images, with subsequent placement on photo-paper carriers. This greatly simplified the work of Occult Masters in many spheres of influence. There are now opportunities to read information about objects and subjects much more quickly and easily, being with them at any distance in the real world. Using this, amazing opportunities emerged to influence "subjects", often without resorting to the method of "vulturing". That is, without spending time, resources, and energy on such ceremonies. It is clear that an experienced, resourceful, and sufficiently Strong Practitioner of Occultism only needs to have the image of the subject in mind to effectively impact them. And having photographs of the subject of influence, it is even more feasible to achieve the desired impact without unnecessary costs. When considering the theme of "curses, inflicting negativity on the victim", we see that by entering the necessary "state of mind," the Master practically risks nothing to successfully conduct their Ritual. This minimizes the risk of accidentally damaging the photo due to carelessness, reaching a state of "anger, rage". At least not doing so accidentally, before the necessary Ritual stage. Overall - the risks are much lower than in wax, clay "vulturing".

What else will Nanotechnologies and Scientific Discoveries reveal to Occultism- we do not know. But it is quite logical that there will always be only benefit from such "breakthroughs into the future." Ironically, Occultism is subject to skeptical criticism and "light ostracism" in the centuries of Civilization, Science, Discoveries, Nanotechnologies, Modernizations, etc. And at the same time, it evolves and develops thanks to ALL OF THIS, similarly simplifying the methods of implementing its Secret and Unexplained Possibilities.
Thanks to all of this, the ways of assisting those who turn to Occultism for help and services are also simplified.
In conclusion, summarizing the topic with final recommendations:

For those who need the Help of a Mage here and now - feel free to follow the provided link and then go to the Contacts section. For those who were interested in reading and discovering something new - I wish you success in learning and applying! I wish all of you, dear readers and visitors of my resources, a pleasant and successful time, and a maximum positive mood!
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Magic in the Modern World

Humanity has existed for hundreds of thousands of years to this day. The science of this field states: "Humans in the narrow sense as the species Homo sapiens emerged from 400,000 to 250,000 years ago. Humans in the broader sense, as the genus Homo, which includes not only modern humans but also Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and so on, all of which can be called human, appeared about 2 million years ago."
Almost from the moment when humans in the form of "Homo sapiens" learned to walk on two legs, articulate "understandable" sounds similar to speech, make fire, and hold tools and hunting implements in their hands - using them for their intended purposes, and acquired many similarities with the semblance of a "modern human" as understood today, "religion and the urge to explore the unknown" began to take root.
We have known about Magic as the Art of creating changes according to one's will, using the "Subtle World" that defies scientific explanations, since ancient times. We are well-informed about love spells, bindings, curses, rituals for luck and prosperity, healing practices, as well as folk medicine. And from ancient times, we have also been familiar with Astrology, Horoscopes, Zodiac signs, and the like.

Magic and Occultism also involve actions such as entering a trance, out-of-body experiences, communication with Spirits, Deities, the Dead (with their souls), gathering information, and more. Negative influences can be imposed as well as removed. Protection against such actions is also practiced in Occultism in general. All these examples of Magical effects are relevant in all times. During witchcraft rituals, it is very common to invoke Forces from Outside - in other words, "calling upon Deities, Demons." These Entities, directing their Streams towards the Practitioners during the rituals, provide them with Strength, offer some "Assistance" in achieving their goals. To conduct such ceremonies, one must use places of Power (locations in Nature where it is practically deserted), their "Temples" (spaces designated for such purposes). Generally, places known only to the Practitioner or a specific group of Practitioners. Except, of course, cemeteries. As observed in the modern world, all of this is fully present and firmly entrenched to this day. Forces from Outside have existed, exist, and will always exist. Let us remember the Ancient Sumerian Epic "Enuma Elish" (When on High), and the clear interpretation brought to light in a similar Occult treatise, like the "Babylonian Scripture," a thesis confirming this phenomenon: "The Ancients Were, and Will always be!"
This means that Deities, Demons, and the Denizens of the Beyond are absolutely indifferent to how much time has passed and will pass in our earthly world, how much time has passed for them. They will exist always, regardless of the belief of the living inhabitants of this world in them. Moreover, beyond the physical reality, phenomena such as "time, speed, distance, space," and so on do not exist. Understanding the ENTIRE NATURE of the Afterlife Reality is practically impossible. This has been the case for many centuries and millennia past and remains so today.
For magical effects, it absolutely doesn't matter whether the "guinea pig" believes in Magic or not. Magic works in any case. To say, for example, "Oh, I don't believe in this - it doesn't affect me, it won't work on me! What kind of fairy tales are you telling me! Hahahahaha!" - is the same, from the perspective of Practitioners and the knowledgeable, as standing on the tracks with a moving train approaching and saying, "It doesn't exist! I don't believe in it! Nothing will happen to me!" This is how a skeptical view of Occultism in general looks. To tell skeptics about Magic, Occult Practices, Witchcraft Practices is like telling people from the times of the pharaohs or the Middle Ages about television, cell phones, satellite communication, spaceports, spacecraft, the internet, etc. They would also mock you and label you as insane. And worse yet, they might even consider you something worse - "possessed" and order for you to be "punished". As we can see, Homo sapiens has always "reacted fiercely" to new Knowledge. And Occult practices continue to be "flagellated" to this day.

In the history of the ancient world and in the Middle Ages, those individuals who sought and possessed such Knowledge were cruelly persecuted by representatives of the ruling authorities. In the modern world, where we witness new and new Scientific Discoveries, the benefits of Civilization, Nanotechnology, Modernization, etc., Occultism is also present and has reached our days. In accordance with the epochs, it underwent its own changes, corresponding to all the changes in Civilization. In the present time, unlike in ancient times, society tends to view Magic with skepticism, harsh criticism, ridicule, and does not take these Knowledge seriously. Is this right? How do these developments and breakthroughs in the Civilized world affect modern Followers of Occult Knowledge? Let's consider this in more detail.

It is almost universally acknowledged that Magic is the Art of influencing oneself and the surrounding world, using resources from the Subtle Level. As a result, the necessary changes occur on the physical plane. Moreover, these changes defy explanation from the perspective of modern Science, despite all its breakthroughs and achievements. Present-day "recording devices" sometimes capture various manifestations belonging to the Otherworld on their "information holders": Images of Spirits, auras, unusual shadows, and sometimes more Advanced Beings, voices and sounds from the Parallel world, and so on. At the same time, Modern Science CANNOT explain or interpret any of this, let alone the "Outcomes" of such activities.

What is the status of Occultism in the Civilized World today, as it was not so long ago in the 20th century AD? The facts are clear: it has been and continues to be subjected to skepticism and critical mockery. Let's leave aside the topic of states living within the framework of the "laws of the Middle Ages" and focus on the Civilized West and the Slavic countries, including Russia and the former Soviet Union. Yet, Followers of Magic still exist even in our time. Surprisingly, the percentage of Occultism Practitioners is constantly increasing. And this, mind you, in such "skeptical" conditions. And in step with modern Discoveries, new innovations also emerge in Occult practices derived from Modern Technologies. Let me provide some of the most noticeable examples.

The figure-volt, or "voodoo doll" in simpler terms. In a few words, what it is: a figure representing a specific person, molded from wax or clay, and also from dough, or tied or sewn from fabrics, bundles of straw or cloth, or carved from wood. With additions to it, such as "corresponding to body parts" attachments (hair, nails, paper with handwriting, part of unwashed clothes). This is what the figure-volt is in its original and traditional form. And if it was not possible to obtain attachments, the Witch worked solely by "mentally attaching the enemy's image to the figure". All of this originated in ancient times, thousands of years before Our Era. Back then, photography did not exist. And drawing an accurate likeness of the subject on paper, with maximum similarities, was not something everyone could do. So what is done next with the volt-figure? It is pierced with needles heated in fire, along with corresponding spells. The Practitioner enters the necessary mental state for this. This is usually done in curses, inflicting negativity on the victims. The work is very delicate, meticulous, and requires certain precautions, while also involving the "outpouring of anger, rage, strength" onto the "figure of influence". The voodoo doll must remain in the "proper state" either until the end of the Ritual, or until a certain stage of the Ritual. The work is very responsible and requires maximum dedication from the Practitioner.
What we see now: Nowadays, a photograph can easily be "embedded in the right place" in the voodoo doll, which definitely simplifies the "holding of the subject's image in mind" for Occult Practice.
Another innovation, in the 21st century: When a person writes something on a keyboard on the internet, expressing their thoughts or emotions. But the MAIN thing: for it to be a complete expression of their thoughts and emotions as they are, without any editing afterwards. Along with all their grammatical errors, if any are present. Thus, using this opportunity, a "screenshot" of the person's post is taken, the size of the post is adjusted to the dimensions of the "limbs (arms) of the voodoo doll". It is printed out, cut in continuous sentences in one line, and attached to the "arms of the voodoo doll". This serves as a very good "psychological attachment", relevant for many years to come. In this simple way, based on nanotechnologies, new "discoveries-additions" to Occult Practice are created in our time.

Another example - Let's go back to the photo and compare this use with "vulturing". Vulturing in its classical form, without the "involvement of modern innovations", was invented millennia before Our Era. But what did the nanotechnologies of the 20th and 21st centuries of Our Era give us: they gave us the ability to capture images, with subsequent placement on photo-paper carriers. This greatly simplified the work of Occult Masters in many spheres of influence. There are now opportunities to read information about objects and subjects much more quickly and easily, being with them at any distance in the real world. Using this, amazing opportunities emerged to influence "subjects", often without resorting to the method of "vulturing". That is, without spending time, resources, and energy on such ceremonies. It is clear that an experienced, resourceful, and sufficiently Strong Practitioner of Occultism only needs to have the image of the subject in mind to effectively impact them. And having photographs of the subject of influence, it is even more feasible to achieve the desired impact without unnecessary costs. When considering the theme of "curses, inflicting negativity on the victim", we see that by entering the necessary "state of mind," the Master practically risks nothing to successfully conduct their Ritual. This minimizes the risk of accidentally damaging the photo due to carelessness, reaching a state of "anger, rage". At least not doing so accidentally, before the necessary Ritual stage. Overall - the risks are much lower than in wax, clay "vulturing".

What else will Nanotechnologies and Scientific Discoveries reveal to Occultism- we do not know. But it is quite logical that there will always be only benefit from such "breakthroughs into the future." Ironically, Occultism is subject to skeptical criticism and "light ostracism" in the centuries of Civilization, Science, Discoveries, Nanotechnologies, Modernizations, etc. And at the same time, it evolves and develops thanks to ALL OF THIS, similarly simplifying the methods of implementing its Secret and Unexplained Possibilities.
Thanks to all of this, the ways of assisting those who turn to Occultism for help and services are also simplified.
In conclusion, summarizing the topic with final recommendations:

For those who need the Help of a Mage here and now - feel free to follow the provided link and then go to the Contacts section. For those who were interested in reading and discovering something new - I wish you success in learning and applying! I wish all of you, dear readers and visitors of my resources, a pleasant and successful time, and a maximum positive mood!
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