Hello Dear Readers and Visitors of my resources! In this topic, we will talk about the well-known neurophysiological feeling inherent to humanity, called "love." Specifically, we will explore the realm of this psycho-emotional experience that is directed towards personal intimate life. 
What is "love" - many constantly ask themselves this question. Originally, it is a feeling of strong attachment of one individual to another. Display of sympathy also lays a good "foundation" for this feeling, creating the necessary prerequisites for its expression. In simpler terms: at the beginning, one individual is overcome by desire towards another, wishing to receive a reciprocal and similar expression of feelings from them. And later, if the initial feeling of strong sympathy was significant, the next stage of "infatuation" - attachment occurs. Depending on the circumstances under which the "infatuated individual" received or did not receive the desired response (reciprocal sympathy and consent to a physical relationship) from the "beloved individual," the next stage of "infatuation development" arises. In the case of a mutually agreed-upon "exchange of feelings," the "infatuated" individual experiences even greater attachment. In the case of "disagreement of the beloved individual" to the "exchange of feelings," the "infatuated" individual experiences melancholy, obsession with one-sided expression of feelings towards the "object of desire," depression, paranoia, feelings of resentment, etc.
In any case, the third phase of this feeling called "love" ensues. The so-called conditionally "third phase" represents a "summarization" of desire, attachment, and melancholy. Melancholy, to a greater or lesser extent, is almost always present in infatuation, as even in successful and happy "response to feelings," the object of desire does not spend all their time with the infatuated individual due to various social and household reasons.

Depending on the development of infatuation, the processes of its manifestations and realization, the "qualities of expression" of this feeling are determined, as well as its duration. In this realm, there is no statistical data, no "average arithmetic based on hypothetical time units," no guarantees, and certainly no explicit and precise statements. Each individual experiences this differently and uniquely. Often, it is observed that the "beloved individual" eventually does not reciprocate the feelings desired and expected by the "infatuated person." Instead, they often receive banal calculation, greed, mercenariness, mere flirtation, etc. And feelings similar to their own are much less often reciprocated to some extent. Why is this the case? Because the "beloved individuals" are exactly the same living beings as the ones "in love with them." They have their own principles, tastes, preferences, and ideals, often not always coinciding with the priorities of the "infatuated individuals." This is the harsh reality as it truly is. Why this happens, and everything is so "incongruous and upsetting" - as it may seem to many, and how harsh the situation is - let's try to find answers in the scientific explanations of Neurophysiology.

Feeling "LOVE" from a Scientific Medical point of view:


According to statistics, every second 3,330 people worldwide fall in love, with 1,660 of them experiencing love at first sight. Only 1,100 of them have mutual feelings, the average duration of love is 2-3 years, and only 830 individuals go on to create a family. But what is love from a medical point of view and what else do we not know about love in the "emotional sphere."

From a medical standpoint, love can be broken down into several chemical components. Let's take a closer look at each component.

Phenylethylamine - This substance primarily affects the frontal lobes of the brain, our ability to reason and analyze. This substance is produced at the initial stage of acquaintance when people say that someone "loses their head."

Dopamine - a substance in the brain responsible for feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. Often, when there is a lack of this substance, a person stops loving.

Endorphins - a group of substances often called hormones of happiness. Structurally, they are very similar to narcotic substances - opiates derived from poppy. Endorphins bring about a feeling of ecstasy in a person.

Oxytocin - a substance secreted in women during childbirth and also in people during orgasm. Hence, it is also called the hormone of absolute reciprocity. In women, it also induces feelings of well-being and security.

Vasopressin - an antidiuretic hormone that regulates water-salt balance. Another lesser-known property of vasopressin is that it stimulates monogamy in animals. Therefore, when a person has a sufficient amount of vasopressin in their blood, they simply do not pay attention to members of the opposite sex.

This is how love looks "under the microscope" of a scientific chemist. Well, at first glance, it's not all that complicated, but few would agree to intravenously administer this whole set. Just imagine, the first substance causes confusion of mind, and the second can lead to almost unfounded bursts of happiness. It's not a very appealing prospect, not to mention monogamy.

In real life, however, many of us take a step towards fate, plunging ourselves into the abyss of hormonal madness. And deep down, we know that the love inside us is not just a result of the complex influence of a certain set of hormones, but something greater, sometimes not fully understood but very necessary.


This Scientific Medicine gives us a somewhat detailed answer.

Let's consider from an occult point of view, and from the "Subtle Plane Level," the manifestation of this feeling, known as "love."
The well-known "energy channels" in the human body, referred to as "chakras" in esoteric knowledge, emit certain types of energy. They also have the ability to receive specific types of energy "from outside" and exchange it through the same "chakras" with other individuals. Similarly, together with energetics, they can also receive various "information flows and setups."
Accordingly, at those moments when one subject experiences any emotional manifestations towards another, their energy on the subtle level also begins to manifest in a unique way. Manifesting with special intensity, oscillations, vibrations, transforming different sensations in specific areas of the body. And through these very, so-called "energy-information flows and impulses," occult practices can indeed evoke feelings of "love" of different character in a person, even being at any distance from them. Such influence is conducted through individual "chakras," especially those connected to such a feeling as "lust and attachment," as well as through absolutely all. Other "energy channels" in the human body may also be involved in occult work: eyes, mouth, joints, and many others, having concentrations of incoming and outgoing energy flows. usually, this action of the occult plan is called "LOVE SPELL".
Similarly, according to the same "schemes and plans," it is entirely possible to influence the cessation of feelings of "love" using occult methods. This action is called "COUNTER-SPELL". How these feelings will manifest in one subject towards another after such influences, how long they will last, or on the contrary, how much they will diminish and cool - it all depends on the power and skill of the practitioner.

In any case: Having considered this manifestation of the feeling, known as "Love," from both a physiological aspect and from the position of the Subtle Level - the occult, it can firmly and directly confirm the following Capital Truths:

Nothing is eternal under the Moon. And ANY feelings - and even more so.

Love is only LUST and ATTACHMENT. And a kind of "addiction." Which can also be "dulled, suppressed, or redirected to another object of sympathy."

If a married couple has lived together for 20 or more years - It is FAR FROM a fact that such feelings exist there. Apart from feelings of "family duties and responsibilities for children," there have long been no "love" feelings towards their "better halves." And exceptions only further confirm the rules.

And before deciding on an enchantment, CAREFULLY ANALYZING ALL the information provided, think carefully: Do you need something like this, "Mysterious and Inexplicable," temporarily satisfying only some physiological needs?

If your decision is well-thought-out, and you wish to achieve similar reciprocal feelings from someone through Magic, then I draw your attention to this introductory article ABOUT A LOVE SPELL, and further to the section: CONTACTS.

To all Dear Readers and Visitors of my resources, I wish you ALL THE BEST POSITIVE VIBES, AND THE FULFILLMENT OF YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES! BE HAPPY!
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Hello Dear Readers and Visitors of my resources! In this topic, we will talk about the well-known neurophysiological feeling inherent to humanity, called "love." Specifically, we will explore the realm of this psycho-emotional experience that is directed towards personal intimate life. 
What is "love" - many constantly ask themselves this question. Originally, it is a feeling of strong attachment of one individual to another. Display of sympathy also lays a good "foundation" for this feeling, creating the necessary prerequisites for its expression. In simpler terms: at the beginning, one individual is overcome by desire towards another, wishing to receive a reciprocal and similar expression of feelings from them. And later, if the initial feeling of strong sympathy was significant, the next stage of "infatuation" - attachment occurs. Depending on the circumstances under which the "infatuated individual" received or did not receive the desired response (reciprocal sympathy and consent to a physical relationship) from the "beloved individual," the next stage of "infatuation development" arises. In the case of a mutually agreed-upon "exchange of feelings," the "infatuated" individual experiences even greater attachment. In the case of "disagreement of the beloved individual" to the "exchange of feelings," the "infatuated" individual experiences melancholy, obsession with one-sided expression of feelings towards the "object of desire," depression, paranoia, feelings of resentment, etc.
In any case, the third phase of this feeling called "love" ensues. The so-called conditionally "third phase" represents a "summarization" of desire, attachment, and melancholy. Melancholy, to a greater or lesser extent, is almost always present in infatuation, as even in successful and happy "response to feelings," the object of desire does not spend all their time with the infatuated individual due to various social and household reasons.

Depending on the development of infatuation, the processes of its manifestations and realization, the "qualities of expression" of this feeling are determined, as well as its duration. In this realm, there is no statistical data, no "average arithmetic based on hypothetical time units," no guarantees, and certainly no explicit and precise statements. Each individual experiences this differently and uniquely. Often, it is observed that the "beloved individual" eventually does not reciprocate the feelings desired and expected by the "infatuated person." Instead, they often receive banal calculation, greed, mercenariness, mere flirtation, etc. And feelings similar to their own are much less often reciprocated to some extent. Why is this the case? Because the "beloved individuals" are exactly the same living beings as the ones "in love with them." They have their own principles, tastes, preferences, and ideals, often not always coinciding with the priorities of the "infatuated individuals." This is the harsh reality as it truly is. Why this happens, and everything is so "incongruous and upsetting" - as it may seem to many, and how harsh the situation is - let's try to find answers in the scientific explanations of Neurophysiology.

Feeling "LOVE" from a Scientific Medical point of view:


According to statistics, every second 3,330 people worldwide fall in love, with 1,660 of them experiencing love at first sight. Only 1,100 of them have mutual feelings, the average duration of love is 2-3 years, and only 830 individuals go on to create a family. But what is love from a medical point of view and what else do we not know about love in the "emotional sphere."

From a medical standpoint, love can be broken down into several chemical components. Let's take a closer look at each component.

Phenylethylamine - This substance primarily affects the frontal lobes of the brain, our ability to reason and analyze. This substance is produced at the initial stage of acquaintance when people say that someone "loses their head."

Dopamine - a substance in the brain responsible for feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. Often, when there is a lack of this substance, a person stops loving.

Endorphins - a group of substances often called hormones of happiness. Structurally, they are very similar to narcotic substances - opiates derived from poppy. Endorphins bring about a feeling of ecstasy in a person.

Oxytocin - a substance secreted in women during childbirth and also in people during orgasm. Hence, it is also called the hormone of absolute reciprocity. In women, it also induces feelings of well-being and security.

Vasopressin - an antidiuretic hormone that regulates water-salt balance. Another lesser-known property of vasopressin is that it stimulates monogamy in animals. Therefore, when a person has a sufficient amount of vasopressin in their blood, they simply do not pay attention to members of the opposite sex.

This is how love looks "under the microscope" of a scientific chemist. Well, at first glance, it's not all that complicated, but few would agree to intravenously administer this whole set. Just imagine, the first substance causes confusion of mind, and the second can lead to almost unfounded bursts of happiness. It's not a very appealing prospect, not to mention monogamy.

In real life, however, many of us take a step towards fate, plunging ourselves into the abyss of hormonal madness. And deep down, we know that the love inside us is not just a result of the complex influence of a certain set of hormones, but something greater, sometimes not fully understood but very necessary.


This Scientific Medicine gives us a somewhat detailed answer.

Let's consider from an occult point of view, and from the "Subtle Plane Level," the manifestation of this feeling, known as "love."
The well-known "energy channels" in the human body, referred to as "chakras" in esoteric knowledge, emit certain types of energy. They also have the ability to receive specific types of energy "from outside" and exchange it through the same "chakras" with other individuals. Similarly, together with energetics, they can also receive various "information flows and setups."
Accordingly, at those moments when one subject experiences any emotional manifestations towards another, their energy on the subtle level also begins to manifest in a unique way. Manifesting with special intensity, oscillations, vibrations, transforming different sensations in specific areas of the body. And through these very, so-called "energy-information flows and impulses," occult practices can indeed evoke feelings of "love" of different character in a person, even being at any distance from them. Such influence is conducted through individual "chakras," especially those connected to such a feeling as "lust and attachment," as well as through absolutely all. Other "energy channels" in the human body may also be involved in occult work: eyes, mouth, joints, and many others, having concentrations of incoming and outgoing energy flows. usually, this action of the occult plan is called "LOVE SPELL".
Similarly, according to the same "schemes and plans," it is entirely possible to influence the cessation of feelings of "love" using occult methods. This action is called "COUNTER-SPELL". How these feelings will manifest in one subject towards another after such influences, how long they will last, or on the contrary, how much they will diminish and cool - it all depends on the power and skill of the practitioner.

In any case: Having considered this manifestation of the feeling, known as "Love," from both a physiological aspect and from the position of the Subtle Level - the occult, it can firmly and directly confirm the following Capital Truths:

Nothing is eternal under the Moon. And ANY feelings - and even more so.

Love is only LUST and ATTACHMENT. And a kind of "addiction." Which can also be "dulled, suppressed, or redirected to another object of sympathy."

If a married couple has lived together for 20 or more years - It is FAR FROM a fact that such feelings exist there. Apart from feelings of "family duties and responsibilities for children," there have long been no "love" feelings towards their "better halves." And exceptions only further confirm the rules.

And before deciding on an enchantment, CAREFULLY ANALYZING ALL the information provided, think carefully: Do you need something like this, "Mysterious and Inexplicable," temporarily satisfying only some physiological needs?

If your decision is well-thought-out, and you wish to achieve similar reciprocal feelings from someone through Magic, then I draw your attention to this introductory article ABOUT A LOVE SPELL, and further to the section: CONTACTS.

To all Dear Readers and Visitors of my resources, I wish you ALL THE BEST POSITIVE VIBES, AND THE FULFILLMENT OF YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES! BE HAPPY!
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