According to various studies, Shamanism is considered a very ancient art. It is ancient in almost all esoteric teachings, as well as in almost all known religions. There is even a belief that it gave rise to the belief in Magic as such. However, no exact statements are made. Nevertheless, the origin of spells that protect against "attacks from Spirits from the Otherworld" derives directly from Shamanism. Healing from various diseases associated with "offerings to Spirits" is directly one of the numerous branches of Shamanism. The same applies to the exorcism of Spirits that are "mental parasites." Likewise, equally practiced by Shaman Practitioners are the infliction of severe diseases, casting spells and curses, causing possession, as well as love spells and repelling actions. And much more of the same nature.

Becoming a Shaman is not given to everyone. That is to say: Abilities are inherent in everyone by Nature. But the inclination towards their Development is far from present in everyone. This entails extremely hard work on oneself, contact with Spirits, Higher Entities, the Departed, gaining Strength and Knowledge independently, without "teachers" from the mortal world. And eventually mastering such Powers and Abilities, whereby commanding many Spirits is entirely real and possible. Achieving this, especially under such conditions, is extremely challenging. Also, a Shaman with a fairly long "apprenticeship" of practice is capable of helping a "restless-wandering" soul find peace.

Shamanism existed and is present in almost all ancient ethnic groups. As mentioned in my similar article about Shaman's Help, this type of Sorcery was practiced among Slavs, Africans, Native Americans, Gypsies, all representatives of the Mongoloid race - including all Northern peoples and indigenous peoples of Siberia. It is present in many cultures even today. And likewise, in African and South American countries. In Latin America, there was a whole "synthesis" of pure African Voodoo and Hoodoo (Sorcery according to Voodoo traditions) with the Cult of Indigenous beliefs and their Occult Practices. Forming their traditions, remarkably "blending in." Thus, teachings- varieties of Voodoo were formed, namely Hoodoo: Kimbanda, Macumba, Umbanda, and so on. Undoubtedly, Shamanism is also present in these traditions. In Voodoo, specifically in Hoodoo, Shamanism is practiced by the Bokor. His functions in Occultism, worldview, and life itself are very much identical to those called a Shaman in Russian. Bokor - Priest of Darkness, Sorcerer, Medium, and so on. In general, merging the two words into one combination: "Voodoo Shaman," according to the meaning, directly corresponds to the definition: this is the "Bokor."

Just like any Shaman, the Bokor has his numerous attributes for conducting his Ceremonies. African and Latin American "Shamans," in addition to the Drum, give no less preference to another percussion instrument - the Gong, Djembe, Darbuka, Bongo, and so on. Among them, the Gong and Djembe are widely used. Their functions and purposes, along with the Drums of Shamans of other continents, are very similar. Although the word "Gong" is of Indian origin. It is more correct to call such an instrument among African and Latin American Shamans "Djembe."

Definition from Wikipedia:
West African drum in the shape of a goblet with an open narrow bottom and a wide top, on which a membrane made of skin - most often goat skin - is stretched. In terms of shape, it belongs to the so-called goblet-shaped drums, and in terms of sound production - to membranophones. Djembe is played by hand."
The Voodoo Shaman - Bokor, creating a "rhythmic percussive musical" background, achieves almost the same effects with these actions as Shamans of other traditions use Drums for. Similarly, the Bokor uses the Djembe to heal, exorcise malevolent Spirits, journey to the Other World, achieve trance states, and so on. And often, he also performs various destructive actions with the help of his attribute if necessary.

What is Djembe used for in general? Here is the testimony of one Master skilled in handling this attribute, who comes from Congo:



The six aspects of Djembe sound - those we know and those we only guess about.

1. Musical-aesthetic - perhaps the most significant among all aspects, as the drum is primarily perceived as a musical instrument.
And nothing surprising - humans are drawn to beauty, and African djembes, as well as the sounds they produce, are beautiful.
Though most likely, the reason for the existence of these instruments was not this aspect, but rather something purely practical.
For example, conveying important messages over long distances.
It is frivolous to discuss the musical aspect of Djembe sound - the djembes themselves and the skilled hands of the drummer can tell you more about it.

2. Emotional aspect - inspiring - the one that is particularly pleasant and most obvious and felt by all: amateurs and professionals alike.
People who have taken a Djembe in their hands for the first time, and under the guidance of an experienced guide delving into the magic of playing, begin to experience quite real positive shifts in their psychophysiological state after a short period of time.
Some call it euphoria, others - altered state of consciousness, some simply joy, or the result of an energy surge...

Contemplations about this - just like in the case of the musical aspect - are merely a reason to take the Djembe into our own hands and immerse ourselves in its mysteries independently, so that not a single worthy discovery, experience slips away from our personal psychological history.
One of the exceptional experiences for people with a developed imagination becomes - synesthesia.
The essence of this phenomenon, despite the non-Russian name, is simple.
Sounds of different ranges, extracted in a certain sequence, prompted by rhythm, reaching our auditory perception organ, give birth to images, smells, feelings in other perception organs... 
And at the same time, the sounds are colored with colors, aromas, and a whole range of sensations.
All of this is easy to experience firsthand.
This is what I have been doing for over a year and I am incredibly pleased with it!

3. Communicative-linguistic aspect of Djembe sound.
The collective name for a whole range of tribes living in southern Africa is well-known - the Bushmen, which translates to "people from the bushes."
And the film with their participation "The Gods Must Be Crazy" comes to mind (it seems that is the title).
One of the Bushmen tribes has one of the languages (and there are countless languages in Africa) where unique clicking sounds exist.
We reproduce them by clicking our tongues.
And they, playing on their drums, talking and chanting, create entire symphonies, combining a variety of amazing sounds.

To what am I leading?
Roughly speaking, the sounds extracted by skillful hands from the drum membrane not only in their color resemble human speech sounds, but also, through the diversity of musical dimensions when creating phrases, largely convey the intonations of human language, which allows not only the transmission of information but also nuances of experiences...
In each tribe - a chief, with the chief - a retinue, in the retinue - drummers.
The entire tribe knows what the chief is thinking because the drums have spoken about it.
The drummer is like the announcer of a central television station, delivering an important state message to the entire country - mistakes are not allowed.
Otherwise, the country may go, for all we know, in the wrong direction.
This aspect marks the beginning of a series of aspects, less familiar to us compared to the first two - musical and emotional.

4. Therapeutic - healing aspect, which, if one thinks about it, everything becomes clear immediately, but if one does not think, one can easily forget.
Meanwhile, the Northern shamans beat the drum, some others do something else - and African shamans play the Djembe...
And whether the emerging trance state becomes the cause of the healing that occurs, or the healing that occurs gives rise to a spontaneous trance, or whether the healing that occurs in the trance is a result of something else, created by the Djembe player or happening on its own, is not for us to know...
Or maybe it is known, although it is not necessary, and it may even hinder if we think about it as if we know exactly what is happening.
A bit more detailed information about this aspect and what can be told in our European tradition is here.

5. Transpersonal - impersonal aspect, this, as I understand it, is about that moment when he - the person playing the Djembe - starts perceiving the surrounding world in a special way, and everything appears to him not only alive but also capable of helping him in his endeavors, good ones, of course.
The variety of good intentions is responsible for a particular way of perceiving the surrounding reality: the desire to glimpse into the future seeks a "helper" capable of transcending time, the need to resurrect the past creates the opportunity to become the memory of all who have lived and are living, the need to multiply strengths in the present creates an "ally" with the necessary resources...
The fantastical and magical aspect - and therefore so attractive...

6. Spiritual aspect of Djembe sound.
Only the one who seeks to delight and be delighted is ready to be obedient to the untamable Djembe.
Only hands guided by good intentions are ready to receive the Djembe's unique voice as a gift.
And only a pure heart is capable of being touched by the sincere drum song.


These were the testimonies of the Master from the Congo.

As mentioned above, with the help of Djembe Bokor, one can perform both benevolent and destructive actions. Djembe in the hands of a Bokor is the same "living helper" as the Shaman's drum. I suggest that you, for a more thorough acquaintance with the results of the benevolent use of Djembe, watch the video and listen to the enchanting Magical sounds of this "helper" of Voodoo Masters.

Watch the video here: VOODOO SHAMAN'S AID
PAGE  :   3
According to various studies, Shamanism is considered a very ancient art. It is ancient in almost all esoteric teachings, as well as in almost all known religions. There is even a belief that it gave rise to the belief in Magic as such. However, no exact statements are made. Nevertheless, the origin of spells that protect against "attacks from Spirits from the Otherworld" derives directly from Shamanism. Healing from various diseases associated with "offerings to Spirits" is directly one of the numerous branches of Shamanism. The same applies to the exorcism of Spirits that are "mental parasites." Likewise, equally practiced by Shaman Practitioners are the infliction of severe diseases, casting spells and curses, causing possession, as well as love spells and repelling actions. And much more of the same nature.

Becoming a Shaman is not given to everyone. That is to say: Abilities are inherent in everyone by Nature. But the inclination towards their Development is far from present in everyone. This entails extremely hard work on oneself, contact with Spirits, Higher Entities, the Departed, gaining Strength and Knowledge independently, without "teachers" from the mortal world. And eventually mastering such Powers and Abilities, whereby commanding many Spirits is entirely real and possible. Achieving this, especially under such conditions, is extremely challenging. Also, a Shaman with a fairly long "apprenticeship" of practice is capable of helping a "restless-wandering" soul find peace.

Shamanism existed and is present in almost all ancient ethnic groups. As mentioned in my similar article about Shaman's Help, this type of Sorcery was practiced among Slavs, Africans, Native Americans, Gypsies, all representatives of the Mongoloid race - including all Northern peoples and indigenous peoples of Siberia. It is present in many cultures even today. And likewise, in African and South American countries. In Latin America, there was a whole "synthesis" of pure African Voodoo and Hoodoo (Sorcery according to Voodoo traditions) with the Cult of Indigenous beliefs and their Occult Practices. Forming their traditions, remarkably "blending in." Thus, teachings- varieties of Voodoo were formed, namely Hoodoo: Kimbanda, Macumba, Umbanda, and so on. Undoubtedly, Shamanism is also present in these traditions. In Voodoo, specifically in Hoodoo, Shamanism is practiced by the Bokor. His functions in Occultism, worldview, and life itself are very much identical to those called a Shaman in Russian. Bokor - Priest of Darkness, Sorcerer, Medium, and so on. In general, merging the two words into one combination: "Voodoo Shaman," according to the meaning, directly corresponds to the definition: this is the "Bokor."

Just like any Shaman, the Bokor has his numerous attributes for conducting his Ceremonies. African and Latin American "Shamans," in addition to the Drum, give no less preference to another percussion instrument - the Gong, Djembe, Darbuka, Bongo, and so on. Among them, the Gong and Djembe are widely used. Their functions and purposes, along with the Drums of Shamans of other continents, are very similar. Although the word "Gong" is of Indian origin. It is more correct to call such an instrument among African and Latin American Shamans "Djembe."

Definition from Wikipedia:
West African drum in the shape of a goblet with an open narrow bottom and a wide top, on which a membrane made of skin - most often goat skin - is stretched. In terms of shape, it belongs to the so-called goblet-shaped drums, and in terms of sound production - to membranophones. Djembe is played by hand."
The Voodoo Shaman - Bokor, creating a "rhythmic percussive musical" background, achieves almost the same effects with these actions as Shamans of other traditions use Drums for. Similarly, the Bokor uses the Djembe to heal, exorcise malevolent Spirits, journey to the Other World, achieve trance states, and so on. And often, he also performs various destructive actions with the help of his attribute if necessary.

What is Djembe used for in general? Here is the testimony of one Master skilled in handling this attribute, who comes from Congo:



The six aspects of Djembe sound - those we know and those we only guess about.

1. Musical-aesthetic - perhaps the most significant among all aspects, as the drum is primarily perceived as a musical instrument.
And nothing surprising - humans are drawn to beauty, and African djembes, as well as the sounds they produce, are beautiful.
Though most likely, the reason for the existence of these instruments was not this aspect, but rather something purely practical.
For example, conveying important messages over long distances.
It is frivolous to discuss the musical aspect of Djembe sound - the djembes themselves and the skilled hands of the drummer can tell you more about it.

2. Emotional aspect - inspiring - the one that is particularly pleasant and most obvious and felt by all: amateurs and professionals alike.
People who have taken a Djembe in their hands for the first time, and under the guidance of an experienced guide delving into the magic of playing, begin to experience quite real positive shifts in their psychophysiological state after a short period of time.
Some call it euphoria, others - altered state of consciousness, some simply joy, or the result of an energy surge...

Contemplations about this - just like in the case of the musical aspect - are merely a reason to take the Djembe into our own hands and immerse ourselves in its mysteries independently, so that not a single worthy discovery, experience slips away from our personal psychological history.
One of the exceptional experiences for people with a developed imagination becomes - synesthesia.
The essence of this phenomenon, despite the non-Russian name, is simple.
Sounds of different ranges, extracted in a certain sequence, prompted by rhythm, reaching our auditory perception organ, give birth to images, smells, feelings in other perception organs... 
And at the same time, the sounds are colored with colors, aromas, and a whole range of sensations.
All of this is easy to experience firsthand.
This is what I have been doing for over a year and I am incredibly pleased with it!

3. Communicative-linguistic aspect of Djembe sound.
The collective name for a whole range of tribes living in southern Africa is well-known - the Bushmen, which translates to "people from the bushes."
And the film with their participation "The Gods Must Be Crazy" comes to mind (it seems that is the title).
One of the Bushmen tribes has one of the languages (and there are countless languages in Africa) where unique clicking sounds exist.
We reproduce them by clicking our tongues.
And they, playing on their drums, talking and chanting, create entire symphonies, combining a variety of amazing sounds.

To what am I leading?
Roughly speaking, the sounds extracted by skillful hands from the drum membrane not only in their color resemble human speech sounds, but also, through the diversity of musical dimensions when creating phrases, largely convey the intonations of human language, which allows not only the transmission of information but also nuances of experiences...
In each tribe - a chief, with the chief - a retinue, in the retinue - drummers.
The entire tribe knows what the chief is thinking because the drums have spoken about it.
The drummer is like the announcer of a central television station, delivering an important state message to the entire country - mistakes are not allowed.
Otherwise, the country may go, for all we know, in the wrong direction.
This aspect marks the beginning of a series of aspects, less familiar to us compared to the first two - musical and emotional.

4. Therapeutic - healing aspect, which, if one thinks about it, everything becomes clear immediately, but if one does not think, one can easily forget.
Meanwhile, the Northern shamans beat the drum, some others do something else - and African shamans play the Djembe...
And whether the emerging trance state becomes the cause of the healing that occurs, or the healing that occurs gives rise to a spontaneous trance, or whether the healing that occurs in the trance is a result of something else, created by the Djembe player or happening on its own, is not for us to know...
Or maybe it is known, although it is not necessary, and it may even hinder if we think about it as if we know exactly what is happening.
A bit more detailed information about this aspect and what can be told in our European tradition is here.

5. Transpersonal - impersonal aspect, this, as I understand it, is about that moment when he - the person playing the Djembe - starts perceiving the surrounding world in a special way, and everything appears to him not only alive but also capable of helping him in his endeavors, good ones, of course.
The variety of good intentions is responsible for a particular way of perceiving the surrounding reality: the desire to glimpse into the future seeks a "helper" capable of transcending time, the need to resurrect the past creates the opportunity to become the memory of all who have lived and are living, the need to multiply strengths in the present creates an "ally" with the necessary resources...
The fantastical and magical aspect - and therefore so attractive...

6. Spiritual aspect of Djembe sound.
Only the one who seeks to delight and be delighted is ready to be obedient to the untamable Djembe.
Only hands guided by good intentions are ready to receive the Djembe's unique voice as a gift.
And only a pure heart is capable of being touched by the sincere drum song.


These were the testimonies of the Master from the Congo.

As mentioned above, with the help of Djembe Bokor, one can perform both benevolent and destructive actions. Djembe in the hands of a Bokor is the same "living helper" as the Shaman's drum. I suggest that you, for a more thorough acquaintance with the results of the benevolent use of Djembe, watch the video and listen to the enchanting Magical sounds of this "helper" of Voodoo Masters.

Watch the video here: VOODOO SHAMAN'S AID
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