Counter-spell - what does this phenomenon represent? This "Magical influence plan" is nothing more than the termination of one subject's love feelings for the other. Or the same consequence, but occurring after the removal of a love spell. Counter-spells themselves can be of varying degrees of complexity and corresponding influence. They exist in the form of various types of influences on subjects. The most common and observable in reality are: Cooling (drying up), discord (with different degrees of severity up to hatred), evoking aversion (as a deepened variation of "continuation of drying up"), influencing the psyche of the subject (directing their thoughts towards the Operator/Client for the subject to make a serious or more advantageous decision). Or such a method of multi-dimensional influence as "Relationship curse." This is the most effective method of severing the bond and all attachments between people who have mutual feelings. This method of influence is the most powerful, and at the same time, dangerous for those affected, for both sides. It carries a negative element, such as "curse." And there are many other types of counter-spells in Nature, as modified or otherwise called, in the examples above. Let's look at them in a little more detail:
Cooling (drying up).
It represents the simplest form of counter-spell, like the banal cessation of feelings. Through various Occult "manipulations," Practitioners, working at a distance, manipulating the necessary chakras and other energy channels of the subject, extinguish the feelings of desire and attachment they have towards another subject. In simple terms, it extinguishes the fire of love from one person to another. This generally results in a complete or partial loss of interest in the subject recently adored. How it looks depends on the fundamental parameters of attachment. If there was simply a sexual attraction, the subject of desire becomes uninteresting, primitive, boring, etc., in terms of sex. If there was a purely "platonic attachment," it naturally disappears. The former subject of adoration loses all interest in the subject being influenced, becoming uninteresting in every way. If both types of attachments coexisted, then both unmistakably disappear. Naturally, this action of the Occult realm and its consequences provide a good impulse and all the prerequisites for ending the relationship between people, if such existed. If the affected person's feelings were one-sided, imaginary, or open but "unrequited" by the other party, then in this scenario, everything is almost free of conflicts of a confrontational nature.
Aversion (a more severe continuation of cooling).
All Magical operations and their consequences are primary and analogous, as in the example described above. Only the actions of the Occult realm are more intense, more complex, and deeper. Consequently, so are their outcomes. Here, as a result of the influences, the "subject" towards the former object of desire experiences not just a diminishing of attachment and loss of interest but actually a feeling of aversion. The subject of adoration becomes repulsive to the affected person. The latter may even feel a sense of superiority over the former, which sometimes, as a side effect of Occult actions, gives rise to "Manka Velichkina," as they say. Again, the consequences can vary. Here is an example from my own practice (all names changed):
Many years ago, I had the opportunity to work on a situation involving a relatively young civil family, consisting of two lovers just over 30 years old, who were targeted by a detractor (the mother of one of the members of the couple) and subjected to a "relationship curse." The mother of the young man, who had somewhat outdated views, did not approve of her son's chosen girlfriend and did everything maliciously. Unable to disrupt the relationship between the couple through simple methods like intrigues, setups, gossip, etc., she resorted to extremely vile measures. Ordering a village witch to cast a curse on the relationship between her son and his partner, she provided all the necessary components: offerings, information about the young people, and ties. And things unraveled. As a result, a certain Alexandra - the future wife of a certain Oleg - turned to me for help. According to Alexandra: "I don't understand what's happening. Oleg and I argue over nothing, over trivial matters. There are often breakdowns in our intimacy. I know for a fact that his mother, Aunt Liza, did something. She recently went to her village for some reason. I heard that there's some old witch living there. Strange things started happening immediately after her visit to the village, their hometown. And the strangest and most inexplicable thing is: I'm waiting for Oleg to come home from work, anticipating his arrival. I'm about to embrace him, and we'll sit down to have dinner together. I'm waiting for him. He steps inside. And I don't understand what's happening to me - I can't even look at him. He becomes repulsive to me, his face makes me nauseous, he starts to infuriate me as a person. Everything about him starts to annoy me - the way he stands up from the chair, turns around, slams the door shut, sneezes - coughs, puts a spoon down. And I start to explode on him. He starts yelling at me and losing his temper like never before. He pulls out a bottle of beer from the fridge, and goes to watch TV. This just angers and irritates me even more. We go to work in the morning - I can't wait to come home, meet him, treat him to dinner, etc. I come home - I wait for him - and the cycle continues. And I still harbor aversion towards him just from his presence alone. What's going on - I can't understand!"
I will not describe all the details of my magical assistance, as it would require a lot of exposition and there isn't much point. I will say this: the very essence in the "relationship curse" contains precisely one of the components - evoking aversion towards the object of desire. It, the "relationship curse," contains many components and elements that form it as a whole. In this situation, the leading role was played by "evoking aversion." The description of the "relationship curse" will be examined below. Returning to the essence of the phenomenon being described, it can be firmly stated that the manifestation of aversion is nothing but the direct opposite side of what was once an attachment, attention, but only in a completely polarized form. Like the relationship between positive and negative charges. There is even a dual connection in these phenomena: liking - aversion. But what holds it all, almost mutually binds it, is increased attention. Once the polarity of "anti-feelings" reaches a possible limit, attention begins to wane, eventually disappearing. Along with it, aversion and former attachments fade away without a trace. This is how, in practice, this matter is brought to a complete conclusion.
Fallout (termination of relationships based on anger). A fallout involves a complete or partial "dampening of feelings of desire and attachment," either due to erupting rage, hatred, and indignation towards the recent object of affection. Or simply sympathy. That is, a relatively strong quarrel of one subject in a "love union" with another, more or less blocking feelings of attachment on this basis, can cause feelings of hatred. Both towards each other (when affecting both individuals) and unilaterally, causing surprise and confusion with bewilderment for the second individual in the latter case. A common example of this in the ordinary course of events is marital infidelity. When the second person in the marital union learns about the intrigue of the first. For example, a deeply offended subject in this case may not completely lose all feelings of attachment to the offender. But forgiving the offense, or intentionally ignoring the despicable act, may be much harder than continuing to feel the previous attachments. Or, for example, another action - a cutting and inappropriate, unacceptable joke of one lover about the other, ultimately deeply hurting the feelings of dignity of the latter. And the result is the same - outrage, indignation, rage, hatred, even leading to various persecutions aimed at causing suffering to the instigator of all this. There are many other diverse situations in people's lives, in relationships, that end with quarrels and mutual impatience, or with one of the two.
The main point: As a result of magical influence on the psyche of one or both objects of a "joint union," impulses occur that prompt special actions by one or both individuals, leading to outrage and anger, significantly dulling previous feelings of sympathy. In further planned actions, after the initial results of the fallout, the Mage strengthens the anger and indignation of the participants towards each other. They also conduct a more thorough blocking of the former feelings towards each other. In other words, a more global dulling of these feelings, while simultaneously inciting anger between the subjects. The outcomes of these influences: Often, the participants cause each other severe suffering, often accompanied by inflicting physical injuries of varying severity, unilaterally or mutually. But this is not the goal of Occult influence in this example. The purpose here is to sever the connection between the two partners. What they feel towards each other, or towards one another in the end: Overwhelming hatred damages them irreversibly to varying degrees. With time, anger and rage subside, resentment becomes old, it may pass - or it may not, and after the experience, the remaining or instilled pride prevents the restoration of feelings. Or over time, during the lull of hatred, the feelings just "cool down." Often, as a result of such actions, the individuals change their "whims in choosing partners," or simply put, their "tastes in them."
Another note: Very often, a fallout serves as the leading component in a "relationship curse." The main difference from "evoking aversion" is observed in that, in the former case, motivation for the cessation of feelings is mainly their fading, but in this case, the stimulus for the breakup of relationships is precisely the arousal of feelings. Only different, similarly "polarized" feelings. But the outcome is similar - the loss of previous feelings, as well as attention over time.
Influence on the psyche (stimulus for the subject to accept the necessary Practice or for the client to make a decision).
This procedure is mainly conducted in cases where members of a "love union" do not have strong feelings of attachment towards each other. Or when deep attachment to the other person has not yet developed for one of them. What this looks like in practice, or simply in reality:
One subject spends time with the other, enjoys their leisure activities together, but does not make plans for a more serious strengthening of their union. Often, this is just flirting, whether on the side of existing relationships of one or both individuals or without them. The task of the Practitioner, if necessary, is to direct thoughts through the necessary chakras and energy channels of one or both subjects in such a way that one of them or both are distracted from their attachments to each other and pay attention to their thoughts. So that the mind of one or both individuals is enlightened, leading to the subject in either a unilateral or mutual manner making a decision to end the relationship. By reasoning, they come to the conclusion that they do not need it, it is all insincere, temporary, they were not serious, etc. In this example, reason predominates over feelings of attachment and, by gaining a complete victory over them as a result of the influence, either dulls them or completely blocks them. As a result, the individuals end the relationship either mutually or initially unilaterally.
Orders for such influences in the market of Occult services are often encountered when one member of a family union seeks help because their "other half" is flirting on the side. Seeing the need for this, they are forced to turn to Practitioners. This is the most harmless, with the least "side effects," form of influencing to turn away. It is applicable only in simple, non-severe situations.
Relationship curse (Complex multi-level comprehensive influence).
Initially, this is indeed a curse. It is often applicable in cases when the Practitioner or client needs to charm a subject in a relationship, whether legal, serious, or not very serious. It may also be applicable in desperate client situations and extremely difficult cases. Despite its content, according to which it is a complex form of influence, in love spells it is a component of them. So, what is a curse - it is a negative program aimed at imminent destruction or causing harm of varying severity. Here, the damage is directed at the existing relationship between two subjects. Through Occult operations aimed at influencing the rupture of the partners' attachments to each other, a negative program is "embedded" on a Subtle Level into the relationship, which signifies destruction. It acts in a multifaceted way: it simply dulls the feelings, or blocks them, resulting in evoking aversion, or inciting animosity between the partners, negatively affecting the psyche of both partners. It may also create extreme discomfort in the everyday life of both individuals, stimulating them to break up. Sometimes, there can be very negative consequences that lead to fatal outcomes. This program mainly operates randomly, automatically selecting convenient "elements of influence" according to the situation. If, during the Magical operation, the Practitioner still focuses on the main component of the influence, such as the cooling of feelings, fallout, aversion, then the influence mainly intensifies in that "sector." But, once again, this is essentially a negative program with corresponding "consequences" from it.
In general, summarizing, it can be said that magical operations such as turn-offs are versatile in choice of location. Slightly different from love spells. Turn-offs of almost all kinds can be conducted at burial sites. With the exception of some specific, individual, and private cases. In addition to burial sites, forests, fields, riverbanks, mountains, natural places, personal "Occult laboratories," places with the presence of Forces are very suitable for these procedures. However, just as in love spells, it is not advisable to appeal to Higher Forces of Darkness and Chaos for help in this type of influence. Because the quality and intensity of energies of much higher levels that They carry are not needed in such "requests." Dark Forces associated with cold, sorrow, sadness, etc., are very suitable for such operations. Spirits and Demons of ranks lower than Deities are best for these types of operations. Good luck in your application!
To all those who need to order a breakup spell, please follow the link provided.
Best regards!
Counter-spell - what does this phenomenon represent? This "Magical influence plan" is nothing more than the termination of one subject's love feelings for the other. Or the same consequence, but occurring after the removal of a love spell. Counter-spells themselves can be of varying degrees of complexity and corresponding influence. They exist in the form of various types of influences on subjects. The most common and observable in reality are: Cooling (drying up), discord (with different degrees of severity up to hatred), evoking aversion (as a deepened variation of "continuation of drying up"), influencing the psyche of the subject (directing their thoughts towards the Operator/Client for the subject to make a serious or more advantageous decision). Or such a method of multi-dimensional influence as "Relationship curse." This is the most effective method of severing the bond and all attachments between people who have mutual feelings. This method of influence is the most powerful, and at the same time, dangerous for those affected, for both sides. It carries a negative element, such as "curse." And there are many other types of counter-spells in Nature, as modified or otherwise called, in the examples above. Let's look at them in a little more detail:
Cooling (drying up).
It represents the simplest form of counter-spell, like the banal cessation of feelings. Through various Occult "manipulations," Practitioners, working at a distance, manipulating the necessary chakras and other energy channels of the subject, extinguish the feelings of desire and attachment they have towards another subject. In simple terms, it extinguishes the fire of love from one person to another. This generally results in a complete or partial loss of interest in the subject recently adored. How it looks depends on the fundamental parameters of attachment. If there was simply a sexual attraction, the subject of desire becomes uninteresting, primitive, boring, etc., in terms of sex. If there was a purely "platonic attachment," it naturally disappears. The former subject of adoration loses all interest in the subject being influenced, becoming uninteresting in every way. If both types of attachments coexisted, then both unmistakably disappear. Naturally, this action of the Occult realm and its consequences provide a good impulse and all the prerequisites for ending the relationship between people, if such existed. If the affected person's feelings were one-sided, imaginary, or open but "unrequited" by the other party, then in this scenario, everything is almost free of conflicts of a confrontational nature.
Aversion (a more severe continuation of cooling).
All Magical operations and their consequences are primary and analogous, as in the example described above. Only the actions of the Occult realm are more intense, more complex, and deeper. Consequently, so are their outcomes. Here, as a result of the influences, the "subject" towards the former object of desire experiences not just a diminishing of attachment and loss of interest but actually a feeling of aversion. The subject of adoration becomes repulsive to the affected person. The latter may even feel a sense of superiority over the former, which sometimes, as a side effect of Occult actions, gives rise to "Manka Velichkina," as they say. Again, the consequences can vary. Here is an example from my own practice (all names changed):
Many years ago, I had the opportunity to work on a situation involving a relatively young civil family, consisting of two lovers just over 30 years old, who were targeted by a detractor (the mother of one of the members of the couple) and subjected to a "relationship curse." The mother of the young man, who had somewhat outdated views, did not approve of her son's chosen girlfriend and did everything maliciously. Unable to disrupt the relationship between the couple through simple methods like intrigues, setups, gossip, etc., she resorted to extremely vile measures. Ordering a village witch to cast a curse on the relationship between her son and his partner, she provided all the necessary components: offerings, information about the young people, and ties. And things unraveled. As a result, a certain Alexandra - the future wife of a certain Oleg - turned to me for help. According to Alexandra: "I don't understand what's happening. Oleg and I argue over nothing, over trivial matters. There are often breakdowns in our intimacy. I know for a fact that his mother, Aunt Liza, did something. She recently went to her village for some reason. I heard that there's some old witch living there. Strange things started happening immediately after her visit to the village, their hometown. And the strangest and most inexplicable thing is: I'm waiting for Oleg to come home from work, anticipating his arrival. I'm about to embrace him, and we'll sit down to have dinner together. I'm waiting for him. He steps inside. And I don't understand what's happening to me - I can't even look at him. He becomes repulsive to me, his face makes me nauseous, he starts to infuriate me as a person. Everything about him starts to annoy me - the way he stands up from the chair, turns around, slams the door shut, sneezes - coughs, puts a spoon down. And I start to explode on him. He starts yelling at me and losing his temper like never before. He pulls out a bottle of beer from the fridge, and goes to watch TV. This just angers and irritates me even more. We go to work in the morning - I can't wait to come home, meet him, treat him to dinner, etc. I come home - I wait for him - and the cycle continues. And I still harbor aversion towards him just from his presence alone. What's going on - I can't understand!"
I will not describe all the details of my magical assistance, as it would require a lot of exposition and there isn't much point. I will say this: the very essence in the "relationship curse" contains precisely one of the components - evoking aversion towards the object of desire. It, the "relationship curse," contains many components and elements that form it as a whole. In this situation, the leading role was played by "evoking aversion." The description of the "relationship curse" will be examined below. Returning to the essence of the phenomenon being described, it can be firmly stated that the manifestation of aversion is nothing but the direct opposite side of what was once an attachment, attention, but only in a completely polarized form. Like the relationship between positive and negative charges. There is even a dual connection in these phenomena: liking - aversion. But what holds it all, almost mutually binds it, is increased attention. Once the polarity of "anti-feelings" reaches a possible limit, attention begins to wane, eventually disappearing. Along with it, aversion and former attachments fade away without a trace. This is how, in practice, this matter is brought to a complete conclusion.
Fallout (termination of relationships based on anger). A fallout involves a complete or partial "dampening of feelings of desire and attachment," either due to erupting rage, hatred, and indignation towards the recent object of affection. Or simply sympathy. That is, a relatively strong quarrel of one subject in a "love union" with another, more or less blocking feelings of attachment on this basis, can cause feelings of hatred. Both towards each other (when affecting both individuals) and unilaterally, causing surprise and confusion with bewilderment for the second individual in the latter case. A common example of this in the ordinary course of events is marital infidelity. When the second person in the marital union learns about the intrigue of the first. For example, a deeply offended subject in this case may not completely lose all feelings of attachment to the offender. But forgiving the offense, or intentionally ignoring the despicable act, may be much harder than continuing to feel the previous attachments. Or, for example, another action - a cutting and inappropriate, unacceptable joke of one lover about the other, ultimately deeply hurting the feelings of dignity of the latter. And the result is the same - outrage, indignation, rage, hatred, even leading to various persecutions aimed at causing suffering to the instigator of all this. There are many other diverse situations in people's lives, in relationships, that end with quarrels and mutual impatience, or with one of the two.
The main point: As a result of magical influence on the psyche of one or both objects of a "joint union," impulses occur that prompt special actions by one or both individuals, leading to outrage and anger, significantly dulling previous feelings of sympathy. In further planned actions, after the initial results of the fallout, the Mage strengthens the anger and indignation of the participants towards each other. They also conduct a more thorough blocking of the former feelings towards each other. In other words, a more global dulling of these feelings, while simultaneously inciting anger between the subjects. The outcomes of these influences: Often, the participants cause each other severe suffering, often accompanied by inflicting physical injuries of varying severity, unilaterally or mutually. But this is not the goal of Occult influence in this example. The purpose here is to sever the connection between the two partners. What they feel towards each other, or towards one another in the end: Overwhelming hatred damages them irreversibly to varying degrees. With time, anger and rage subside, resentment becomes old, it may pass - or it may not, and after the experience, the remaining or instilled pride prevents the restoration of feelings. Or over time, during the lull of hatred, the feelings just "cool down." Often, as a result of such actions, the individuals change their "whims in choosing partners," or simply put, their "tastes in them."
Another note: Very often, a fallout serves as the leading component in a "relationship curse." The main difference from "evoking aversion" is observed in that, in the former case, motivation for the cessation of feelings is mainly their fading, but in this case, the stimulus for the breakup of relationships is precisely the arousal of feelings. Only different, similarly "polarized" feelings. But the outcome is similar - the loss of previous feelings, as well as attention over time.
Influence on the psyche (stimulus for the subject to accept the necessary Practice or for the client to make a decision).
This procedure is mainly conducted in cases where members of a "love union" do not have strong feelings of attachment towards each other. Or when deep attachment to the other person has not yet developed for one of them. What this looks like in practice, or simply in reality:
One subject spends time with the other, enjoys their leisure activities together, but does not make plans for a more serious strengthening of their union. Often, this is just flirting, whether on the side of existing relationships of one or both individuals or without them. The task of the Practitioner, if necessary, is to direct thoughts through the necessary chakras and energy channels of one or both subjects in such a way that one of them or both are distracted from their attachments to each other and pay attention to their thoughts. So that the mind of one or both individuals is enlightened, leading to the subject in either a unilateral or mutual manner making a decision to end the relationship. By reasoning, they come to the conclusion that they do not need it, it is all insincere, temporary, they were not serious, etc. In this example, reason predominates over feelings of attachment and, by gaining a complete victory over them as a result of the influence, either dulls them or completely blocks them. As a result, the individuals end the relationship either mutually or initially unilaterally.
Orders for such influences in the market of Occult services are often encountered when one member of a family union seeks help because their "other half" is flirting on the side. Seeing the need for this, they are forced to turn to Practitioners. This is the most harmless, with the least "side effects," form of influencing to turn away. It is applicable only in simple, non-severe situations.
Relationship curse (Complex multi-level comprehensive influence).
Initially, this is indeed a curse. It is often applicable in cases when the Practitioner or client needs to charm a subject in a relationship, whether legal, serious, or not very serious. It may also be applicable in desperate client situations and extremely difficult cases. Despite its content, according to which it is a complex form of influence, in love spells it is a component of them. So, what is a curse - it is a negative program aimed at imminent destruction or causing harm of varying severity. Here, the damage is directed at the existing relationship between two subjects. Through Occult operations aimed at influencing the rupture of the partners' attachments to each other, a negative program is "embedded" on a Subtle Level into the relationship, which signifies destruction. It acts in a multifaceted way: it simply dulls the feelings, or blocks them, resulting in evoking aversion, or inciting animosity between the partners, negatively affecting the psyche of both partners. It may also create extreme discomfort in the everyday life of both individuals, stimulating them to break up. Sometimes, there can be very negative consequences that lead to fatal outcomes. This program mainly operates randomly, automatically selecting convenient "elements of influence" according to the situation. If, during the Magical operation, the Practitioner still focuses on the main component of the influence, such as the cooling of feelings, fallout, aversion, then the influence mainly intensifies in that "sector." But, once again, this is essentially a negative program with corresponding "consequences" from it.
In general, summarizing, it can be said that magical operations such as turn-offs are versatile in choice of location. Slightly different from love spells. Turn-offs of almost all kinds can be conducted at burial sites. With the exception of some specific, individual, and private cases. In addition to burial sites, forests, fields, riverbanks, mountains, natural places, personal "Occult laboratories," places with the presence of Forces are very suitable for these procedures. However, just as in love spells, it is not advisable to appeal to Higher Forces of Darkness and Chaos for help in this type of influence. Because the quality and intensity of energies of much higher levels that They carry are not needed in such "requests." Dark Forces associated with cold, sorrow, sadness, etc., are very suitable for such operations. Spirits and Demons of ranks lower than Deities are best for these types of operations. Good luck in your application!
To all those who need to order a breakup spell, please follow the link provided
Best regards!