
As the body is the vessel of the shadow soul, so the blood is the manifestation of the living (life force), the essence of the soul-ghost. In other words, the living is the life force, bound in a peculiar structure by personal experience in everyday life and altered by the individual's state. To the seer, it presents itself as an amorphous, ever-changing form (sometimes assuming human form), and they distinctly feel the connection between blood and the living. It is particularly easily manifested in emotional states. This is precisely the soul that, in pagan beliefs, "flows down the river", meaning it embodies acquired individuality (experience) in this life based on ancestral power. In general, the blood of a strong animal (such as a bear) nourishes the life force, strengthens the soul, and for this purpose either its liver (the birthplace of blood) or heart (the locus of blood) were eaten. By witchcraft, the animal's power is transferred by marking its forehead with its blood (the abode of the soul-butterfly) with special signs.

From this, we see that blood is the essence of a person, and the impact through it must have the most profound consequences. And indeed, it was the most common and effective way of influence for many thousands of years. In the popular modern literature for us, the soul-ghost is called the astral (star, but essentially emotional) body, a projection, and accordingly to influence its general condition, it is easier to affect the blood. Although in addition, this soul can be influenced through an image (drawing, photograph, doll, idol made of rot, and so on), by attracting this soul with certain magical operations, saliva, urine, and other secretions. To forcibly detach this soul, scaring a person severely is often enough.

The soul-ghost is not only present in humans, but also in animals, insects, plants, and even in some inanimate (from a conventional point of view) objects.

In a person's life activities, the soul-ghost requires a protector (Living and Yarilo) and guardians (up to 9, according to the number of heavens, although it is possible to have more when dividing the heavens in your mind), usually represented by ancestral souls or other spirits of beings or phenomena. The necessity of explicit or imaginary patronage is due to reflection on one's own weakness and the impossibility of constantly controlling the presence and influence.

Sorcery Tricks

Invocation to the Gods

One must make a verbal appeal to Yarilo, who stirs the blood, and to the Living, who adds strength. It is necessary to weave words around oneself as a sorcerer, so as not to exceed one's measure.

When a mortal matter is contemplated, an appeal is made to Morena, and if entangled in dreamy mists, then to Morok himself. In general, what fate is destined for the soul, one must turn to the ruler of that fate.

It is also necessary to mention what stands behind the shrines of the gods:

Here, in our sanctuary, there are 8 shrines dedicated to the gods, and behind each of them stand the souls of ancestors. They stand as they embraced death -

Behind Belbog are those who were slain by power, or by the aid of it;

Behind Chernobog are those who vanished into obscurity, and so died nameless;

Behind Lada are those who perished in childbirth, or whose child did not survive;

Behind Morena are those who drowned, in swamp or abyss, or whose years came to an end, and rested unceremoniously;

Those stand behind Morok who perished from sorcery, or from other afflictions (including suicides);

Behind Perun are those who perished in battle by weaponry;

Word about vampires and bloodsuckers

It is said that vampires and bloodsuckers are all deceased who were laid to rest without respect, or even abandoned until their time comes. Rumors and stories abound that out of their malice or some affliction, they come to the dwellings of villages and tear apart those they encounter, those who let them into their homes, and drink up all their precious blood. They particularly enjoy visiting their own relatives who have committed such an act. Indeed, they do not drink blood, but the living, and they do not tear apart the body, but the soul of a living person. Thus, it is unwise to leave the deceased without respect, tormenting the restless soul with malice, as they do take care of us, those departed ones. In other words, their souls care for us, and we prepare new, wooden bodies for them in Krasny Kute, and on the 3rd day, we invite them so that they may live more comfortably.

Understanding one's blood

Blood essence

The soul-ghost and the living (yar) are one and the same, referred to by different words as the measure of "perception bulb" that fills with life and forces movement. For convenience of memory, let the living be called thus further on, so it is easier. The living blood fills, but it can also depart if you can attract it with your spirit (sometimes it happens automatically in a hopeless case).

If, while being an unskilled sorcerer, you cannot feel the living in bodies, then through skillful cracking and strong muscular effort, you can drive the blood together with the living. Having learned the correct efforts, over time, merely intending it, you will direct the living in the bodies.

But more than others, it is necessary to arrange the living properly so that it maintains the human form without twisting. It is necessary to constantly feel the living around the bodies, finding support in the abdomen for those sensations.

When various passions will embrace the human mind, the living changes its strength accordingly, sometimes twisting, sometimes swelling, sometimes diminishing.

Furthermore, there is "guiding the Power" with hands. That Power is also the living.

If you understand what is said here, you will achieve much; if you do not understand, you will remain as you are.

Behind Veles are those who perished from greed and avarice, hence restless, and other people eager for something else (driven by passion);

Behind Stribog are those who perished from the violence of the elements.

Knowing this, guardians seek through the gods, but will the Power be found and listened to?! Life will show, not just words of misfortune.

Vision of the living

Having aligned the living as mentioned above, and feeling its presence around the bodies, look closely not at the bodies of a person, but encompass with your sight when you understand how this happens to become around the bodies, where the living should be located. In other words, look at the soul, not the body, spread your gaze around the bodies, as if looking in the dark. You will then see the boundaries of the living, and within those boundaries, the emanation of the thoughts of the human mind. Between fingers, when putting one against the other, you can see small emanations. Try, and you will see.

Correct living efforts

Practice cracking in water - quickly and slowly, with a single hand, using your whole body, with whips and rotations, make your body resemble a snake, for the snake moves the living in such a way constantly. Here it is important to remember - there should be no pointless tension, effort comes from the abdomen like vomit, driving the living with a wave. If you perform the movements correctly, a heat will walk around your body, and with the knowledge of correct living arrangement and its rooting in the abdomen, it will perform its own function correctly, if any problem arises.

Even and regular breathing

Breathing should also be skillful in order to correspond to the living. Its irregularity has its root in the crookedness of the spirit, but if you align it, the spirit straightens out beautifully. Therefore, confidence is necessary in your actions to avoid twisting the spirit without reason. And if you overlooked this, you can correct it with measured and regular breathing. When you focus or contemplate, breathing disappears, as if it is not there at all, only the tiniest breath moves.

"Guiding the Power"

In order to guide the living outside the bodies, or for something else, it is necessary to feel at the beginning between the palms how it flows and bends. If you start with something simple, spread your arms apart, and cross your fingers. The emanations will be stronger from the fingers, you will feel them instantly, but do not forget - the living is felt when you apply your sensations, by those sensations it will reveal itself, adorning itself with emanations. It may manifest as sticky as glue, or in a ball, rubbery or spiky, heat may appear, maybe a bright beam, create sensations, everything will fall into place. When you can feel the emanations from your fingers, guide one hand along the arm, and not just that, try to feel everything, and align the living from that hand. After aligning the living on your hands, you will feel a heavy leaden weight in them, transfer this alignment to your body, and then that deadly urge will dull in the bodies, and anyone can feel the spirit, as if touched by hand.

As you do this, continue to practice Guiding the Power - sense any object, and when you can do that, blindfold yourself with a dark cloth and walk in the forest freely, getting used to it in your own home as well.

And then as it should be - gather the living in the air, and mold everything necessary from it.

If you want to learn to practice sorcery further, master this science, and there you will understand how to use and guide the natural living, to direct it where needed. Move from small sensations to great ones, do not belittle yourself, everything is under your control.

Connection of the living with blood

A simple, uncomplicated method:

It would be good if your hand is tired, if not, clench your palm into a fist frequently and quickly or rub your hands tightly together. Pausing, feel the blood flow in your hand, trying to feel each particle of it, and at the same time as a whole. And now, try to sense the living with your palms…

Yes, if the numbness didn't pull it back, you will feel that the living spread along the hand. When it spreads, the heaviness arises because the blood fills all the cells, enlivening the body. Similarly, during passions, it spreads where it should, as necessary. It may rush to the head, or to the chest, or curl up into a ball from fear, disappearing from the bodies. A sorcerer will evenly expose it so that everything is perceived in the right place.

A little distraction from the method, then you can return - as you feel in your hands, after working hard, feel the flow of blood throughout the body, how it pulsates in a unified rhythm, filled with blood. At this moment, the living is evenly spread within you, and no other sorcery can prevail. And if you want to go further, then in unison with the blood, focus your attention on the heart. Unpleasant sensations of contraction are felt by many, but that's the way our inner self is. When you can master the feeling of the heart, you can also influence its power and agility bit by bit in the beginning (and then on the living, aligning it, and flowing with it into the Other).

Understanding the blood of others

When engaging in sorcery, more is expected from you, as people related to you will always need your help. If not you, then who will help them? But the bond of the blood stirs the heart, and such relationships can interfere with sorcery. Step back in such cases, live in seclusion, so that your natural emotions do not twist around the blood, weakening your spirit.

The Blood of Your Kin

Feeling the unity of the living with blood, the first thing you can reach out to is the perception of kindred spirits, by blood or by spirit. Of course, you can 
sense it first by blood, as your lineage is one, and the living is similar.
It is necessary to mention feeling the living - if the living is similar to a human or an animal, then acceptance of it occurs, but if not, there is a rejection from contact with it, both ways. The rejection of a human or an animal is conditioned by the different qualities it nurtures. Not engaged in the disconnection of the Universe into good and evil does not cause unpleasantness, only the incomprehensibility of its essence, mystery. Because in a human, all essence of nature is placed, and by renouncing it, you fight with yourself, and even though you fight, you cannot prevail.

The blood of your kin carries a peculiar character, and it dictates to you that fate is destined to change it when you reach the necessary measures. Feel the mind of your relative in a long conversation, his thoughts, and feelings. Then perceive the living around the bodies, feel the response in your essence (the alignment of your minds and souls will proceed). Listen to the movement of the blood around him, and yours will respond. Feel what unites you in a common essence - heartbeats... By changing the reflections of thoughts within yourself, you will guide him without opening your mouth, as long as it does not go against the current of these thoughts. So, lead this mental flow to the necessary outcome. When you argue, feel his heart, and calm it down by capturing the attention with the fact that your heart emits acceptance. Through this, his heart and mind will also reveal the living. By learning this way, you will discover many things that you can accomplish, but try with understanding, because kin blood will destroy worse than foreign one if you engage in something undesirable.

Foreign Blood

Having learned from relatives, apply that experience to people outside your kin. Try first with pleasant individuals, then unpleasant ones, up close and from a distance. Feel the explicit influence you have (heartfelt penetration) and the implicit influence (is it living itself, your bodily warmth, or something else). The living itself will teach you various wisdoms if you pay attention to it - how to evoke fear, cause various illnesses, or how to improve someone's well-being, among other things. The human lineage is deeply mixed together, so you will find echoes of your blood and living essence everywhere.

Animal Blood

There is little in common between your blood and the living as well as that of an animal, so it will be much more challenging, but accumulated experience will allow you to master this ability too. Everything is done in a similar manner as mentioned above, only words are not needed, animals sense the living, and they will understand the character of sounds.

Testing of the Sorcerer

In order to test your strength, an animal is needed, so you should try your power on its blood, or through some rituals. Taking a small amount of blood from a sick animal, try to bind the living to it in some way - whether through a ritual, chanting, or bewitchment (movement). Generally, for health and rejuvenation, you can sense with a human (it may go unnoticed in animals), but killing is more difficult. Therefore, after performing health rituals, try to kill the animal. Life and death are two invaluable gifts, when this gift is given in the right place. And if not, this gift will destroy you in vain. It is necessary to feel the appropriateness of these gifts; it is not given easily as a simple science. Like the ability to bring back life in the dying, and take it away from the healthy, to know is not for novices, but for wise sorcerers.

For the best among them, a little test

If you have mastered everything, try to communicate with trees, or even more skillfully - with ants and insects. When you master this, you will also be able to manipulate the Stone Power, feel the places of Power on Mother Earth, even create them, and easily seal them with a belt.

Guidance for Sorcerers on Blood

If it has been necessary to kill someone, then it is unworthy of suffering; it seems destined this way - if not you, then the wolves would have torn them apart. And if someone has been brought back to life, it is not fitting to rejoice, the time will come, especially if a person was walking towards death. Therefore, know the Power and use it wisely, do not rush forward, but observe how nature reveals itself, and listen to the protective spirits.

According to Eastern wisdom, some say - the knower does not speak, and the speaker does not know. How can one know when they speak words, but when they fall silent, they can truly sense (that is, feel the true nature). In other words, seek knowledge in silence, revealing knowledge through speech, then forget about the revelation, and continue to seek knowledge in silence.
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As the body is the vessel of the shadow soul, so the blood is the manifestation of the living (life force), the essence of the soul-ghost. In other words, the living is the life force, bound in a peculiar structure by personal experience in everyday life and altered by the individual's state. To the seer, it presents itself as an amorphous, ever-changing form (sometimes assuming human form), and they distinctly feel the connection between blood and the living. It is particularly easily manifested in emotional states. This is precisely the soul that, in pagan beliefs, "flows down the river", meaning it embodies acquired individuality (experience) in this life based on ancestral power. In general, the blood of a strong animal (such as a bear) nourishes the life force, strengthens the soul, and for this purpose either its liver (the birthplace of blood) or heart (the locus of blood) were eaten. By witchcraft, the animal's power is transferred by marking its forehead with its blood (the abode of the soul-butterfly) with special signs.

From this, we see that blood is the essence of a person, and the impact through it must have the most profound consequences. And indeed, it was the most common and effective way of influence for many thousands of years. In the popular modern literature for us, the soul-ghost is called the astral (star, but essentially emotional) body, a projection, and accordingly to influence its general condition, it is easier to affect the blood. Although in addition, this soul can be influenced through an image (drawing, photograph, doll, idol made of rot, and so on), by attracting this soul with certain magical operations, saliva, urine, and other secretions. To forcibly detach this soul, scaring a person severely is often enough.

The soul-ghost is not only present in humans, but also in animals, insects, plants, and even in some inanimate (from a conventional point of view) objects.

In a person's life activities, the soul-ghost requires a protector (Living and Yarilo) and guardians (up to 9, according to the number of heavens, although it is possible to have more when dividing the heavens in your mind), usually represented by ancestral souls or other spirits of beings or phenomena. The necessity of explicit or imaginary patronage is due to reflection on one's own weakness and the impossibility of constantly controlling the presence and influence.

Sorcery Tricks

Invocation to the Gods

One must make a verbal appeal to Yarilo, who stirs the blood, and to the Living, who adds strength. It is necessary to weave words around oneself as a sorcerer, so as not to exceed one's measure.

When a mortal matter is contemplated, an appeal is made to Morena, and if entangled in dreamy mists, then to Morok himself. In general, what fate is destined for the soul, one must turn to the ruler of that fate.

It is also necessary to mention what stands behind the shrines of the gods:

Here, in our sanctuary, there are 8 shrines dedicated to the gods, and behind each of them stand the souls of ancestors. They stand as they embraced death -

Behind Belbog are those who were slain by power, or by the aid of it;

Behind Chernobog are those who vanished into obscurity, and so died nameless;

Behind Lada are those who perished in childbirth, or whose child did not survive;

Behind Morena are those who drowned, in swamp or abyss, or whose years came to an end, and rested unceremoniously;

Those stand behind Morok who perished from sorcery, or from other afflictions (including suicides);

Behind Perun are those who perished in battle by weaponry;

Word about vampires and bloodsuckers

It is said that vampires and bloodsuckers are all deceased who were laid to rest without respect, or even abandoned until their time comes. Rumors and stories abound that out of their malice or some affliction, they come to the dwellings of villages and tear apart those they encounter, those who let them into their homes, and drink up all their precious blood. They particularly enjoy visiting their own relatives who have committed such an act. Indeed, they do not drink blood, but the living, and they do not tear apart the body, but the soul of a living person. Thus, it is unwise to leave the deceased without respect, tormenting the restless soul with malice, as they do take care of us, those departed ones. In other words, their souls care for us, and we prepare new, wooden bodies for them in Krasny Kute, and on the 3rd day, we invite them so that they may live more comfortably.

Understanding one's blood

Blood essence

The soul-ghost and the living (yar) are one and the same, referred to by different words as the measure of "perception bulb" that fills with life and forces movement. For convenience of memory, let the living be called thus further on, so it is easier. The living blood fills, but it can also depart if you can attract it with your spirit (sometimes it happens automatically in a hopeless case).

If, while being an unskilled sorcerer, you cannot feel the living in bodies, then through skillful cracking and strong muscular effort, you can drive the blood together with the living. Having learned the correct efforts, over time, merely intending it, you will direct the living in the bodies.

But more than others, it is necessary to arrange the living properly so that it maintains the human form without twisting. It is necessary to constantly feel the living around the bodies, finding support in the abdomen for those sensations.

When various passions will embrace the human mind, the living changes its strength accordingly, sometimes twisting, sometimes swelling, sometimes diminishing.

Furthermore, there is "guiding the Power" with hands. That Power is also the living.

If you understand what is said here, you will achieve much; if you do not understand, you will remain as you are.

Behind Veles are those who perished from greed and avarice, hence restless, and other people eager for something else (driven by passion);

Behind Stribog are those who perished from the violence of the elements.

Knowing this, guardians seek through the gods, but will the Power be found and listened to?! Life will show, not just words of misfortune.

Vision of the living

Having aligned the living as mentioned above, and feeling its presence around the bodies, look closely not at the bodies of a person, but encompass with your sight when you understand how this happens to become around the bodies, where the living should be located. In other words, look at the soul, not the body, spread your gaze around the bodies, as if looking in the dark. You will then see the boundaries of the living, and within those boundaries, the emanation of the thoughts of the human mind. Between fingers, when putting one against the other, you can see small emanations. Try, and you will see.

Correct living efforts

Practice cracking in water - quickly and slowly, with a single hand, using your whole body, with whips and rotations, make your body resemble a snake, for the snake moves the living in such a way constantly. Here it is important to remember - there should be no pointless tension, effort comes from the abdomen like vomit, driving the living with a wave. If you perform the movements correctly, a heat will walk around your body, and with the knowledge of correct living arrangement and its rooting in the abdomen, it will perform its own function correctly, if any problem arises.

Even and regular breathing

Breathing should also be skillful in order to correspond to the living. Its irregularity has its root in the crookedness of the spirit, but if you align it, the spirit straightens out beautifully. Therefore, confidence is necessary in your actions to avoid twisting the spirit without reason. And if you overlooked this, you can correct it with measured and regular breathing. When you focus or contemplate, breathing disappears, as if it is not there at all, only the tiniest breath moves.

"Guiding the Power"

In order to guide the living outside the bodies, or for something else, it is necessary to feel at the beginning between the palms how it flows and bends. If you start with something simple, spread your arms apart, and cross your fingers. The emanations will be stronger from the fingers, you will feel them instantly, but do not forget - the living is felt when you apply your sensations, by those sensations it will reveal itself, adorning itself with emanations. It may manifest as sticky as glue, or in a ball, rubbery or spiky, heat may appear, maybe a bright beam, create sensations, everything will fall into place. When you can feel the emanations from your fingers, guide one hand along the arm, and not just that, try to feel everything, and align the living from that hand. After aligning the living on your hands, you will feel a heavy leaden weight in them, transfer this alignment to your body, and then that deadly urge will dull in the bodies, and anyone can feel the spirit, as if touched by hand.

As you do this, continue to practice Guiding the Power - sense any object, and when you can do that, blindfold yourself with a dark cloth and walk in the forest freely, getting used to it in your own home as well.

And then as it should be - gather the living in the air, and mold everything necessary from it.

If you want to learn to practice sorcery further, master this science, and there you will understand how to use and guide the natural living, to direct it where needed. Move from small sensations to great ones, do not belittle yourself, everything is under your control.

Connection of the living with blood

A simple, uncomplicated method:

It would be good if your hand is tired, if not, clench your palm into a fist frequently and quickly or rub your hands tightly together. Pausing, feel the blood flow in your hand, trying to feel each particle of it, and at the same time as a whole. And now, try to sense the living with your palms…

Yes, if the numbness didn't pull it back, you will feel that the living spread along the hand. When it spreads, the heaviness arises because the blood fills all the cells, enlivening the body. Similarly, during passions, it spreads where it should, as necessary. It may rush to the head, or to the chest, or curl up into a ball from fear, disappearing from the bodies. A sorcerer will evenly expose it so that everything is perceived in the right place.

A little distraction from the method, then you can return - as you feel in your hands, after working hard, feel the flow of blood throughout the body, how it pulsates in a unified rhythm, filled with blood. At this moment, the living is evenly spread within you, and no other sorcery can prevail. And if you want to go further, then in unison with the blood, focus your attention on the heart. Unpleasant sensations of contraction are felt by many, but that's the way our inner self is. When you can master the feeling of the heart, you can also influence its power and agility bit by bit in the beginning (and then on the living, aligning it, and flowing with it into the Other).

Understanding the blood of others

When engaging in sorcery, more is expected from you, as people related to you will always need your help. If not you, then who will help them? But the bond of the blood stirs the heart, and such relationships can interfere with sorcery. Step back in such cases, live in seclusion, so that your natural emotions do not twist around the blood, weakening your spirit.

The Blood of Your Kin

Feeling the unity of the living with blood, the first thing you can reach out to is the perception of kindred spirits, by blood or by spirit. Of course, you can 
sense it first by blood, as your lineage is one, and the living is similar.
It is necessary to mention feeling the living - if the living is similar to a human or an animal, then acceptance of it occurs, but if not, there is a rejection from contact with it, both ways. The rejection of a human or an animal is conditioned by the different qualities it nurtures. Not engaged in the disconnection of the Universe into good and evil does not cause unpleasantness, only the incomprehensibility of its essence, mystery. Because in a human, all essence of nature is placed, and by renouncing it, you fight with yourself, and even though you fight, you cannot prevail.

The blood of your kin carries a peculiar character, and it dictates to you that fate is destined to change it when you reach the necessary measures. Feel the mind of your relative in a long conversation, his thoughts, and feelings. Then perceive the living around the bodies, feel the response in your essence (the alignment of your minds and souls will proceed). Listen to the movement of the blood around him, and yours will respond. Feel what unites you in a common essence - heartbeats... By changing the reflections of thoughts within yourself, you will guide him without opening your mouth, as long as it does not go against the current of these thoughts. So, lead this mental flow to the necessary outcome. When you argue, feel his heart, and calm it down by capturing the attention with the fact that your heart emits acceptance. Through this, his heart and mind will also reveal the living. By learning this way, you will discover many things that you can accomplish, but try with understanding, because kin blood will destroy worse than foreign one if you engage in something undesirable.

Foreign Blood

Having learned from relatives, apply that experience to people outside your kin. Try first with pleasant individuals, then unpleasant ones, up close and from a distance. Feel the explicit influence you have (heartfelt penetration) and the implicit influence (is it living itself, your bodily warmth, or something else). The living itself will teach you various wisdoms if you pay attention to it - how to evoke fear, cause various illnesses, or how to improve someone's well-being, among other things. The human lineage is deeply mixed together, so you will find echoes of your blood and living essence everywhere.

Animal Blood

There is little in common between your blood and the living as well as that of an animal, so it will be much more challenging, but accumulated experience will allow you to master this ability too. Everything is done in a similar manner as mentioned above, only words are not needed, animals sense the living, and they will understand the character of sounds.

Testing of the Sorcerer

In order to test your strength, an animal is needed, so you should try your power on its blood, or through some rituals. Taking a small amount of blood from a sick animal, try to bind the living to it in some way - whether through a ritual, chanting, or bewitchment (movement). Generally, for health and rejuvenation, you can sense with a human (it may go unnoticed in animals), but killing is more difficult. Therefore, after performing health rituals, try to kill the animal. Life and death are two invaluable gifts, when this gift is given in the right place. And if not, this gift will destroy you in vain. It is necessary to feel the appropriateness of these gifts; it is not given easily as a simple science. Like the ability to bring back life in the dying, and take it away from the healthy, to know is not for novices, but for wise sorcerers.

For the best among them, a little test

If you have mastered everything, try to communicate with trees, or even more skillfully - with ants and insects. When you master this, you will also be able to manipulate the Stone Power, feel the places of Power on Mother Earth, even create them, and easily seal them with a belt.

Guidance for Sorcerers on Blood

If it has been necessary to kill someone, then it is unworthy of suffering; it seems destined this way - if not you, then the wolves would have torn them apart. And if someone has been brought back to life, it is not fitting to rejoice, the time will come, especially if a person was walking towards death. Therefore, know the Power and use it wisely, do not rush forward, but observe how nature reveals itself, and listen to the protective spirits.

According to Eastern wisdom, some say - the knower does not speak, and the speaker does not know. How can one know when they speak words, but when they fall silent, they can truly sense (that is, feel the true nature). In other words, seek knowledge in silence, revealing knowledge through speech, then forget about the revelation, and continue to seek knowledge in silence.
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