Black widow/black widower (not to be confused with Spirits - Assistants of Death) are individuals cursed with one of the numerous forms of "ancestral curses". In this case, they may also suffer from non-ancestral curses, for example, the consequences of the banal imposition of the "crown of spinsterhood". This suffering manifests as constant personal failures in their love life. These so-called failures encompass a wide range of negative outcomes related to personal life constructions. Sometimes these outcomes can be tragic for those who enter serious relationships with such "cursed" individuals. The "black widows/widowers" themselves suffer as they remain perpetually alone, enduring sadness with each disastrous attempt to establish a personal life.
With someone cursed in this way, entering into a serious relationship, a short period of time passes, and suddenly there is an incident, preventing the development of said relationship. Often, the "significant others" of such subjects die or perish due to various reasons. These reasons emerge suddenly. In the best-case scenario, for the "significant others", relationships may simply end abruptly for various reasons. The fate of the "black widows/widowers" in their personal lives is almost identical: endless desperate attempts to organize their personal life, create a complete family, etc. As a result, a lifetime of personal unhappiness ensues, leading to mental suffering, sorrow, feelings of being unhappy and sometimes incomplete, feeling ill-fated and oppressed.
In other areas of life, they may be successful in some aspects such as career, business, financial income, reliable friendships, business partnerships, sports, and even having children (to whom this curse is often inherited). But on a personal level, they face constant loneliness, associated depression, resentment toward life, and despair. There can be even more negative consequences of such a curse - apart from personal life unhappiness, there are constant failures, misfortunes, and adversity in various other spheres of life. For example, a person may have lifelong bad luck in love and also suffer from a nightmare in the financial sphere, constant job searches, below-average incomes, or even no income at all, lack of children (or their death), absence of close relationships, business connections, total loneliness and constant sorrow, rather than a fulfilling life. Everything depends on each individual case. However, the main "blow from the Subtle Plane" is dealt to their personal front. All other misfortunes may either be "details" or consequences. The way individuals cope with this unhappiness also varies: some may become angry and aggressive towards everyone and everything, being labelled as "psychopathic, inadequate", etc. by others, while some are stronger, able to control themselves and live with it, evoking admiration from others for their courage, steely character, and resilience. It all depends on the particular individual in question.
What it looks like and what happens at the "Subtle Level of Existence": At the beginning, the Witch conducts a curse ritual, either targeting a specific individual or their entire lineage. To achieve this, they may utilize various techniques suitable and convenient for themselves: Voodoo (using a wax figure), simply through photos and bindings, using a mirror corridor, with the help of cemetery attributes and cemetery spirits, through other spirits of negative nature, through stronger demons, through elemental forces, and many similar methods. As a result, the negative influence settles and strengthens not only on the specific person being cursed in the ritual but also on their entire lineage and several subsequent generations. Consequently, either this lineage dies out due to understandable and probable developments, or these subsequent generations live their lives in the described manner, miraculously managing to continue their line. However, the outcome is never favorable in any case. Usually, only a powerful practitioner is capable of conducting curses of this "lineage" nature. Even the "Guardian Spirits" of a lineage can rarely do much to protect it from such influences. Sometimes, miraculously, thanks to these guardians, a lineage can be "saved" from such negativity, but this is not common. It all depends on the specific lineage and how strong and influential their "ancestral guardians" are.
Another scenario may unfold: Individuals, lacking the necessary experience and knowledge in the occult sphere, make significant mistakes. In other words, they violate the rules of conducting occult rituals in various ways, sometimes out of sheer negligence in this area. By doing so, they invoke the wrath from Entities of the Subtle Plane on themselves and their descendants, as well as from their ancestral guardians. At the Subtle Level, either the lineage guardians themselves or higher entities decide to "end the existence of that lineage". They enforce this "stopping" through precisely this "black widowhood," placing it on the shoulders of all subsequent descendants. Consequently, after 2-3 generations, this lineage dies out, ceasing to exist. While rare, such a situation can occur in some cases.
In general, getting rid of such negative influences and effects is definitely difficult, but entirely possible. Removing "black widowhood" is challenging, but achievable. To do so, one must have extensive experience in Occult Practices, a well-developed Magical Power, as well as Knowledge and Skills of a higher level. The most crucial aspect here is the ability to perform "Redemption in Magical Practice". This means being able to establish contact with Higher Powers and Entities at the beginning of actions. Personally, I can say, without boasting, that thanks to my many years of Practice and Experience, I have had to "eliminate" such negative influences and effects multiple times. Based on my own experience, I can confirm that Redemption is absolutely necessary in the very first step aimed at "removing negative influences" such as "black widowhood". With this explanation, I consider the issue of "black widowhood" fully addressed. To all of you, Dear Visitors and Readers of my resources, and to everyone else, I sincerely wish you to not fall under such influences and effects.
Peace, Good luck, and Positivity to you all!
Black widow/black widower (not to be confused with Spirits - Assistants of Death) are individuals cursed with one of the numerous forms of "ancestral curses". In this case, they may also suffer from non-ancestral curses, for example, the consequences of the banal imposition of the "crown of spinsterhood". This suffering manifests as constant personal failures in their love life. These so-called failures encompass a wide range of negative outcomes related to personal life constructions. Sometimes these outcomes can be tragic for those who enter serious relationships with such "cursed" individuals. The "black widows/widowers" themselves suffer as they remain perpetually alone, enduring sadness with each disastrous attempt to establish a personal life.
With someone cursed in this way, entering into a serious relationship, a short period of time passes, and suddenly there is an incident, preventing the development of said relationship. Often, the "significant others" of such subjects die or perish due to various reasons. These reasons emerge suddenly. In the best-case scenario, for the "significant others", relationships may simply end abruptly for various reasons. The fate of the "black widows/widowers" in their personal lives is almost identical: endless desperate attempts to organize their personal life, create a complete family, etc. As a result, a lifetime of personal unhappiness ensues, leading to mental suffering, sorrow, feelings of being unhappy and sometimes incomplete, feeling ill-fated and oppressed.
In other areas of life, they may be successful in some aspects such as career, business, financial income, reliable friendships, business partnerships, sports, and even having children (to whom this curse is often inherited). But on a personal level, they face constant loneliness, associated depression, resentment toward life, and despair. There can be even more negative consequences of such a curse - apart from personal life unhappiness, there are constant failures, misfortunes, and adversity in various other spheres of life. For example, a person may have lifelong bad luck in love and also suffer from a nightmare in the financial sphere, constant job searches, below-average incomes, or even no income at all, lack of children (or their death), absence of close relationships, business connections, total loneliness and constant sorrow, rather than a fulfilling life. Everything depends on each individual case. However, the main "blow from the Subtle Plane" is dealt to their personal front. All other misfortunes may either be "details" or consequences. The way individuals cope with this unhappiness also varies: some may become angry and aggressive towards everyone and everything, being labelled as "psychopathic, inadequate", etc. by others, while some are stronger, able to control themselves and live with it, evoking admiration from others for their courage, steely character, and resilience. It all depends on the particular individual in question.
What it looks like and what happens at the "Subtle Level of Existence": At the beginning, the Witch conducts a curse ritual, either targeting a specific individual or their entire lineage. To achieve this, they may utilize various techniques suitable and convenient for themselves: Voodoo (using a wax figure), simply through photos and bindings, using a mirror corridor, with the help of cemetery attributes and cemetery spirits, through other spirits of negative nature, through stronger demons, through elemental forces, and many similar methods. As a result, the negative influence settles and strengthens not only on the specific person being cursed in the ritual but also on their entire lineage and several subsequent generations. Consequently, either this lineage dies out due to understandable and probable developments, or these subsequent generations live their lives in the described manner, miraculously managing to continue their line. However, the outcome is never favorable in any case. Usually, only a powerful practitioner is capable of conducting curses of this "lineage" nature. Even the "Guardian Spirits" of a lineage can rarely do much to protect it from such influences. Sometimes, miraculously, thanks to these guardians, a lineage can be "saved" from such negativity, but this is not common. It all depends on the specific lineage and how strong and influential their "ancestral guardians" are.
Another scenario may unfold: Individuals, lacking the necessary experience and knowledge in the occult sphere, make significant mistakes. In other words, they violate the rules of conducting occult rituals in various ways, sometimes out of sheer negligence in this area. By doing so, they invoke the wrath from Entities of the Subtle Plane on themselves and their descendants, as well as from their ancestral guardians. At the Subtle Level, either the lineage guardians themselves or higher entities decide to "end the existence of that lineage". They enforce this "stopping" through precisely this "black widowhood," placing it on the shoulders of all subsequent descendants. Consequently, after 2-3 generations, this lineage dies out, ceasing to exist. While rare, such a situation can occur in some cases.
In general, getting rid of such negative influences and effects is definitely difficult, but entirely possible. Removing "black widowhood" is challenging, but achievable. To do so, one must have extensive experience in Occult Practices, a well-developed Magical Power, as well as Knowledge and Skills of a higher level. The most crucial aspect here is the ability to perform "Redemption in Magical Practice". This means being able to establish contact with Higher Powers and Entities at the beginning of actions. Personally, I can say, without boasting, that thanks to my many years of Practice and Experience, I have had to "eliminate" such negative influences and effects multiple times. Based on my own experience, I can confirm that Redemption is absolutely necessary in the very first step aimed at "removing negative influences" such as "black widowhood". With this explanation, I consider the issue of "black widowhood" fully addressed. To all of you, Dear Visitors and Readers of my resources, and to everyone else, I sincerely wish you to not fall under such influences and effects.
Peace, Good luck, and Positivity to you all!