The Black Wedding - this term is often heard and seen on various media platforms, either from their representatives and authors offering this service, specifically in the context of love magic services. That is, in those specific cases involving love spells. I have previously written about such advertising tricks in the field of magical services. And specifically explained about the black, so-called wedding. I will repeat once again, starting with a detailed explanation of this "phenomenon":
No one can "wed someone in absentia." In the same way, no one can marry someone without their presence. Wedding - what is it really? This is when the newlyweds, in the presence of a religious officiant, as well as in the presence of the congregation, family, and loved ones, solemnly promise to be together until the end of their earthly life. They make this commitment not only before their family and loved ones, but also before the higher powers represented by the religious cult. Both the groom and the bride are unequivocally present. This "phenomenon" is very common in Christianity and the numerous branches that have sprouted from it (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Seventh-day Adventism, and so on). The ritual called a "wedding" was introduced and put into practice by Christianity, as is commonly believed. It is clear from the history of religions that Christianity did not entirely invent itself, as similar rituals existed in various native Pagan cults of different ethnic groups. This is all specifically about what a "wedding" originally entails. I reiterate - both consenting parties are present. Yes, it is a kind of magical ritual performed in temples or prayer houses, legalized by an active religion, similar to baptism, last rites, confession, repentance, and various liturgies. So what could be the so-called "Black Wedding" if we combine these two words, "black" and "wedding," into a single phrase? What meaning does this "phenomenon" entail? I will be brief:
Since the advent of Christianity as the dominant religion in Europe and parts of Asia, there emerged a counterbalance to it. This opposition was based on the protest against the church and its abuse of power, which it exercised during the Middle Ages and up to the present day- considering Christianity in Russia today. The so-called "Cult of the Antichrist" emerged. Simply put: Satanism, the Cult of the Devil. I'm not talking about the "Keys of Solomon - the Goetia" derived from Judaism, but specifically what arose from the Bible and Christianity itself (although Christianity originated from Judaism). Consequently, there were "Black Masses, Black Pastors, Black Temples (secret), Black Liturgies, Black Priests, and so on." And accordingly, on this basis, there could exist this "Black Wedding." That is when followers of the Cult of the Antichrist, falling in love with each other and deciding to enter into their familial union, based on the traditions of their cult, conducted their wedding ceremony in the same order. Such rituals are well described in the "Black Book of Satan," written by the official Satanic cult ONA (Order of Nine Angles). As we can see - in this "Dark Liturgy," both acting individuals are present during the wedding ceremony. There can be no talk of "absentia," as it cannot be remotely possible in this context.
What is the purpose of a wedding, or what does it mean: As already mentioned above - It is when lovers gather to live together for their entire lives and die on the same day - like in a fairy tale. Of course, it's a joke - about dying on the same day. But when people go for such a thing, they are absolutely not against it being like in fairy tales. Because the blazing love overwhelms reason. And they do not understand that with years, people, with changing age, also change their perspectives, tastes, preferences, and abilities. In simpler terms: Who you were at 20, for example, is quite different from who you are at 35. What you had at 20: Overflowing optimism, emotions, ambitions, hormones at their peak, the energy you let out, "trying to create a perpetual engine" (figuratively speaking), almost complete disregard for logic and global thinking, desperate desire for leadership, and so on.
Who you became at 35, for example: More wise, having gained good life experience, more balanced, effectively manage your emotions, think logically, globally, capable of good analytics, wiser, representing something in life, firmly established in something, and so on. Your tastes have changed with your preferences. And you almost laugh at yourself for who you were at 20.
Notice - at 45, 50, 60, and especially at a later age, you will be even wiser, more experienced, and your tastes will continue to change. You are not standing still - your consciousness is growing and strengthening with you, evolving. (I am talking about normal people who have some intellect. Not about those who never had it.)
In general: You are very much NOT the same as you were 15-20 years ago. Your tastes have changed, including preferences for the opposite sex. You look at life from a different angle. Your worldview has noticeably changed. Now imagine this scenario - You at 20, in enthusiasm and optimism, completely turning off your reason, make a spiritual bond with someone you were once in love with on a Subtle Level. This means you got married (regardless of whether it was a "black" or "white" ceremony). And the Spirits, who were entrusted to preserve your marital union, will do everything to fulfill that commitment. Even when you start feeling almost repulsed by your partner after a long time has passed. And it's likely the same for them towards you. Your tastes have changed, you have not found harmony with each other in the marital union, you have become uninteresting to each other. You have become strangers, completely different from each other. You want to "dissolve the marital contract", find a partner with whom there is a chance of finding harmony. But no - the Keepers of the marital hearth on the Subtle Plane do not allow it. They twist the situation in a way that prevents your separation. It often leads to real sacrifices, various "unfortunate events," life catastrophes, and different turns of fate not ending happily. In short: Everything comes down to preserving the two of you. To break free from this, a magical ritual containing REDEMPTION is needed.
Here you want to ask after this: Do you really need this? Was it worth risking it for you at some point? The answer is unequivocal, I suppose.
What is then called "black wedding" in the Occult services market? Let's delve into it in detail.
Based on the detailed description provided above, comparing it with phenomena such as "love spell," and circling back to the term "Black Wedding," what conclusions can be drawn? As always, there are only two: Either it is a trick in advertising Occult services, and it does not exist as such. Or, this term, almost like a method of phraseology, refers to various types of very powerful love spells. More precisely, it is a love spell that contains elements of inexplicable and unconditional bonding between the bewitched individuals, lasting for a considerable period. Moreover, if the variety of love spell contains the phrase "wedding," it should directly concern the destinies of the bewitched individuals. It involves the intervention of a Mage in the fates of the two subjects being bewitched. Notice that this is not just "manipulating feelings from a distance and directing them where needed." This is a much higher level of Magical Work, far more serious. Occult practitioners essentially "decide the fates" of the people they bewitch. It is a partial decision of someone's fate.
Which types of love spells are similar to the phrase "Black Wedding"?
The Cemetery love spell is a perfect fit for this understanding. It specifically focuses on the "Deadlock" - the connection of the subjects together. It also emphasizes the inability to bear reality without each other, grief, discomfort without each other, as well as disasters and misfortunes if attempts are made by the subjects to break the marital union. Depending on the Strength of the Influence, the results of this Ritual are very strong. As a result, the subjects live together for a very long time, without the possibility of parting. Even when the "marital duty" has not been fulfilled for a long time, and there are no signs of it anymore.
Similarly, the term that serves as the main topic of this discourse also fits "Attachment to family, to home." Depending on the Strength of the Influence and the Mage's abilities, the subject is bewitched into the family created by the Mage. At times, the bewitched individual does not understand why their "feet carry them to the wife whom they do not love and do not want as a partner". Or, vice versa - when a similar type of love spell is conducted on a departed or unfaithful wife.
Another similar content-wise is the Binding of Fates with Runes. In Rune Magic, there is a ritual where with specific manipulations, pre-prepared and necessary Runes are laid out and fixed. The aim is precisely the same: to weave the destinies of two individuals into one. The effect is the same as in the previous two paragraphs - the couple stays together, despite all contradictions and discomforts, for a very long time. When attempts are made to part ways, significant unpleasantness arises, and almost a "natural return to the original state". In other words, to the family.
Another similar option: Love spell voodooing, preferably with the use of blood. In other words - through "Voodoo Dolls," as commonly referred to in colloquial language. The special key moment here is to determine the purpose of conducting the "Voodoo" Ritual. That is, what achievable goal the Mage initially sets. Whether it is for a short period of relationships, for the sake of continuing the flirtation between the two subjects, or specifically for binding destinies through volts - "dolls," the Operator performs this procedure. It all depends on what the Operator invests in their actions and goals. If the option of uniting destinies is present here, then this also fits the phraseology: "Black Wedding".
A somewhat similar action: This is when a couple with magical skills or abilities pulls onto themselves the "happiness of another couple." Very similar in terms of the task, solution, and outcome to "Intercepting Luck from the opponent". In other words, the couple that "intercepts someone else's harmony" enjoys the "taken away from the other couple." The couple from whom it was "taken away" ultimately separates, experiencing sorrow, quarrels, and suffering together. Either the couple or someone from it, among ordinary people, turns to a Witch for help to do the same regarding another couple, but with their assistance.
IN CONCLUSION: "Black Wedding," in terms of its direct meaning and purpose, categorically has no place in love spells, especially in the market of Occult services. Essentially, as a service offered, it is just a marketing trick. As an "Occult phraseology," it is a strong love spell with a partial determination of the destinies of the bewitched individuals. The decision to use it and the request for it must be based on very substantial grounds and be a thoroughly considered decision.
If you still need this type of love spell, which directly involves elements of binding destinies, you can order it by following this link: CONTACTS
The Black Wedding - this term is often heard and seen on various media platforms, either from their representatives and authors offering this service, specifically in the context of love magic services. That is, in those specific cases involving love spells. I have previously written about such advertising tricks in the field of magical services. And specifically explained about the black, so-called wedding. I will repeat once again, starting with a detailed explanation of this "phenomenon":
No one can "wed someone in absentia." In the same way, no one can marry someone without their presence. Wedding - what is it really? This is when the newlyweds, in the presence of a religious officiant, as well as in the presence of the congregation, family, and loved ones, solemnly promise to be together until the end of their earthly life. They make this commitment not only before their family and loved ones, but also before the higher powers represented by the religious cult. Both the groom and the bride are unequivocally present. This "phenomenon" is very common in Christianity and the numerous branches that have sprouted from it (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Seventh-day Adventism, and so on). The ritual called a "wedding" was introduced and put into practice by Christianity, as is commonly believed. It is clear from the history of religions that Christianity did not entirely invent itself, as similar rituals existed in various native Pagan cults of different ethnic groups. This is all specifically about what a "wedding" originally entails. I reiterate - both consenting parties are present. Yes, it is a kind of magical ritual performed in temples or prayer houses, legalized by an active religion, similar to baptism, last rites, confession, repentance, and various liturgies. So what could be the so-called "Black Wedding" if we combine these two words, "black" and "wedding," into a single phrase? What meaning does this "phenomenon" entail? I will be brief:
Since the advent of Christianity as the dominant religion in Europe and parts of Asia, there emerged a counterbalance to it. This opposition was based on the protest against the church and its abuse of power, which it exercised during the Middle Ages and up to the present day- considering Christianity in Russia today. The so-called "Cult of the Antichrist" emerged. Simply put: Satanism, the Cult of the Devil. I'm not talking about the "Keys of Solomon - the Goetia" derived from Judaism, but specifically what arose from the Bible and Christianity itself (although Christianity originated from Judaism). Consequently, there were "Black Masses, Black Pastors, Black Temples (secret), Black Liturgies, Black Priests, and so on." And accordingly, on this basis, there could exist this "Black Wedding." That is when followers of the Cult of the Antichrist, falling in love with each other and deciding to enter into their familial union, based on the traditions of their cult, conducted their wedding ceremony in the same order. Such rituals are well described in the "Black Book of Satan," written by the official Satanic cult ONA (Order of Nine Angles). As we can see - in this "Dark Liturgy," both acting individuals are present during the wedding ceremony. There can be no talk of "absentia," as it cannot be remotely possible in this context.
What is the purpose of a wedding, or what does it mean: As already mentioned above - It is when lovers gather to live together for their entire lives and die on the same day - like in a fairy tale. Of course, it's a joke - about dying on the same day. But when people go for such a thing, they are absolutely not against it being like in fairy tales. Because the blazing love overwhelms reason. And they do not understand that with years, people, with changing age, also change their perspectives, tastes, preferences, and abilities. In simpler terms: Who you were at 20, for example, is quite different from who you are at 35. What you had at 20: Overflowing optimism, emotions, ambitions, hormones at their peak, the energy you let out, "trying to create a perpetual engine" (figuratively speaking), almost complete disregard for logic and global thinking, desperate desire for leadership, and so on.
Who you became at 35, for example: More wise, having gained good life experience, more balanced, effectively manage your emotions, think logically, globally, capable of good analytics, wiser, representing something in life, firmly established in something, and so on. Your tastes have changed with your preferences. And you almost laugh at yourself for who you were at 20.
Notice - at 45, 50, 60, and especially at a later age, you will be even wiser, more experienced, and your tastes will continue to change. You are not standing still - your consciousness is growing and strengthening with you, evolving. (I am talking about normal people who have some intellect. Not about those who never had it.)
In general: You are very much NOT the same as you were 15-20 years ago. Your tastes have changed, including preferences for the opposite sex. You look at life from a different angle. Your worldview has noticeably changed. Now imagine this scenario - You at 20, in enthusiasm and optimism, completely turning off your reason, make a spiritual bond with someone you were once in love with on a Subtle Level. This means you got married (regardless of whether it was a "black" or "white" ceremony). And the Spirits, who were entrusted to preserve your marital union, will do everything to fulfill that commitment. Even when you start feeling almost repulsed by your partner after a long time has passed. And it's likely the same for them towards you. Your tastes have changed, you have not found harmony with each other in the marital union, you have become uninteresting to each other. You have become strangers, completely different from each other. You want to "dissolve the marital contract", find a partner with whom there is a chance of finding harmony. But no - the Keepers of the marital hearth on the Subtle Plane do not allow it. They twist the situation in a way that prevents your separation. It often leads to real sacrifices, various "unfortunate events," life catastrophes, and different turns of fate not ending happily. In short: Everything comes down to preserving the two of you. To break free from this, a magical ritual containing REDEMPTION is needed.
Here you want to ask after this: Do you really need this? Was it worth risking it for you at some point? The answer is unequivocal, I suppose.
What is then called "black wedding" in the Occult services market? Let's delve into it in detail.
Based on the detailed description provided above, comparing it with phenomena such as "love spell," and circling back to the term "Black Wedding," what conclusions can be drawn? As always, there are only two: Either it is a trick in advertising Occult services, and it does not exist as such. Or, this term, almost like a method of phraseology, refers to various types of very powerful love spells. More precisely, it is a love spell that contains elements of inexplicable and unconditional bonding between the bewitched individuals, lasting for a considerable period. Moreover, if the variety of love spell contains the phrase "wedding," it should directly concern the destinies of the bewitched individuals. It involves the intervention of a Mage in the fates of the two subjects being bewitched. Notice that this is not just "manipulating feelings from a distance and directing them where needed." This is a much higher level of Magical Work, far more serious. Occult practitioners essentially "decide the fates" of the people they bewitch. It is a partial decision of someone's fate.
Which types of love spells are similar to the phrase "Black Wedding"?
The Cemetery love spell is a perfect fit for this understanding. It specifically focuses on the "Deadlock" - the connection of the subjects together. It also emphasizes the inability to bear reality without each other, grief, discomfort without each other, as well as disasters and misfortunes if attempts are made by the subjects to break the marital union. Depending on the Strength of the Influence, the results of this Ritual are very strong. As a result, the subjects live together for a very long time, without the possibility of parting. Even when the "marital duty" has not been fulfilled for a long time, and there are no signs of it anymore.
Similarly, the term that serves as the main topic of this discourse also fits "Attachment to family, to home." Depending on the Strength of the Influence and the Mage's abilities, the subject is bewitched into the family created by the Mage. At times, the bewitched individual does not understand why their "feet carry them to the wife whom they do not love and do not want as a partner". Or, vice versa - when a similar type of love spell is conducted on a departed or unfaithful wife.
Another similar content-wise is the Binding of Fates with Runes. In Rune Magic, there is a ritual where with specific manipulations, pre-prepared and necessary Runes are laid out and fixed. The aim is precisely the same: to weave the destinies of two individuals into one. The effect is the same as in the previous two paragraphs - the couple stays together, despite all contradictions and discomforts, for a very long time. When attempts are made to part ways, significant unpleasantness arises, and almost a "natural return to the original state". In other words, to the family.
Another similar option: Love spell voodoo, preferably with the use of blood. In other words - through "Voodoo Dolls," as commonly referred to in colloquial language. The special key moment here is to determine the purpose of conducting the "Voodoo" Ritual. That is, what achievable goal the Mage initially sets. Whether it is for a short period of relationships, for the sake of continuing the flirtation between the two subjects, or specifically for binding destinies through volts - "dolls," the Operator performs this procedure. It all depends on what the Operator invests in their actions and goals. If the option of uniting destinies is present here, then this also fits the phraseology: "Black Wedding".
A somewhat similar action: This is when a couple with magical skills or abilities pulls onto themselves the "happiness of another couple." Very similar in terms of the task, solution, and outcome to "Intercepting Luck from the opponent". In other words, the couple that "intercepts someone else's harmony" enjoys the "taken away from the other couple." The couple from whom it was "taken away" ultimately separates, experiencing sorrow, quarrels, and suffering together. Either the couple or someone from it, among ordinary people, turns to a Witch for help to do the same regarding another couple, but with their assistance.
IN CONCLUSION: "Black Wedding," in terms of its direct meaning and purpose, categorically has no place in love spells, especially in the market of Occult services. Essentially, as a service offered, it is just a marketing trick. As an "Occult phraseology," it is a strong love spell with a partial determination of the destinies of the bewitched individuals. The decision to use it and the request for it must be based on very substantial grounds and be a thoroughly considered decision.
If you still need this type of love spell, which directly involves elements of binding destinies, you can order it by following this link: CONTACTS