"Every action should have its turn, for if it is not so, there is no strength in it, and no good will come from it, only harm." (Code of rules of the Volkhov)
Based on the experience provided in the previous texts, you should already feel the liveliness in your body and sense the response of your palms now enveloped by the Force. It is time to do what is considered in folk belief as divination - leading the Force with the entirety of your physical being.
Basics of leading the Force within the body
1. The Force can only be felt by relaxed palms, only over bodies weakened by excessive efforts does its flow go.
2. The "grounding of the body," i.e. their natural state, marred usually by everyday stiffness and constriction, aids in this. Therefore, it is not suitable to be overly hunched or stretched out in the bodies, nor excessively weakened or moving towards tension - multiple repetitions will rid you of harm, for they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning."
3. Movements should aim to be in such a way that the slightest effort generates unified movement in the body, and these efforts intertwining result in the circle of Force. Gaps in efforts break the Force, breaking it and dropping it within you. This is how it is, constant companions, remember this.
4. Raising the palms above the eyes only turns your Force, bestowed by the gods, towards the Law - the essence of Nav, bathed in Glory. Below the navel, which invisibly unites with the kin (and the Triglav Kin) with familial ties, it is necessary to lower the palms towards Nav, directing the unseen deeds darkened by the shadow. In Yav, envisioning unseen actions, lead the Force, weaving trusts and patterns with palms, without raising them above your eyes, or lowering them below the navel. Furthermore, in Yav's deeds, do not lead your hands to the opposite side; they should be conducted in the same way as nature bestows, leading through the middle of the body vertically, to brighten the Force greatly, ensuring stability.
5. All movements stem from the navel, as the familial Force for self-expression emanates from there, or fills the living naturalness. The Divine Force encircling the bodies is drawn towards the navel, and it is the foundation of any action.
6. Leading the Force with the feet is also possible, following various tricks in the Walks of Force. However, in leading the Force with the hands, at first, it is important to note their relaxed springiness in the feet, the control through the body's navel with hand movements, and the natural compatibility of the steps. Nevertheless, in the future, everything should be united, Walks and Leads of the Force, and chanting with contemplation of the essence of what is happening.
7. Chanting used in leading the Force should begin and end simultaneously with the creation of a complete movement, without breaking the sound with movement in between.
8. Along with leading the Force, it is good to observe the liveliness metrics that clothe the bodies and are felt during this leading. If this skill is inaccessible, knowing it will appear in its turn.
Identity with the led Force
What we represent is a reflection of the Universe, and we can influence it due to similarity and kinship.
Dark Power, Implicit
The Moon is copper, the stars frequent, Wild winds and whirlwinds, fierce clouds. You anticipate the Volkhovya, and embrace yourself with the Force of the Abyss (Infinity) with your fierce frenzy. Some merge with natural powers.
The Veles Chambers are a world of wandering, hungry spirits, and the animal world. Those spirits are the chasers of the deceased people, leaving memories and possessing the Force - as strong as the chase is, the spirit is strong, showing its inner nature. They practice for abundance, wealth, or Volkhovat power, involving the chase of people, having this impact.
Our mundane world, revealed in advance, of honest people living by Truth. Mountains, trees, and stones. By Volkhovanie, you influence people, touch their minds, change their nature to what is needed. Just remember - a crooked sorcerer will create a crooked act. In addition, control is established for the bewitched things.
The Water kingdom - rivers, springs, lakes, and seas, which are a road into the Kingdom of Nav and a refuge for strange spirits. Besides, the kingdom of the dead, that is, their souls - shadows. The Volkhovya beckon the guardian spirits, or dealing with the ancestral soul.
White Power, Explicit
The Tree of the Universe, Fire God,
Lying at the foundation of the 7 worlds,
and uniting them.
This is the River - Smorodina, the Fiery River.
If through this
You lead the palm vertically to the opposite side, then
The fiery heat in the body will increase.
Sun, White Light, Heavenly Fire, Perun axes, and clear Swarga. Just as everything is pure and clear, so the sorcerer and the spirit are clarified, or has a contrary influence, following the necessary order.
Our mundane world, revealed in advance, of honest people living by Truth. Mountains, trees, and stones. By Volkhovanie, you influence people, touch their minds, change their nature to what is needed. Just remember - a crooked sorcerer will create a crooked act. In addition, control is established for the bewitched things.
Earth - the mother, who raised us, gave what we have, and with which we live until now. To Volkhovat beyond this line - to create a crop or a barren one, as well as to cover yourself with the Earth Force against bodily aging, and for other needs.
In these ranks, we move the Force in a circle or as an arrow.
Differences in the Movement of Force
As mentioned, there are differences in the ways of leading, and much needs to be pondered on individually, but the basics of movements can be outlined as follows:
1. Point movement (frozen posture). Used to sense the Flow of Force before interacting with it. Usually, subsequent actions involve minor rotational-oscillatory body movements as a way of "fitting in" with the place, "crawling into the burrow of Force."
2. Line movement ("leading the arrow" or "rotating the arrow" with spiraling movements of the wrists). Used for direct impact on the streams of Force, changing currents. The basis of impact lies in the fingertips and palm as their foundation, so the direction of impact is where the palm is directed. Arrow up, palms also up - "scattering glances," manifestation of the eternal in the Yav, igniting the Yav. Arrow up, palms down - drawing out the eternal Forces, gathering non-yav Forces. Arrow down, palms up - establishment of heavenly Truth (natural harmony), incomprehensible set in nature. Arrow down, palms down - pacification of the eternal Forces, the right hand rests visible manifestations, the left one leads to Nav. Arrow with palms to the right - anticipates the investigation of a subject or phenomenon (sensing, diagnostics, scanning). Arrow with palms to the left - carried out before changing the Forces, affecting the subject or phenomenon. Arrow with palms forward - mastery of one's spirit. Arrow with palms towards oneself - pulling out the soul. There are also diagonal arrows, but it's best not to learn everything at once; understanding and experience will guide you on when to use each palm, and for what purpose.
3. Plane movement ("leading the circle," "winding-unwinding of Forces," as well as "division of Forces," "blending of Forces," etc.). Intended for full and deep interaction with the streams of Force, precise, sequential actions and influences. Here, everything is much more complex - in addition to the position of the palms and the direction of movement (also considering the area of leading the Force around the body), there are three types of movement planes: vertical, perpendicular to the body; vertical parallel to the body; horizontal. Describing all of this would take up too much space and not provide practical understanding. Therefore, relate Arrows with Circles, and you will understand everything (for better understanding: so the right hand follows the sunwise path, the left hand follows the counterclockwise path around the circle - maturing the necessary external impact, manifesting it completely outside. The right hand follows the counterclockwise path, the left hand follows the sunwise path around the circle - aligning your inner self with the natural state. Twisting the Force in a spiral to bring it forward - establishing what is planned (for example, performing a task with this Force), adapting to the goal, adding your measure to the surroundings, connecting with your essence. The same, but drawing the Force towards yourself - acquiring hidden insights). If this seems limited, use the areas behind you in your sorcery, and your sorcery practice will undergo significant changes in quality and strength of impact.
4. Volume movement ("flowing with the Stream," "dissolving in the Force," etc.). Here, you manipulate the streams of Force by merging with them as a whole, guiding their flow and expressing them within yourself.
5. Multidimensional movement ("becoming the Flow of Force," "internal movement"). When a person's chase merges with the natural essence, interacting with it, the impact will occur without visible movement, literally with just a gaze (the gaze will replace physical manipulations), solely by presence.
Food and Drink Sorcery
We constantly consume food and drink, so special attention should be paid to this. Currently, food products are often prepared incorrectly and are frequently replaced with substitutes. If we listen to the sensations coming from the chase, we will know which products our body needs and which it can consume without consequences. But let's get back to the essence. Before eating, one should place both hands around the food, feel its essence, lead it in a circle with hands alternately dispersing the past, and infuse the necessary to your essence state. The action is completed with a clap in the palms. This way, the food will not be rejected by your stomach (if you know the measure), and you can also sequentially change its qualities if you invest them in this action.
Regarding drinking, the same should be done, only when creating living and dead water, the hands are placed above and below, not to the right and left.
Finger gestures.
1. Goat.
2. Boat. Opens up on release.
3. Crossing fingers.
"Every action should have its turn, for if it is not so, there is no strength in it, and no good will come from it, only harm." (Code of rules of the Volkhov)
Based on the experience provided in the previous texts, you should already feel the liveliness in your body and sense the response of your palms now enveloped by the Force. It is time to do what is considered in folk belief as divination - leading the Force with the entirety of your physical being.
Basics of leading the Force within the body
1. The Force can only be felt by relaxed palms, only over bodies weakened by excessive efforts does its flow go.
2. The "grounding of the body," i.e. their natural state, marred usually by everyday stiffness and constriction, aids in this. Therefore, it is not suitable to be overly hunched or stretched out in the bodies, nor excessively weakened or moving towards tension - multiple repetitions will rid you of harm, for they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning."
3. Movements should aim to be in such a way that the slightest effort generates unified movement in the body, and these efforts intertwining result in the circle of Force. Gaps in efforts break the Force, breaking it and dropping it within you. This is how it is, constant companions, remember this.
4. Raising the palms above the eyes only turns your Force, bestowed by the gods, towards the Law - the essence of Nav, bathed in Glory. Below the navel, which invisibly unites with the kin (and the Triglav Kin) with familial ties, it is necessary to lower the palms towards Nav, directing the unseen deeds darkened by the shadow. In Yav, envisioning unseen actions, lead the Force, weaving trusts and patterns with palms, without raising them above your eyes, or lowering them below the navel. Furthermore, in Yav's deeds, do not lead your hands to the opposite side; they should be conducted in the same way as nature bestows, leading through the middle of the body vertically, to brighten the Force greatly, ensuring stability.
5. All movements stem from the navel, as the familial Force for self-expression emanates from there, or fills the living naturalness. The Divine Force encircling the bodies is drawn towards the navel, and it is the foundation of any action.
6. Leading the Force with the feet is also possible, following various tricks in the Walks of Force. However, in leading the Force with the hands, at first, it is important to note their relaxed springiness in the feet, the control through the body's navel with hand movements, and the natural compatibility of the steps. Nevertheless, in the future, everything should be united, Walks and Leads of the Force, and chanting with contemplation of the essence of what is happening.
7. Chanting used in leading the Force should begin and end simultaneously with the creation of a complete movement, without breaking the sound with movement in between.
8. Along with leading the Force, it is good to observe the liveliness metrics that clothe the bodies and are felt during this leading. If this skill is inaccessible, knowing it will appear in its turn.
Identity with the led Force
What we represent is a reflection of the Universe, and we can influence it due to similarity and kinship.
Dark Power, Implicit
The Moon is copper, the stars frequent, Wild winds and whirlwinds, fierce clouds. You anticipate the Volkhovya, and embrace yourself with the Force of the Abyss (Infinity) with your fierce frenzy. Some merge with natural powers.
The Veles Chambers are a world of wandering, hungry spirits, and the animal world. Those spirits are the chasers of the deceased people, leaving memories and possessing the Force - as strong as the chase is, the spirit is strong, showing its inner nature. They practice for abundance, wealth, or Volkhovat power, involving the chase of people, having this impact.
Our mundane world, revealed in advance, of honest people living by Truth. Mountains, trees, and stones. By Volkhovanie, you influence people, touch their minds, change their nature to what is needed. Just remember - a crooked sorcerer will create a crooked act. In addition, control is established for the bewitched things.
The Water kingdom - rivers, springs, lakes, and seas, which are a road into the Kingdom of Nav and a refuge for strange spirits. Besides, the kingdom of the dead, that is, their souls - shadows. The Volkhovya beckon the guardian spirits, or dealing with the ancestral soul.
White Power, Explicit
The Tree of the Universe, Fire God,
Lying at the foundation of the 7 worlds,
and uniting them.
This is the River - Smorodina, the Fiery River.
If through this
You lead the palm vertically to the opposite side, then
The fiery heat in the body will increase.
Sun, White Light, Heavenly Fire, Perun axes, and clear Swarga. Just as everything is pure and clear, so the sorcerer and the spirit are clarified, or has a contrary influence, following the necessary order.
Our mundane world, revealed in advance, of honest people living by Truth. Mountains, trees, and stones. By Volkhovanie, you influence people, touch their minds, change their nature to what is needed. Just remember - a crooked sorcerer will create a crooked act. In addition, control is established for the bewitched things.
Earth - the mother, who raised us, gave what we have, and with which we live until now. To Volkhovat beyond this line - to create a crop or a barren one, as well as to cover yourself with the Earth Force against bodily aging, and for other needs.
In these ranks, we move the Force in a circle or as an arrow.
Differences in the Movement of Force
As mentioned, there are differences in the ways of leading, and much needs to be pondered on individually, but the basics of movements can be outlined as follows:
1. Point movement (frozen posture). Used to sense the Flow of Force before interacting with it. Usually, subsequent actions involve minor rotational-oscillatory body movements as a way of "fitting in" with the place, "crawling into the burrow of Force."
2. Line movement ("leading the arrow" or "rotating the arrow" with spiraling movements of the wrists). Used for direct impact on the streams of Force, changing currents. The basis of impact lies in the fingertips and palm as their foundation, so the direction of impact is where the palm is directed. Arrow up, palms also up - "scattering glances," manifestation of the eternal in the Yav, igniting the Yav. Arrow up, palms down - drawing out the eternal Forces, gathering non-yav Forces. Arrow down, palms up - establishment of heavenly Truth (natural harmony), incomprehensible set in nature. Arrow down, palms down - pacification of the eternal Forces, the right hand rests visible manifestations, the left one leads to Nav. Arrow with palms to the right - anticipates the investigation of a subject or phenomenon (sensing, diagnostics, scanning). Arrow with palms to the left - carried out before changing the Forces, affecting the subject or phenomenon. Arrow with palms forward - mastery of one's spirit. Arrow with palms towards oneself - pulling out the soul. There are also diagonal arrows, but it's best not to learn everything at once; understanding and experience will guide you on when to use each palm, and for what purpose.
3. Plane movement ("leading the circle," "winding-unwinding of Forces," as well as "division of Forces," "blending of Forces," etc.). Intended for full and deep interaction with the streams of Force, precise, sequential actions and influences. Here, everything is much more complex - in addition to the position of the palms and the direction of movement (also considering the area of leading the Force around the body), there are three types of movement planes: vertical, perpendicular to the body; vertical parallel to the body; horizontal. Describing all of this would take up too much space and not provide practical understanding. Therefore, relate Arrows with Circles, and you will understand everything (for better understanding: so the right hand follows the sunwise path, the left hand follows the counterclockwise path around the circle - maturing the necessary external impact, manifesting it completely outside. The right hand follows the counterclockwise path, the left hand follows the sunwise path around the circle - aligning your inner self with the natural state. Twisting the Force in a spiral to bring it forward - establishing what is planned (for example, performing a task with this Force), adapting to the goal, adding your measure to the surroundings, connecting with your essence. The same, but drawing the Force towards yourself - acquiring hidden insights). If this seems limited, use the areas behind you in your sorcery, and your sorcery practice will undergo significant changes in quality and strength of impact.
4. Volume movement ("flowing with the Stream," "dissolving in the Force," etc.). Here, you manipulate the streams of Force by merging with them as a whole, guiding their flow and expressing them within yourself.
5. Multidimensional movement ("becoming the Flow of Force," "internal movement"). When a person's chase merges with the natural essence, interacting with it, the impact will occur without visible movement, literally with just a gaze (the gaze will replace physical manipulations), solely by presence.
Food and Drink Sorcery
We constantly consume food and drink, so special attention should be paid to this. Currently, food products are often prepared incorrectly and are frequently replaced with substitutes. If we listen to the sensations coming from the chase, we will know which products our body needs and which it can consume without consequences. But let's get back to the essence. Before eating, one should place both hands around the food, feel its essence, lead it in a circle with hands alternately dispersing the past, and infuse the necessary to your essence state. The action is completed with a clap in the palms. This way, the food will not be rejected by your stomach (if you know the measure), and you can also sequentially change its qualities if you invest them in this action.
Regarding drinking, the same should be done, only when creating living and dead water, the hands are placed above and below, not to the right and left.
Finger gestures.
1. Goat.
2. Boat. Opens up on release.
3. Crossing fingers.