Slavs are the descendants of their Gods. Russian Gods are our ancestors. Therefore, the nature of the relationship between ancient Slavs and their Gods was fundamentally different from that in Christianity. Unlike Christianity, Russians did not bow down before their Gods. They never knelt before them, never bowed subserviently, never kissed the hands of the Sorcerers. Understanding the superiority of their Gods, they also felt a natural kinship with them.
Slavs did not grovel and beg forgiveness from the Gods for real or imagined sins, offerings, or redemption. If Slavs felt guilty, they sought to atone for it through concrete actions, not prayers. Slavs lived according to their own will but aimed to align their will with that of their Gods. Slavic prayers mainly consisted of praise and glorification of the Gods, often taking the form of hymns. Slavs praised their Gods, hence the concept of "Slavs." Slavic magic (VOLШBA) is not fairy-tale magic but working with hidden forces (energies) and the realm of the subconscious, based on Vedas (knowledge) passed down through the ages from ancient sorcerers and seers. It was only recently that the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto observed and showed how water crystals change their structure in response to spoken words, music played, and images shown to them. Many of our village elders have known about the properties, collection, and use of "Living" and "Dead" water since ancient times. This example highlights that our Slavic ancestors possessed vast knowledge and skills that are unknown to modern science and beyond its explanations.
The word "WITCH" is derived from the Slavic words "Kolo" (circle) and "Duniya" (movement). "WITCH" is a Slavic word meaning "Knowing Mother." "VOLШBA" - Velez's (Veles is a Slavic God, the patron of witchcraft, one of the faces of the Supreme All-God) Knowledge, Secret Science of supernatural influence on the surrounding world. VEDA - Original Knowledge. VEDANIE - from the word "vedat" (to know). VEDUN - from the words "Vedat" and "Duniya" (movement), meaning "Moving, acting according to Knowledge." VEDANIE - True Knowledge, based on a deep understanding of the Ancestors' customs and Divine mysteries of the Gods and Nature. The most valuable knowledge is that which is original. If you are reading a book and things become unclear, you need to go back to the point where it was all clear. Similarly, in understanding Vedana, you need to return to the depths of the ages when there were no religions. Let us be grateful to those who passed down generation to generation and carefully preserved these unadulterated Vedas (Knowledge) of our ancient sorcerers and seers. Special thanks to the sorcerer Veleslav (Russian-Slavic Rodnover community "Rodolubie").
From Wikipedia materials: "Vedun or Veshun is a person gifted with supernatural wisdom. It comes from the word "to know." In other words, a person who knows and uses hidden knowledge. Veduns - experts in Slavic witchcraft, synonyms for "witcher," "sorceress." /Wikipedia/ Ancient Slavic sorcerers, wizards and witches, seers, and soothsayers, in addition to traditional knowledge of nature, astronomy (astrology), herbology, also practiced witchcraft (VOLШBA - extrasensory influence on the world around them). Seeing the past, present, and future was within the power of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a secret science that has been carefully preserved and is still being passed down. These knowledge are not displayed for the general public but are only revealed and transmitted to faithful followers of ancient Slavic traditions and the main Ancestor Cycle -
Slavs are the descendants of their Gods. Russian Gods are our ancestors. Therefore, the nature of the relationship between ancient Slavs and their Gods was fundamentally different from that in Christianity. Unlike Christianity, Russians did not bow down before their Gods. They never knelt before them, never bowed subserviently, never kissed the hands of the Sorcerers. Understanding the superiority of their Gods, they also felt a natural kinship with them.
Slavs did not grovel and beg forgiveness from the Gods for real or imagined sins, offerings, or redemption. If Slavs felt guilty, they sought to atone for it through concrete actions, not prayers. Slavs lived according to their own will but aimed to align their will with that of their Gods. Slavic prayers mainly consisted of praise and glorification of the Gods, often taking the form of hymns. Slavs praised their Gods, hence the concept of "Slavs." Slavic magic (VOLШBA) is not fairy-tale magic but working with hidden forces (energies) and the realm of the subconscious, based on Vedas (knowledge) passed down through the ages from ancient sorcerers and seers. It was only recently that the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto observed and showed how water crystals change their structure in response to spoken words, music played, and images shown to them. Many of our village elders have known about the properties, collection, and use of "Living" and "Dead" water since ancient times. This example highlights that our Slavic ancestors possessed vast knowledge and skills that are unknown to modern science and beyond its explanations.
The word "WITCH" is derived from the Slavic words "Kolo" (circle) and "Duniya" (movement). "WITCH" is a Slavic word meaning "Knowing Mother." "VOLШBA" - Velez's (Veles is a Slavic God, the patron of witchcraft, one of the faces of the Supreme All-God) Knowledge, Secret Science of supernatural influence on the surrounding world. VEDA - Original Knowledge. VEDANIE - from the word "vedat" (to know). VEDUN - from the words "Vedat" and "Duniya" (movement), meaning "Moving, acting according to Knowledge." VEDANIE - True Knowledge, based on a deep understanding of the Ancestors' customs and Divine mysteries of the Gods and Nature. The most valuable knowledge is that which is original. If you are reading a book and things become unclear, you need to go back to the point where it was all clear. Similarly, in understanding Vedana, you need to return to the depths of the ages when there were no religions. Let us be grateful to those who passed down generation to generation and carefully preserved these unadulterated Vedas (Knowledge) of our ancient sorcerers and seers. Special thanks to the sorcerer Veleslav (Russian-Slavic Rodnover community "Rodolubie").
From Wikipedia materials: "Vedun or Veshun is a person gifted with supernatural wisdom. It comes from the word "to know." In other words, a person who knows and uses hidden knowledge. Veduns - experts in Slavic witchcraft, synonyms for "witcher," "sorceress." /Wikipedia/ Ancient Slavic sorcerers, wizards and witches, seers, and soothsayers, in addition to traditional knowledge of nature, astronomy (astrology), herbology, also practiced witchcraft (VOLШBA - extrasensory influence on the world around them). Seeing the past, present, and future was within the power of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a secret science that has been carefully preserved and is still being passed down. These knowledge are not displayed for the general public but are only revealed and transmitted to faithful followers of ancient Slavic traditions and the main Ancestor Cycle -