Nowadays, as it is evident, the topic of love spells is one of the most attractive themes for those who seek to engage in Magic. Both for those seeking specialists in the Occult community and for beginning Occult Practitioners. Abundance of online information carriers on Occultism are filled with various methods of love spells. The supply and demand for services in this field have a colossal advantage in popularity. However, as always, enticing offers and high demand based on fairy-tale illusions and widespread misunderstanding have little in common with reality. In this work, I will analyze the most important aspects of this theme. The content of the article reflects the personal experience and knowledge of the most experienced Practitioners in the Occult community.

Many people try to solve personal issues through love spells. Such as, for example, enchanting the object of desire and affection, or finding a life partner who reciprocates their feelings and manifestations, regaining lost relationships terminated unilaterally, and so on. However, almost no one can soberly and rationally realize what it truly is and what exactly they desire. Most people's perceptions of feelings, their manifestations, and their position in them fall into the following types:

Today, "love" is perceived due to certain factors: manners, a person's appearance, some other biological qualities, actions, etc. All of this may attract close attention to that person. This triggers pleasant associations, including at a cellular-organic level, as well as instinctive, moral, and mental. Someone falls in love on a different level because of similar feelings shown to them by another, and they respond with reciprocity. Some seek "love" due to societal pressure, which sometimes seems paradoxical to others and disrupts their peace when they do not have a life partner. Thus, influenced by external factors, a person gets involved in such searches. To be honest and frank, in this case, they are unlikely to lead to anything positive and constructive.

Some might experience love today, but by the next week, in the next hour when the object of their love does something disliked by the other partner, they cannot bear it, find it unacceptable, and then the person no longer loves them or even feels hatred. There is "love" born out of significant pity. There is "physical love" that pertains only to the intimate sphere and fades when such a connection ceases. Some seek care, recognition, support, the role-playing game of "winning over the heart." Other reasons exist as well.

Based on the various reasons described above, a person, being lonely, wishes to find "happiness in personal life, harmony, love pleasures" and so on. And often turns to Magic. Whether as a layman - ordering services of a Mage, or trying himself, personally making efforts in this area, methodically achieving these set goals. The initial main mistake that such an individual sometimes makes is that he assumes: That the object of his order or influence will experience similar feelings towards him that he has towards this subject. Or that this subject will always be like this and make him happy, as at the moment when he liked the first person in this scenario. Unfortunately, this will definitely not happen. During the induction and already in the effect of the love spell, the object of desire does not develop feelings. The person is under a spell, losing strength of will, his desires are forcibly subordinated to the will of the first person. The object of such influence will be with him - the primary acting figure. It may even seem to him that he is experiencing love. But this is definitely not his personal choice. It is the suppression and imposition of others' desires from outside on a subtle level. Or the projection of the will of the first person onto the object of adoration, by Occult methods. If before such "Magical operations" a person was one personality, after their conduct and achieving the desired result, he will represent something completely different.

After similar influences, not always, but often, one can witness side effects of these "procedures" on a person: mild or severe depression, binge drinking up to alcoholism, addiction to drugs, various degrees of mental disorders, health problems, suicide attempts ranging from successful to unsuccessful and fatal, including death. If despite all the information provided, your desire to cast love spells has not disappeared, and you still want to attract a specific subject to yourself, then let's continue.

Types of influence.

Before revealing them, I would like to note that I acknowledge the existence of other methods, apart from those described below, but knowing most techniques, they:

Are variations of them or the same but with different names.

The practical application is highly questionable and the expected results may not be achieved.

Zombification, manipulation.

With Occultism, this has little in common, but Practitioners should choose methods that are most effective and quick. When there is an opportunity to use psychological techniques, it is perfectly acceptable.

This alternative method works well if the subject already shows some sympathy towards you. Firstly, you bring the object of desire closer to you, give them "rewards" for good (for you) behavior. Then suddenly push them away or cause emotional suffering. Then repeat this "approach–withdrawal" procedure again, and again. As a result, the person "turns off" some cognitive functions, psychological defenses weaken, and you can effectively:

Give small indirect control suggestions,

Instill a sense of guilt, create complexes, and then use and manipulate them.

As a result, the subject is completely under your influence. By pulling certain "strings," you can constantly keep them under control. In a sense, this is a milder form of manipulation. However, the person is already fully dependent on you, afraid to make a careless move, and seeks your approval in every possible way.

Sexual bindings.

Depending on the depth of the impact, this type of procedure induces:

Increased interest from the subject towards you (desire to communicate more frequently and for longer periods, search for common interests, persistence in attempts to establish visual contact, etc.)

With a more powerful influence – an irresistible sexual attraction towards the initiator of the spell.

Passion completely and wholly blocks the subject's mind, making them unable to resist their erupting desire, sexual reflexes, and instincts directed towards the "culprit" of it all. They constantly think and imagine scenes of intimate closeness and sometimes sexual fantasies with good mental inventiveness. Moreover, they do not go away and are constantly present in their thoughts. If at the beginning of the influence process, after some time, the person may still endure and be slightly able to control themselves, then eventually, after a certain period, all barriers, defensive reflexes, and mechanisms are broken down.

Suppression of will.

In colloquial terms, this is also referred to as a "slave loop." In this variant of the "Magical operation," the subject under the most widespread result resembles a kind of personality, often with a complete lack of a lively gaze. They resemble a semi-living doll. For them, you are the only object of their attention, admiration, and worship, your will is everything, and everything else around seems to be absent. This differs from sexual binding, where the person is abundantly obsessed with closeness, as here the influence is more global and of a different nature.

It is permissible and applicable to combine several methods into a single complex of bewitching influence.

Love spells are most effective under the following conditions:

The person regularly interacts in your vicinity. You can contact them with some frequency.

You have had or currently have some close connection with them.

The person is either single or not successful in their personal life.

Weak willpower and susceptibility to the influence of superior entities in this field.

The probability of achieving results is close to zero if you are not personally acquainted with the person, have not seen them in real life, and yet wish to attract a hypothetical oligarch. This is, of course, borderline insanity, but such naive ideas do exist.

Conducting bewitching operations.

Just like in any magical action, it is necessary to follow the inherent set of rules.


Some individuals make a gross mistake trying to perform all kinds of love spells in a cemetery. The explanation is quite simple. I believe almost all of us have visited a cemetery at least once and have an idea of what kind of "sphere of existence and whom" and what kind of energy is present there. Now, using your brain, imagine how you can combine Death, sadness, grief, crying, sorrow, complete despair, decay, and sexual binding? If we are not talking about perversions directly related to necrophilia, then it's not possible. These are extremely different energies, fundamentally different, and completely incompatible. The only thing that can be done in terms of love spells at a cemetery is the establishment of a "slave loop." Nothing more. Even in this case, there are special nuances.

It is best to perform such rituals in the forest, at crossroads, or other places of Power concentration.


Like almost all rituals, love spells are conducted at night. It is preferable to consider planetary hours.

Incantation text

The clearer and more accessible your request, spell, etc., is presented, the greater the chances of achieving the desired result. Many people do not bother and use works from the Internet, from popular books on various authors' boulevard magic. I strongly advise against using such "manuscripts." In the overwhelming majority of cases, except for rare exceptions, they contain complete nonsense and a selection of incoherence. The result of such works is, at best, zero, at worst – consequences of varying severity for reckless actions in Magic. If you take the time to carefully consider and make the effort to compose texts and plans, your chances of success will increase.


During your influencing process, visualize the results as clearly and realistically as possible. Movements, actions, words of your target, everything should be meticulously planned, acted upon, and detailed to the smallest degree.


States play a leading role in practice. They can be identified from the specificity of actions; with sexual binding, natural excitement occurs, while with submission of will, the state should be more different. It is not worth describing this in more detail, as conveying a state through words would be incorrect; it has to be felt, I just indicated the direction of attention.

Invoking forces

It would be absolutely foolish and an extreme lack of seriousness to invoke Ancient Chaos Deities in such rituals for love spells. Why? The first reason is the same as stated above with the Dead: mismatch of energies and spheres. And the second explanation: After all, you don't use nuclear energy to heat up semi-finished products. The same analogy applies here. This is such powerful energy and Forces that should be directed towards achieving higher goals rather than satisfying personal, banal, and mundane needs. From the Slavic Nav pantheon, you can turn to Zmiiulan, Divo. But you can only occasionally turn to them in extremely difficult cases for such questions, such as serious family breakdown. It requires multi-level impact on the departing "other half." And even then, it is best to seek help from Spirits – such as Leshy, Water Spirits, Rusalkas, Bereginyas, etc. If you turn to other pantheons, choose entities related to love and passion, or entities related to the Forces of fertility and prosperity.

You can also use your own powers without invoking Deities. You can involve the elements in your work.

This material is for informational purposes and is intended to provide a somewhat clear understanding of the essence of this topic, such as love spell influence. If you are a beginner Practitioner, you now have a visual representation of what this all entails. With a clear mind and desire, you should be able to bring it all into reality.

Good luck!

Those who need to order a love spell- please follow the link provided.
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Nowadays, as it is evident, the topic of love spells is one of the most attractive themes for those who seek to engage in Magic. Both for those seeking specialists in the Occult community and for beginning Occult Practitioners. Abundance of online information carriers on Occultism are filled with various methods of love spells. The supply and demand for services in this field have a colossal advantage in popularity. However, as always, enticing offers and high demand based on fairy-tale illusions and widespread misunderstanding have little in common with reality. In this work, I will analyze the most important aspects of this theme. The content of the article reflects the personal experience and knowledge of the most experienced Practitioners in the Occult community.

Many people try to solve personal issues through love spells. Such as, for example, enchanting the object of desire and affection, or finding a life partner who reciprocates their feelings and manifestations, regaining lost relationships terminated unilaterally, and so on. However, almost no one can soberly and rationally realize what it truly is and what exactly they desire. Most people's perceptions of feelings, their manifestations, and their position in them fall into the following types:

Today, "love" is perceived due to certain factors: manners, a person's appearance, some other biological qualities, actions, etc. All of this may attract close attention to that person. This triggers pleasant associations, including at a cellular-organic level, as well as instinctive, moral, and mental. Someone falls in love on a different level because of similar feelings shown to them by another, and they respond with reciprocity. Some seek "love" due to societal pressure, which sometimes seems paradoxical to others and disrupts their peace when they do not have a life partner. Thus, influenced by external factors, a person gets involved in such searches. To be honest and frank, in this case, they are unlikely to lead to anything positive and constructive.

Some might experience love today, but by the next week, in the next hour when the object of their love does something disliked by the other partner, they cannot bear it, find it unacceptable, and then the person no longer loves them or even feels hatred. There is "love" born out of significant pity. There is "physical love" that pertains only to the intimate sphere and fades when such a connection ceases. Some seek care, recognition, support, the role-playing game of "winning over the heart." Other reasons exist as well.

Based on the various reasons described above, a person, being lonely, wishes to find "happiness in personal life, harmony, love pleasures" and so on. And often turns to Magic. Whether as a layman - ordering services of a Mage, or trying himself, personally making efforts in this area, methodically achieving these set goals. The initial main mistake that such an individual sometimes makes is that he assumes: That the object of his order or influence will experience similar feelings towards him that he has towards this subject. Or that this subject will always be like this and make him happy, as at the moment when he liked the first person in this scenario. Unfortunately, this will definitely not happen. During the induction and already in the effect of the love spell, the object of desire does not develop feelings. The person is under a spell, losing strength of will, his desires are forcibly subordinated to the will of the first person. The object of such influence will be with him - the primary acting figure. It may even seem to him that he is experiencing love. But this is definitely not his personal choice. It is the suppression and imposition of others' desires from outside on a subtle level. Or the projection of the will of the first person onto the object of adoration, by Occult methods. If before such "Magical operations" a person was one personality, after their conduct and achieving the desired result, he will represent something completely different.

After similar influences, not always, but often, one can witness side effects of these "procedures" on a person: mild or severe depression, binge drinking up to alcoholism, addiction to drugs, various degrees of mental disorders, health problems, suicide attempts ranging from successful to unsuccessful and fatal, including death. If despite all the information provided, your desire to cast love spells has not disappeared, and you still want to attract a specific subject to yourself, then let's continue.

Types of influence.

Before revealing them, I would like to note that I acknowledge the existence of other methods, apart from those described below, but knowing most techniques, they:

Are variations of them or the same but with different names.

The practical application is highly questionable and the expected results may not be achieved.

Zombification, manipulation.

With Occultism, this has little in common, but Practitioners should choose methods that are most effective and quick. When there is an opportunity to use psychological techniques, it is perfectly acceptable.

This alternative method works well if the subject already shows some sympathy towards you. Firstly, you bring the object of desire closer to you, give them "rewards" for good (for you) behavior. Then suddenly push them away or cause emotional suffering. Then repeat this "approach–withdrawal" procedure again, and again. As a result, the person "turns off" some cognitive functions, psychological defenses weaken, and you can effectively:

Give small indirect control suggestions,

Instill a sense of guilt, create complexes, and then use and manipulate them.

As a result, the subject is completely under your influence. By pulling certain "strings," you can constantly keep them under control. In a sense, this is a milder form of manipulation. However, the person is already fully dependent on you, afraid to make a careless move, and seeks your approval in every possible way.

Sexual bindings.

Depending on the depth of the impact, this type of procedure induces:

Increased interest from the subject towards you (desire to communicate more frequently and for longer periods, search for common interests, persistence in attempts to establish visual contact, etc.)

With a more powerful influence – an irresistible sexual attraction towards the initiator of the spell.

Passion completely and wholly blocks the subject's mind, making them unable to resist their erupting desire, sexual reflexes, and instincts directed towards the "culprit" of it all. They constantly think and imagine scenes of intimate closeness and sometimes sexual fantasies with good mental inventiveness. Moreover, they do not go away and are constantly present in their thoughts. If at the beginning of the influence process, after some time, the person may still endure and be slightly able to control themselves, then eventually, after a certain period, all barriers, defensive reflexes, and mechanisms are broken down.

Suppression of will.

In colloquial terms, this is also referred to as a "slave loop." In this variant of the "Magical operation," the subject under the most widespread result resembles a kind of personality, often with a complete lack of a lively gaze. They resemble a semi-living doll. For them, you are the only object of their attention, admiration, and worship, your will is everything, and everything else around seems to be absent. This differs from sexual binding, where the person is abundantly obsessed with closeness, as here the influence is more global and of a different nature.

It is permissible and applicable to combine several methods into a single complex of bewitching influence.

Love spells are most effective under the following conditions:

The person regularly interacts in your vicinity. You can contact them with some frequency.

You have had or currently have some close connection with them.

The person is either single or not successful in their personal life.

Weak willpower and susceptibility to the influence of superior entities in this field.

The probability of achieving results is close to zero if you are not personally acquainted with the person, have not seen them in real life, and yet wish to attract a hypothetical oligarch. This is, of course, borderline insanity, but such naive ideas do exist.

Conducting bewitching operations.

Just like in any magical action, it is necessary to follow the inherent set of rules.


Some individuals make a gross mistake trying to perform all kinds of love spells in a cemetery. The explanation is quite simple. I believe almost all of us have visited a cemetery at least once and have an idea of what kind of "sphere of existence and whom" and what kind of energy is present there. Now, using your brain, imagine how you can combine Death, sadness, grief, crying, sorrow, complete despair, decay, and sexual binding? If we are not talking about perversions directly related to necrophilia, then it's not possible. These are extremely different energies, fundamentally different, and completely incompatible. The only thing that can be done in terms of love spells at a cemetery is the establishment of a "slave loop." Nothing more. Even in this case, there are special nuances.

It is best to perform such rituals in the forest, at crossroads, or other places of Power concentration.


Like almost all rituals, love spells are conducted at night. It is preferable to consider planetary hours.

Incantation text

The clearer and more accessible your request, spell, etc., is presented, the greater the chances of achieving the desired result. Many people do not bother and use works from the Internet, from popular books on various authors' boulevard magic. I strongly advise against using such "manuscripts." In the overwhelming majority of cases, except for rare exceptions, they contain complete nonsense and a selection of incoherence. The result of such works is, at best, zero, at worst – consequences of varying severity for reckless actions in Magic. If you take the time to carefully consider and make the effort to compose texts and plans, your chances of success will increase.


During your influencing process, visualize the results as clearly and realistically as possible. Movements, actions, words of your target, everything should be meticulously planned, acted upon, and detailed to the smallest degree.


States play a leading role in practice. They can be identified from the specificity of actions; with sexual binding, natural excitement occurs, while with submission of will, the state should be more different. It is not worth describing this in more detail, as conveying a state through words would be incorrect; it has to be felt, I just indicated the direction of attention.

Invoking forces

It would be absolutely foolish and an extreme lack of seriousness to invoke Ancient Chaos Deities in such rituals for love spells. Why? The first reason is the same as stated above with the Dead: mismatch of energies and spheres. And the second explanation: After all, you don't use nuclear energy to heat up semi-finished products. The same analogy applies here. This is such powerful energy and Forces that should be directed towards achieving higher goals rather than satisfying personal, banal, and mundane needs. From the Slavic Nav pantheon, you can turn to Zmiiulan, Divo. But you can only occasionally turn to them in extremely difficult cases for such questions, such as serious family breakdown. It requires multi-level impact on the departing "other half." And even then, it is best to seek help from Spirits – such as Leshy, Water Spirits, Rusalkas, Bereginyas, etc. If you turn to other pantheons, choose entities related to love and passion, or entities related to the Forces of fertility and prosperity.

You can also use your own powers without invoking Deities. You can involve the elements in your work.

This material is for informational purposes and is intended to provide a somewhat clear understanding of the essence of this topic, such as love spell influence. If you are a beginner Practitioner, you now have a visual representation of what this all entails. With a clear mind and desire, you should be able to bring it all into reality.

Good luck!

Those who need to order a love spell- please follow the link provided.
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